
Apocalypse: I Have Infinite Talents

Great calamity has descended to ravage the world! Hordes of monsters led by the fearsome Leviathans raged across the planet. Countries collapsed, and all hope seemed to die out. But the world was not the only one to change. Awakened humans have risen to protect their home! But even the strongest ones were only limited to one talent. Alex found himself ensnared in a web of debt, a fugitive from those who had stripped him of everything he had. But one day, he came across an enigmatic purple stone. Alex had awakened not to one but two extraordinary talents, something unlike anything the world had ever seen. Watch Alex as takes back what he owed and carves his way to the top! ----------------------------------- Originally intended for last WPC, but life said otherwise lol

MasterOfGainDomain · ファンタジー
22 Chs

New what?

The battle raged on, but unlike the first wave, this time the team had to seize every opportunity to advance. The monsters pressed forward relentlessly, and the team's strategic maneuvers became crucial. Lukas and Dominic used their shield bashes, creating openings for others to thin the horde. Martin and Adam, like a well-oiled machine, struck with precision, leaving no chance for a monster to slip by.

As the fight continued, Alex couldn't help but notice the emergence of something new. Among the fallen monsters, a pale green mote of light flickered, almost lost amidst the carnage.

"Hold the line! This is just the beginning!"

Kunze's voice echoed, rallying the team as they stood like an unyielding wall against the relentless tide of monsters

The seconds ticked by, the ground beneath them stained with the remnants of the fallen. The monsters, though formidable, couldn't break through the coordinated defenses of the team. Resilient and united, they stood firm against the relentless tide keeping the horde from advancing forward.

Alex, emboldened by the newfound power, fired his rifle with renewed accuracy, each shot finding its mark. The pale green essence continued to appear sporadically, a tantalizing reward that fueled his determination to press forward.

As Kunze's rallying cry echoed once more, the team braced themselves for the final stretch of this wave. 

The battlefield fell into an eerie silence as the last monster crumbled to the ground. The team, victorious yet cautious, began collecting the spoils scattered across the stained ground. Among the loot, the pale green motes of light caught Alex's attention once more.

His teammates seemed oblivious to these mysterious rewards, their focus on the more conventional drops. Curiosity gnawed at Alex, and with a subtle glance around to ensure no one was watching, he reached for one of the motes. As his fingers touched the ethereal light, it melted into his hand, releasing a surge of invigorating energy.

A pleasant warmth spread through Alex's body, and an unexpected sense of vitality washed over him. It was an exhilarating sensation, far from the discomfort usually associated with unknown magic. The energy infused him with newfound strength, heightening his senses and sharpening his focus. What's more, Alex even felt as if he was somewhat more in tune with his environment.

Intrigued and empowered, Alex managed to keep the discovery to himself for now. The motes were a hidden treasure, a reward that was reserved only for him. The team, oblivious to this subtle anomaly, continued their routine of dividing the spoils as they prepared for a well-deserved rest.

The team settled down, taking a moment to recover from the intense battle. Alex, seizing the opportunity, checked his status panel, only to be met with a surprise - a new attribute had appeared seemingly out of nowhere.


[1-Star awakened]

[Talent: Attribute Consolidation, EX-Grade Mana Cost Reduction, Skill Master, Essence Plunder, ???](1%)




"Plant attribute?" Alex was a little bewildered.

The unusual addition to his status panel seemed to defy the conventional attributes he had encountered so far. Did his new talent that allowed him to absorb the essence somehow transform him, at least partially, into a plant?

His curiosity got the better of him, and he pressed on the name of the new attribute. A description promptly appeared.

[Plant: increases affinity and power of plant-related skills. Slightly increases overall endurance and life force. Slightly increases the effectiveness of received healing skills.]

This revelation left Alex intrigued, to say the least. The idea of having a plant attribute seemed bizarre, but the potential benefits were undeniable. Moreover, Alex hadn't even heard of anyone ever possessing a special attribute like this. With his talent, he realized he could potentially gain even more of these unique attributes.

As he contemplated the implications of this newfound aspect of himself, the mysteries of the system deepened. It appeared out of nowhere when humanity needed it the most, as if on a command.

Alex couldn't help but wonder if there was someone or some kind of intelligence behind it.

"Could there be a purpose to all of this?"

His unusual abilities were undoubtedly a result of the mysterious stone he found, but was that stone somehow related to the system? The vibe it gave him was distinctly different from the system's workings.

Pushing aside these complex thoughts, Alex decided to focus on his current situation. The mysteries of the system, the stone, and his unique attributes could wait. For now, the team needed to rest and prepare for the challenges that still lay ahead in the depths of this dungeon.

The team rejuvenated after their short rest, regrouped, and got back to clearing the dungeon.

Kunze, unwavering in his determination, activated the altar once again, marking the beginning of a new battle.

 The monsters in the third wave proved stronger, their movements much more fluid and natural, but the team's coordinated efforts kept them at bay. Alex, armed with his rifle and the newfound plant attribute, felt a heightened connection to the surrounding environment. As the battle unfolded, the pale green motes continued to appear.

Excitement bubbled within Alex as he gained four more plant attribute points after successfully fending off the third wave. The potential for unique abilities and strengths beckoned, and he couldn't wait to explore the full extent of his newfound powers.

After a brief respite, the team braced themselves for the challenges of the fourth wave. The monsters, now even more formidable, tested their mettle. Kunze's greatsword cleaved through the onslaught, Stefan's healing magic worked tirelessly to maintain their stamina, and the team's synergy remained unbroken.

As the battle reached its climax, Alex felt an intuitive rhythm taking over. His movements became fluid, and he seamlessly integrated the connection his plant attribute granted him into his combat strategy. It was as if the world itself was conspiring to aid him, guiding his shots with an uncanny accuracy.

Each shot from his rifle found its mark with almost supernatural precision, and the monsters fell before the coordinated onslaught of the team. The newfound connection to the environment, enhanced by the plant attribute, heightened Alex's senses and imbued him with a sense of mastery over the unfolding chaos.

By the end of the fourth wave, the team was beginning to feel the weight of exhaustion settling in. Kunze, always strategic and forward-thinking, spoke up, his voice carrying the authority of a seasoned leader.

"Judging by the common pattern of a dungeon, the next wave should be a boss wave. Use your skills to the max on this one."

The team exchanged glances, a mixture of anticipation and weariness in their eyes. Kunze's gaze specifically rested on Alex.

"Your [Spark] should have a slight paralyzation effect on living creatures, focus on hitting the boss with it."

Alex nodded, acknowledging the instructions. The prospect of facing a boss heightened the tension in the air, but the team, despite their fatigue, braced themselves for the impending challenge.

Taking a moment to rest and catch their breath, the team readied themselves for the boss wave. Kunze, undeterred by the exhaustion, activated the altar with a resolute expression.

This time, instead of a horde of monsters, a singular figure emerged from the mist. The flower on this creature glowed with an ethereal light, distinguishing it from the common monsters they had faced before. Before anyone could react, the mysterious figure shot out of the mist and struck Kunze with surprising speed and precision.

The team quickly adjusted their formation, readying themselves to face this new threat before them. Stefan's [Soothing Wellspring] went into overdrive, mending Kunze's injuries as the team readied their weapons. This figure, an imposing and mysterious entity, seemed to radiate power and malevolence.

Kunze, recovering from the initial blow, raised his greatsword with determination. "Stay focused, team. This one's different, but we can handle it. Alex, hit it with your [Spark]! Let's see if we can exploit any weaknesses. Everyone, be on your guard!"

Alex cast his [Spark], but by the time the spell arrived at its location, the boss was already charging towards Stefan. Lukas and Dominic, in a synchronized effort, used their shield bash skills, blocking the creature from reaching the young mage. The impact sent ripples through the mist.

However, the boss, displaying unexpected agility, exploited the sudden change in its momentum and swiftly redirected its charge towards Martin. Caught off guard, Martin couldn't react in time, and the boss slashed one of its arms at him, leaving a long gash on his side. Martin gritted his teeth, grappling with the pain.

Kunze, recognizing the need for a strategic shift, bellowed, "Adapt, team! Watch its movements closely and protect each other. Stefan, keep those heals coming. Alex, find an opening for another [Spark]. We can do this!"

Alex prepared to cast his [Spark] again, but at this moment, dozens of growls suddenly sounded out in the mist. The team, already engaged with the formidable boss, turned their attention to the new threat emerging from the mist. 

Sup, here's the chapter, enjoy~

Hope you all are having a great day, me though, I'm off to sleep, gotta catch all those z's

MasterOfGainDomaincreators' thoughts