
Apocalypse I can Synthesis Anything

Destruction and chaos spread on the once-vibrant Green Star, its surroundings plagued by the incessant noise of impending doom. An ominous darkness, akin to locusts, relentlessly devoured the land. "Why is this happening? Why?" A few melting figures glared at the impending doom of darkness above. A colossal shadow cast its veil over the Green Star, declaring an impending cataclysm. Above, a green pillar of light flickered intermittently, each appearance marking the vanishing of another source of life. Silence draped the star as both light and vitality were snuffed out. Everything became devoid of life, light, and silence spreading across the whole star along with darkness. Thousands of light years away, in the vast expanse of deep space, ripples distorted the fabric of the cosmos. A colossal shadow materialized, observing the distant spectacle of a supernova's explosive demise. Amidst cryptic symbols, a message emerged: "~~" "~~~" "~~~~~" Deciphering, "Not Found," "Erasure is Complete," "Proceeding to the next target."

Chaos_Gray · SF
141 Chs

Chapter 2 Flash Back's

Jack acquired all other shares when they were at their lowest price, using his parents' death insurance money and by selling some ancient family heirlooms. He became the sole owner of Atom.

Then he made a comeback, inventing a revolutionary car by drawing inspiration from Rolls Royce in his previous life. Atom Classic, C1. Sports S1, U1, SUV, and other models were introduced.

Before his vehicle launch, all cars were unattractive. C1's arrival with its classic style and meticulous design revolutionized the global market.

Exiting his car, Jack looked at the huge building with an A logo inside a star and circles.

The automatic entrance door opened, and Jack walked inside.

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

Everyone greeted him one by one. As usual, female staff were infatuated by his striking personality and handsome face, but Jack knew it wasn't genuine. If he were a village boy, they wouldn't even give him a second glance. The power of money could bend anyone's desire.

He nodded in return, stood in his special lift, having learned a lesson from his previous life: "Don't trust any girl."

On the top floor, the chairman's office and his research lab awaited.

Walking inside, he stood beside the glass window, looking at other buildings and roads below—the first thing he did in his office to feel the power he didn't have in his previous life.

After a while, a middle-aged woman with a beautiful white face and curly brown hair appeared in a secretary suit.

Alongside her was a young girl of about 20 years, the same age as him, wearing a stylish secretary suit with a plaid skirt.

Looking at her big, alert eyes, a small, proportional nose, perky cheeks, and a well-defined jawline without makeup, she had a tall and perfect figure in every aspect.

Jack was impressed, deeming her a beauty worth a 9/10 score. He doesn't give a perfect score to anything except himself.

Then he smiled looking at the middle-aged woman asked curiously, "Miss Emma, is she the recommendation for a personal secretary?"

"Yes, sir. As I am retiring, this is my daughter Luna Hart. I can only recommend her. Whether she can works with Atom's depends on her ability and your decisions," Emma said politely with a smile, placing Luna's file on the table and walking out of the office.

"Please sit down," Jack gestured, picking up the file and pointing at the seat in front.

Luna nodded and sat down gracefully, her hands were resting on her legs, fingers tapping on her legs nervously.

Jack took his seat and observed her and files, she is qualified according to the docx, Just a little nervous,"Miss Luna, you are qualified. Just answer me some questions."

Then he spoke, looking at her.

Luna became more nervous, nodding solemnly, ready to listen attentively.

Looking at her nervous face, as if ready to be anxious, Jack found himself on the verge of laughter as he admired her undeniable cuteness.

However, a sudden recollection of his past girlfriend brought a wave of calmness over his heart. Jack couldn't forget that girls could be backstabbers too.

As he reclined in his chair, Looking at her calmly, Jack posed a hypothetical scenario and asked her a question, "Suppose our company recently invented this cube. I want you to handle it entirely. I only care about the results. What's your approach?" He observed her thoughtfully as Luna pondered over the cube on the table in front of her.

Luna responded after a while, "Sir, I would first understand its civilian and military applications. Considering Atom's collaboration with the military, I'd assess its advantages and disadvantages, apply for a patent, focus on civilian promotion and sales, and for military use, I'd liaise with them on your behalf, scheduling a meeting."

Jack, noting Luna's careful yet ambitious demeanor, in two points,

First, carefully thought of an answer and replied answer, covering all major aspects,

Second, She is ready to liaise with military on my behalf, well ambitious, 'This girl is good'

Jack thought then asked, "Well, Miss Luna, coffee, tea, or a drink?"

Luna replied, "Cream coffee, please, with extra sugar." Then started glancing around at the paintings on the walls, While internally contemplating Jack's serious exterior, she wondered if her response was satisfactory and if he perceived her as an adversary.

As Jack prepared the instant drinks, Luna continued her musings, This guy seems serious and boring. Did I answer well? Will he dismiss me after coffee? Why is he looking at me like I'm his enemy?

Jack, placing the coffee in front of Luna, observed her silently sipping and contemplated,

'Enough patience. A cheerful girl, inexperienced, but possessing a quality others lack, it's inherent innocence. After all, no one is born a professional.'

Jack surprised Luna with an unexpected announcement, "Well, you are hired.

You can join from tomorrow." He followed up with the question, "What salary are you expecting?"

In disbelief, Luna stammered, "Really, ahem, I mean I will do my best for Atom and will not disappoint you, sir." She quickly realized her choice of words and corrected herself.

Jack couldn't help but notice her lack of confidence, and his mouth twitched at the observation. 'This girl is seriously here for personal secretary,'

Luna, curious about the basic salary for a secretary, asked, "Sir, how much is the basic salary of a secretary?"

Jack, looking at her strangely, questioned, "Are you really here for a personal secretary job?"

Luna nodded seriously, stating, "Yes, of course."

Jack nodded and disclosed, "It's 1 million FC per year. Your salary, You can join from tomorrow."

Surprised, Luna's heartbeat raced, and she suppressed her excitement before thanking and walking away.

Jack smiled as he watched her leave, shaking his head at the unexpected turn of events.

After a while,

Sudden flashbacks invaded Jack's mind road crossing, a truck, Luna in a pool of blood. His expression turned grave as he rushed towards the lift, hastily pressing the down button. In a short time, he reached the building's entrance, scanning the surroundings and exclaimed, "Found her."

Observing Luna progressing towards a distant crossing, engaged in a cheerful conversation with someone,

Jack sprinted towards her, leaving the bewildered bodyguards trailing behind.

Jack sensed an urgency; he felt that if he didn't run fast today, he might never be able to run again.

As Luna took the first step onto the zebra crossing with a truck looming in the distance,

Jack ran towards her, grabbing her arm and pulling her back just in time, narrowly escaping the honking truck.

Angry and shaken,

Jack raised his hand as if to slap Luna, but upon seeing her pale, timid face with tears in her eyes, he hesitated and withdrew it.

They both stood on the roadside,

Jack catching his breath with rapid breathing, while the bodyguards caught up.

The concerned bodyguard exclaimed, "Sir, are you fine? It was dangerous."

Jack nodded raised his hand, still catching his breath, finally settling down his breathing and heart rate while paying his racing heart. For the first time in his life, his expression turned serious. Are those dreams real?,

Company cars appeared, and Jack instructed them,

"Send us back to the company, also call the doctor."

Jack glanced at the senseless Luna standing beside him, her white arm now marked red from his forceful grab and pull.

Hi, the Author is Here again, read it,

Romance will be in volume one only,

No obvious R-18 scenes.

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