
Apocalypse: A Gathering of Beauties in My Base

In the haze of the world's end, humanity is plunged into despair. Yet, amidst this desolate apocalypse, there is one who shines like a meteor piercing the dark night. Dylan, a fortunate soul reborn by accident, possesses spatial abilities from his past life. He returns to the world ten days before the impending apocalypse. Unlike others, he does not succumb to fear and sorrow but brims with ambition. To him, doomsday is merely a millionaire's vacation. He lavishly hoards supplies, constructs the most luxurious temporary shelters, customizes deluxe off-road RVs and large yachts. While others struggle to acquire temporal energy, he indulges in luxury, reveling night after night. Yet, he is not merely a hedonistic tycoon. Confronting the invasion of extraterrestrial species, he faces them without fear, directly challenging their strongholds. Behind him, stands a group of beauty supporters who find hope because of Dylan's existence. And those extraterrestrial species will face unprecedented threats. In the world of doomsday, Dylan becomes a beacon of light, his life akin to an eternal flame, illuminating humanity's path of hope. As for the extraterrestrial species, they may think they can easily crush humanity's last hope. However, they fail to realize that they will face a challenger brimming with courage, an indomitable symbol of humanity—Dylan.

MidnightEcho · SF
100 Chs

Encounter with a Convoy

"Coal Ball: If you dare to snatch food with me, I'll peck you to death!"


Coal Ball 'ah-ah'ed twice, flying behind Second Dog and starting to bite

Second Dog's tail with its long beak.


Second Dog was no match for Coal Ball, instantly bullied and howling.


At this moment, Alberta and the others upstairs came down together.


After Dorothy prepared breakfast, everyone sat around the table, a large table full of food.


When everyone had eaten almost enough, Dylan spoke up.


"Let's have a meeting!"


The women all put down their chopsticks, sitting obediently and looking at him.


Dylan first pointed to the four nurses and said, "From now on, the four of you will split into two groups, taking turns to train with us outside.


Those who don't go out should take care of the house and do miscellaneous tasks! Before we come back, prepare the ingredients so Dorothy won't be bothered again!"


The four nurses quickly nodded in agreement.


Now, Dylan was their leader, so whatever he said, they would do.


Seeing their attitude, Dylan was very satisfied.


Then he looked at the others and said, "Our most important task now is to seize resources, kill zombies, and seize crystals!


You've all seen it, people outside already know the secret of the crystals.


 In the future, competition will only increase! So, we must seize the time!


Moreover, there will be more and more people awakening abilities outside, we must continuously improve our own strength.


Only then will we be safer!"


The women nodded.


Dylan took out all the crystals he obtained yesterday from his space and placed them on the table.


The four of you nurses haven't awakened abilities yet, so each take ten crystals and raise your temporal energy to over ten years!


 As for the others, let Georgia and Kelly use them first. When both of their energy levels have passed 100 years, then you can divide them up!"




After arranging this, Dylan walked to the living room.


From his space, he took out several sets of equipment, ready to give them to Kelly and the nurses.


Then, he took out a compound bow and a set of arrows.


After everyone had absorbed the crystals, Dylan called Georgia over.


He handed the compound bow to Georgia and said, "Your strength lies in shooting, you belong to long-range attacks!


In the future, if there are sudden situations, don't get too close.


You need to learn to conceal yourself, and we'll cooperate with each other!


Although the power of this compound bow is not as great as a handgun, it's enough for killing people and zombies!"


Georgia took the compound bow, looked at it, and felt very satisfied.


"Kelly, come here!"


Dylan called Kelly over and said to her, "From now on, you'll lead two nurses and form a group with Georgia! Practice more with Georgia.


Being silent during combat is more powerful, as long as you can


protect yourself!"


"Got it!" Kelly nodded.


"I also have a Bobos off-road vehicle in my space. In the future, when you go out, you'll drive this one, follow behind my car, and act accordingly when you encounter situations!"





After instructing them, Dylan distributed the equipment to them and let them change into it.


He loaded all the pistols with bullets and gave them back.Chapter 64: Encounter with a Convoy


Leaving two nurses behind to guard the house, the others geared up for action.


Dylan ran to the yard and took out the Bobos off-road vehicle from his space.


Then, everyone split into two groups and set out.


At the guardhouse, they picked up Kimberley. "


Let's go! Head to the University Town!"


Dylan didn't drive fast along the way, with Georgia following him at a distance of 200 meters behind.


After discussing with Alberta and Jodie, Dylan decided to first go to Bluewater Bay Art College, where they were familiar.


Firstly, they knew the terrain well, making it convenient to move around.


Secondly, Bluewater Bay Art College had many students, which meant more zombies but also potentially more survivors.


With two beautiful girls like Alberta and Jodie, chances were high that they would be recognized, making it easier to recruit any awakened students they encountered.


Thus, they unanimously agreed to make Bluewater Bay Art College their first stop.


The off-road vehicle cruised steadily down a small road, nearing Bluewater Bay Art College. Suddenly, several pickup trucks appeared a few hundred meters ahead, driving towards them.


The women in the car became alert.


"Dylan, there are cars ahead!" Jodie pointed out.


"I know there are cars; I'm not blind!


Sit tight. Stop panicking.


" At this point, encountering survivors on the road was normal.


As long as everyone minded their own business, there usually wouldn't be any trouble.


 Besides, with Dylan's current strength, who could pose a threat to him?


"Georgia, there are other convoys passing by ahead.


 Stay safe!" Nevertheless, Dylan still reminded Georgia and her group via the walkie-talkie.


"Got it!"




Meanwhile, the people in the vehicle across from them also noticed Dylan's heavy-duty off-road vehicle.


In the lead pickup truck, four men were seated.


"Constance, there's a truck coming up ahead. Should we intercept it?" The driver asked the man in the passenger seat.


The person referred to as Constance leaned forward, carefully observing.


"Let's not rush. See if there are any cars behind them.


If they're also a convoy and outnumber us, won't we be courting death?"


"Hmm, makes sense!


Constance, you're so wise!


 No wonder Louise values you so much!" The driver flattered.


Constance smiled at the compliment from the passenger seat, feeling pleased with the praise.


In just a few tens of seconds, the two convoys met.


Dylan noticed that the convoy across from them consisted of five pickup trucks.


 It was quite rare to find so many functional pickup trucks after the super cold spell.


In the extreme cold of minus 70 degrees Celsius, many vehicles would have malfunctioned.


This was also why Dylan stored the heavy-duty off-road vehicle and the Bobos off-road vehicle in his space."If left outside, dealing with any vehicle problems would indeed be troublesome,"


 Dylan's heavy-duty off-road vehicle brushed past the convoy of five pickup trucks without either side stopping.


Then, Georgia's Bobos off-road vehicle also passed by the five pickup trucks without incident.


Just as Georgia's vehicle had just passed, the person sitting in the back of the leading pickup truck spoke up.


"Constance, I just saw that the person driving the off-road vehicle was a woman."


"I saw that too, and it looks like there's a woman in the passenger seat as well."


"And the heavy-duty off-road vehicle that just passed, it seems like a mobile home. Pretty impressive! A real man should drive such a domineering off-road vehicle."


"The one behind isn't bad either, it's a Bobos.


 I bet that chick is either from a wealthy family or a mistress!


 Damn, these people finally survived, and yet they're flaunting themselves outside!"


The two men behind continued to express their envy and indignation.


"Constance, should we?"


 The driver looked at Constance and made a gesture as if grabbing a ball.


Constance, upon seeing this, felt a bit tempted.


However, he remained cautious.


 "Let's drive a bit further and see if there are any more vehicles behind them."




After driving a little further and seeing no more vehicles behind them, the group began to get impatient.


"Constance, there are no more vehicles. It's just those two cars; let's go for it!"


"Yeah, Constance, this time Louise sent us to Bluewater Bay Art College to inquire about whether there's a survivor named Alberta among them!


 But in that damn college, there are so many zombies wandering around.


We lost two brothers trying to break in.


 If we go back without completing the mission, it won't look good!


 If we can grab a few chicks and go back in these two luxury cars, I think Louise won't just blame us.


 She might even look at you differently, Constance!"