
Apocalypse: A Gathering of Beauties in My Base

In the haze of the world's end, humanity is plunged into despair. Yet, amidst this desolate apocalypse, there is one who shines like a meteor piercing the dark night. Dylan, a fortunate soul reborn by accident, possesses spatial abilities from his past life. He returns to the world ten days before the impending apocalypse. Unlike others, he does not succumb to fear and sorrow but brims with ambition. To him, doomsday is merely a millionaire's vacation. He lavishly hoards supplies, constructs the most luxurious temporary shelters, customizes deluxe off-road RVs and large yachts. While others struggle to acquire temporal energy, he indulges in luxury, reveling night after night. Yet, he is not merely a hedonistic tycoon. Confronting the invasion of extraterrestrial species, he faces them without fear, directly challenging their strongholds. Behind him, stands a group of beauty supporters who find hope because of Dylan's existence. And those extraterrestrial species will face unprecedented threats. In the world of doomsday, Dylan becomes a beacon of light, his life akin to an eternal flame, illuminating humanity's path of hope. As for the extraterrestrial species, they may think they can easily crush humanity's last hope. However, they fail to realize that they will face a challenger brimming with courage, an indomitable symbol of humanity—Dylan.

MidnightEcho · Sci-fi
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100 Chs

Damn Aunt Flo!  

Damn it!


"Thank you, Dylan, I love you so much!" After saying that, she hurried off to the bathroom.


Seeing Alberta's figure, Dylan sighed helplessly.





Dylan had lost interest in sleeping and dreaming further.


He got up directly, got dressed, and went downstairs.


In the living room, he found that the four little nurses had already gotten up and started to busy themselves.


Dorothy had also begun working in the kitchen.


Her figure was still so attractive.


Dorothy, you were injured quite badly yesterday, you don't have to get up so early to cook!" Dylan walked up behind Dorothy and said with concern.


Hearing Dylan's voice behind her, Dorothy turned around, shook her arms, and smiled, "Look, I'm all better now!


Kelly's medical skills are amazing! Besides, you know, Dylan, I'm not that delicate! I'm quite sturdy! Hehe!"


Seeing Dorothy swinging her arms around, Dylan feared she might be showing off.


He quickly grabbed her arm and said, "Alright, don't move so vigorously! Still need to be careful!"


Got it, my brother!" Dorothy sweetly responded.


Dylan reluctantly let go of Dorothy's soft arm.


After some thought, he decided to tell her the good news about mastering his temporal abilities.


Dorothy, I have good news for you!"


Dorothy, who was about to continue cooking, turned back around upon hearing this, her face full of curiosity. "What good news?"


Dylan smiled and leaned in close to her ear, whispering, "Last night, my spatial abilities broke through to level 6. And I activated a skill that can slow down time within a certain range around me!"


Dorothy's ears tingled from Dylan's breath, and she blushed, muttering somewhat puzzledly, "Slow down time?"


Suddenly, she remembered yesterday when Dylan delivered the final blow to the mutant python.


Could it be that yesterday, you were able to kill the python in one blow because of this skill?"


"Yes! But at that time, it was a reflex reaction. Now, I have complete control over it!"


Dylan's face was full of confidence at this moment.


Wow!" Dorothy suddenly exclaimed happily, then hugged Dylan tightly, her body still jumping with excitement.


"Congratulations, brother! Now, when we encounter such monsters again, we won't be afraid! You're amazing, brother!"


Dorothy was genuinely happy; she still had lingering fears about the mutant python.


That kind of power was not something she could withstand.


If it weren't for Dylan, they would probably have been wiped out.


Although they finally managed to kill it, they also paid a hefty price on their side.So, she was so happy that she couldn't help but hug Dylan.


With her soft body in his arms, Dylan was a bit caught off guard.


Dorothy was too enthusiastic.


The key was that she was still jumping around non-stop.


How could Dylan bear this!


His hands were still open, not knowing where to put them!


However, after some consideration, he decided to wrap his arms around Dorothy's waist.


In the future, I won't let you guys get hurt again! Trust me!" Dylan hugged Dorothy tightly, speaking sincerely.


Dorothy suddenly stopped jumping, her body becoming somewhat tense.


She suddenly felt that being hugged like this by Dylan was a bit inappropriate.


If Alberta were to see this, she would definitely misunderstand.


Thinking of this, Dorothy quickly pushed Dylan away, looking around nervously.


Fortunately, the four little nurses were busy with something else and didn't see anything.


"Um, brother, I was just too excited earlier, hehe! But I always believe in you!" Dorothy's expression was awkward, but her gaze towards Dylan was firm.


Dylan smiled, "It's okay, it's not like we're strangers!"


The atmosphere was a bit awkward, so Dylan made an excuse to go feed his little coal ball.


Meanwhile, the four little nurses were gossiping while cleaning.


We saw what happened just now, don't spread rumors!"


"Don't worry, we're not stupid!"


Ah, it's not a big deal. It's normal for a man like him to have multiple women!"


Ah, I wish it was me being hugged by him!"


Of course, Dylan had no idea that the four little nurses were gossiping about him.


He was currently stroking the little coal ball affectionately.




Shouldn't call it a little coal ball anymore, its size is now as big as a mother hen.


Its feathers were shiny black, and its two little eyes always seemed to emit a "wise" light.


At this moment, the little coal ball was standing on Dylan's arm, tilting its head to look at him.


Dylan took out four crystal cores and waved them in front of its eyes.


The little coal ball's eyes gleamed, and it flapped its wings excitedly.


Say 'dad'!"


"Dad! Dad!"


Ah, so obedient!"


Dylan rewarded it with a crystal core.


"Say 'welcome'!"


The little coal ball's eyes rolled, tilting its head in thought.




The word 'thank you' came out of the little coal ball's mouth, sounding quite standard.


But it sounded like Dylan's voice.




Dylan was overjoyed; ever since it ate those unstarred crystal cores, it had indeed become smarter than before.

"It's not like those parrots, just mimicking human speech, it can already grasp the meaning behind Dylan's words. If trained further, it might be able to converse with humans normally in the future.


 And this is just under the circumstance of feeding it regular nuclei, if it were fed with starry nuclei...


Yes, Dylan suddenly thought, if Coal Ball were given a one-star nucleus to eat, would it also mutate?


 If that's the case, having a mutant pet would be cool!


Hmm! In the future, if there are more one-star nuclei, I must feed it to see.


However, the most important thing right now is to let Alberta and the others raise their abilities a bit.


 Especially Dorothy's lightning ability, if her level rises, the power will be formidable.


Having rewarded Coal Ball with two nuclei, Dylan looked down and found the police dog (Dylan) sitting on the ground, eagerly looking up at him, occasionally glancing at the remaining nucleus in his hand, drooling.


Dylan smiled and said to it, 'Do you want to eat?'


(Dylan) 'Woofed' twice, its front paws tapping the ground back and forth, wagging its tail.


'If you want to eat, you have to change your name! You should know to avoid taboos! If it weren't for the sake of your mistress's face, I would have thrown you out long ago!'


Dylan didn't care whether it understood or not, muttering to himself. '


The dog's name sounds the same as mine, what's this all about?


 If someone calls (Dylan) in the future, will both he and the dog turn around? Isn't this a joke!'


'What should I rename you? Hmm... Big Yellow? No, too old-fashioned!' Dylan denied himself.


'Hmm... Sky Wolf? Howling Sky?


 No, the name is too grand, you can't bear it, you might die easily!' Dylan was worried.


 'Ah, naming is the most annoying thing.


 A good dog, why give it a human name?


 Let's just call you Second Dog from now on! How about that?'


(Dylan) was puzzled, with only nuclei in its eyes.


Dylan shook the nucleus in his hand and said in the air, 'Come on, Second Dog, stand up!'


(Dylan) was puzzled: I'm not called Second Dog. But seeing the nucleus, it obediently stood up. 'Hmm, Second Dog, lie down!'


Although (Dylan) didn't understand why Dylan called it Second Dog, for the sake of the nucleus, it complied.


Dylan was very satisfied.


Indeed, no matter how much a dog gnaws on bones, it can't grow backbone.


At this rate, it won't be long before this dog considers Second Dog as its own name.


 Dylan rewarded (Dylan) with the nucleus in his hand.


'In the future, you will have a new life, Second Dog, your dog's life begins now!'


Second Dog excitedly swallowed the nucleus in one gulp.


Coal Ball, seeing Second Dog eat a nucleus, suddenly felt unhappy."