
Apex Mech: Humanity's Last Stand

[Apocalypse + Behemoths + Mechs] The invasion of gargantuan beasts heralds the apocalypse! Ethan, a surface survivor, awakens with mysterious powers, pilots a mech, and confronts the massive creatures. This is the clash of metal's might! This is humanity's final roar! This is the saga of a hero...

shui_AW · 映画
28 Chs

Striking It Rich

Since no signs of living creatures were detected, Ethan felt at ease and proceeded to exit the cave, emerging into an open space. There was a spring surrounded by lush flora, and sunlight filtered through an irregular opening above. Ethan looked up to see that the opening, covered with thick vines like pythons, led to the outside world. The vines dangled at various lengths, swaying gently in the cave with the breeze.

Approaching the spring, Ethan suddenly halted, parting the nearby flowers and grass. To his amazement, he discovered a plant emitting a faint golden radiance—it was the 'Yuan Gathering Flower'! Marshal had briefed them about 'Mist Valley' before departure, including information on precious herbs. Among them, the 'Yuan Gathering Flower' was the most valuable, being the primary ingredient for the high-level elixir 'Yuan Consolidation Elixir.' Each dose of the elixir required twenty credits to exchange, while a single 'Yuan Gathering Flower' could fetch fifteen credits.

Ethan quickly scanned the area and found it teeming with 'Yuan Gathering Flowers.' This unassuming cave was a treasure trove! Suddenly, Ethan stiffened, then made his way to the northwest corner of the cave. There, nestled among the flora, was an irregular black crystal pulsing with energy, forming the silhouettes of ferocious beasts within.

It was the 'Primordial Stone'—the very same 'Primordial Stone'! Ethan's mind buzzed with a single thought: he had struck it rich! The 'Primordial Stone' before him was only a meter tall, far smaller than the one discovered at the Galaxy Stadium, but coupled with the numerous 'Yuan Gathering Flowers,' if he could take them out, it would be a fortune—an astonishing fortune!

Ethan quickly regained his composure. He knew all too well that without significant power, wealth would only bring danger. He surveyed the surroundings again. Normally, where there was a 'Primordial Stone,' there should be Behemoths. However, perhaps due to the stone's small size and secluded location, along with the narrow space that Behemoths couldn't access, this 'Primordial Stone' had been preserved, now to his advantage.

Ethan decided to keep the cave's information and location to himself for the time being, waiting until he had sufficient strength to claim it. Next, he stretched his body and sat down among the flowers to cultivate. Lacking 'Tranquility Elixir,' Ethan let his thoughts disperse and calmed his mind.

Perhaps due to the high density of Yuan Force in this place, Ethan quickly sensed the energy in the space around him. He drew it into his body with each breath, consciously directing the Yuan Force to temper every inch of his muscles as Marshal had instructed. Soon, Ethan realized that the amount of Yuan Force he inhaled with each breath was significantly more than what he had experienced at the academy.

Unaware of time's passage, Ethan was immersed in cultivation until the last muscle fiber had been tempered. He felt as if he had broken free from an invisible prison and stepped into a new world. His eyes snapped open, and he looked at his hands. With a simple clenching of his fists, he felt every muscle tighten like steel cables, filled with a power he had never dared to dream of before.

"Did I break through?" he wondered. "Am I now at the third level of the primary stage?"

Ethan was still in disbelief. He stood up and threw a punch into the air, creating a low whooshing sound and a gust of wind that scattered petals from the wildflowers in front of him. He could feel that his strength had increased by more than just a notch.

Activating his 'Barrier-Breaking Eye,' he observed his own body. The fiery red hue representing his vitality and the bright yellow glow of his Yuan Force both seemed more intense. The numbers were even more telling: his vitality was now at 395, and his Yuan Force at 155!

His vitality had nearly doubled from the second level of the primary stage! This increase not only represented his life force but also his physical endurance and strength. In a land fraught with danger, every bit of improvement meant a greater chance of survival.

With this in mind, Ethan looked up at the opening in the cave ceiling, contemplating his escape. To his surprise, it was already dark outside. He had entered the cave before noon, which meant he had been cultivating all afternoon.

Suddenly, a soft hissing sound caught his ear. Ethan scanned the surroundings and spotted a mass of grey light near the entrance, indicating a serpent-like creature. Its outline suggested a sizable python, and the bright red glow of its life force, accompanied by the number 318, indicated it was not much weaker than Ethan and far stronger than he had been at the second level of the primary stage, signaling danger.

The python slithered into the cave, seemingly the master of this domain. It eyed Ethan and then the 'Primordial Stone,' its pupils flickering with a ghostly fire. Ethan realized that the 'Primordial Stone' was not unclaimed. The python, with a slight bulge on its forehead as if a horn was about to emerge, showed signs of mutation, likely due to its proximity to the 'Primordial Stone.'

As Ethan stood near the 'Primordial Stone,' the python flicked its tongue and suddenly lashed its tail against the ground, launching itself forward with lightning speed. It reached Ethan in an instant. With narrowed eyes, Ethan calmly watched the python's movements. As it opened its mouth wide, revealing its fangs and aiming for Ethan's neck, Ethan swiftly stepped back. The python snapped its jaws shut on empty air, exposing its head to Ethan's gaze.

Ethan sank his weight and clenched his right fist, unleashing a surge of Yuan Force. His iron fist thundered forward, striking the python squarely on the head, right where it was slightly raised. The python recoiled as if electrocuted, flinging itself into the flowers and thrashing wildly before gradually coming to a stop.

Ethan watched coldly as the python's red glow of life faded rapidly, and the number beside it plummeted to zero. The python lay motionless in the grass, its skull crushed by Ethan's blow.

The technique Ethan had employed was none other than the Fist Technique: Bone Shatter!