
Aot: Arachnid Apocolypse

In a world plagued by darkness and despair, a young soldier named Titus finds himself teetering on the brink of madness. Tormented by the cruelty of his fellow humans and haunted by the ghosts of his past, Titus is driven to the breaking point, his faith in humanity shattered beyond repair. Desperate for an escape from the pain and suffering that surrounds him, Titus surrenders control to the darkness within, unleashing the ancient power of the Arachnid Titan. With its insidious influence coursing through his veins, Titus embraces his newfound role as harbinger of destruction, vowing to cleanse the world of all life and usher in a new era of darkness. As Titus and the Arachnid Titan set their sights upon their unsuspecting prey, they unleash a wave of terror and devastation unlike anything the world has ever seen. With each passing moment, their power grows stronger, their grip on reality slipping further into the abyss. But as the darkness closes in around them, Titus is forced to confront the true cost of his actions. Haunted by visions of the lives he has destroyed and the innocents he has condemned to death, Titus struggles to reconcile his newfound power with the man he once was. In a race against time, Titus must confront his inner demons and reclaim control of his destiny before it's too late. But with the Arachnid Titan's influence growing stronger by the day, Titus finds himself teetering on the edge of oblivion, his very soul hanging in the balance. As the world hurtles towards the brink of annihilation, Titus must make a choice—will he embrace the darkness within and condemn humanity to its doom, or will he find the strength to rise above his darkest impulses and forge a new path forward? In a tale of darkness and redemption, Titus's journey will test the limits of his humanity and redefine the very essence of what it means to be a hero. And as the final battle for the fate of the world unfolds, Titus will discover that the power to change the world lies not in destruction, but in the choices we make and the sacrifices we are willing to endure.

VisionaryWorld · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

10. The Commander’s Last Moments

Armon's eyes narrowed. Titus's cryptic answers began to make a horrifying kind of sense. He remembered the strange, unsettling phrases Titus had muttered. The realization hit him with the force of a blow. "Futoria, Eren, we need to gather the military. Prepare for war. Load up on spare gas for extended combat. This is going to be a long night."

The soldiers scattered, carrying out Armon's orders. Futoria and Eren moved swiftly to rally the troops at the designated points. Armon watched them go, a sense of dread settling in his gut. Three hours later, with the enclave bracing for the onslaught, Armon made his way back to Titus's cell block, determined to extract more information.

As he entered the cell block, the atmosphere shifted dramatically. The air was thick with the stench of rot and decay. His steps slowed as he took in the sight before him. The entire cell block was shrouded in darkness, illuminated only by the eerie glow of purple eggs. Webs crisscrossed the hallways, adding to the nightmarish scene.

Armon's voice echoed softly in the oppressive silence, "What in the world...?"

Every cell he passed was empty, devoid of prisoners. Instead, massive eggs occupied the spaces, with clusters of smaller eggs nestled around them. The unsettling sight confirmed his worst fears. He continued down the corridor, his hand instinctively resting on the hilt of his sword.

As he reached Titus's cell, the sight that greeted him was nothing short of monstrous. Titus sat atop a colossal egg, surrounded by hundreds of glowing purple eggs. He clapped his hands in joy, the sound sharp and dissonant in the otherwise silent space. As he jumped off the egg, Armon could see that Titus was no longer the man he once knew. He began to morph, growing taller until his head and shoulders split the ceiling and walls around him.

Titus's voice was a sickening blend of glee and menace. "Welcome, Armon. I've been waiting for you."

Armon stepped back, his eyes wide with horror as Titus used his webs to create a dome, sealing them inside. "Titus, what have you done?" he demanded, trying to keep his voice steady.

Titus grinned, his transformation complete. "What have I done? I've merely begun. This is the birth of a new era, Armon. An era where those who bullied and oppressed me will bow before my might, or be crushed underfoot."

Armon swallowed hard, his mind racing for a way to break through to the Titus he once knew. "You don't have to do this, Titus. We can find another way."

Titus laughed, a sound devoid of any sanity. "Another way? There is no other way. The world will learn to fear the name Titus, the new age Hades. Those who oppose me will die, and their souls will feed the darkness."

The air in the dome grew thicker, the sense of impending doom almost palpable. Armon tightened his grip on his sword, readying himself for whatever came next. "Then let's end this, Titus. For the sake of the enclave, and for the world."

Titus's eyes glowed with a malevolent light. "Oh, Armon, you have no idea what's in store. But don't worry. You'll get a front-row seat to the end of an era, and the dawn of my reign."

Armon's heart pounded in his chest as he faced off against Titus, the air heavy with tension and the weight of their shared history. He gripped his sword tightly, the blade gleaming in the dim light of the cell block. Titus's eyes glowed with a malevolent light, a twisted grin stretching across his face.

"Come now, Armon," Titus taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "Surely you didn't think it would be that easy."

Armon braced himself, his muscles tensing as he prepared for the fight ahead. He knew Titus was dangerous, but he had faced threats before. He had to believe he could overcome this one too.

With a sudden burst of speed, Titus lunged forward, his movements fluid and graceful. Armon reacted instinctively, dodging to the side and bringing his sword down in a swift arc. But Titus was too fast, too agile. He danced around Armon's attacks with ease, his movements almost taunting in their precision.

Armon gritted his teeth, frustration mounting with each missed strike. He couldn't afford to let his emotions get the better of him. He had to stay focused, stay calm.

As the fight continued, Armon realized that Titus was toying with him, playing a deadly game of cat and mouse. Every move Armon made was countered effortlessly, every strike parried with ease. It was as if Titus was one step ahead, anticipating his every move.

Desperation clawed at Armon's mind as he struggled to keep up. He knew he couldn't outmatch Titus in speed or agility. He needed to find a weakness, a vulnerability he could exploit.

But before he could formulate a plan, he heard a sickening sound—a wet, squelching noise that sent a shiver down his spine. He turned to see the eggs in the neighboring cells begin to hatch, the tiny arachnid creatures emerging with hungry cries.

Horror flooded Armon's senses as he realized what was happening. Titus had been laying eggs this whole time, using the cells as a breeding ground for his twisted creations.

"Titus, what have you done?" Armon demanded, his voice trembling with a mixture of fear and rage.

Titus's grin widened, his eyes alight with madness. "Isn't it beautiful?" he mused, his tone almost wistful. "A new beginning, a new army to serve at my command."

Armon's mind raced as he tried to come up with a plan. He couldn't let these creatures loose in the enclave. He had to stop Titus, no matter the cost.

With a fierce battle cry, Armon charged forward, his sword slashing through the air with deadly precision. But the spider creatures were quick and agile, darting out of reach with lightning speed.

As the fight raged on, Armon found himself growing weary, his muscles aching with exertion. But he refused to give up, drawing on every ounce of strength and determination he possessed.

Finally, with a burst of adrenaline-fueled energy, Armon launched himself at Titus, his sword aimed straight for his heart. But Titus was ready, his movements fluid and graceful as he sidestepped the blow with ease.

In one swift motion, Titus disarmed Armon, sending his sword clattering to the ground. Armon stumbled backward, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he tried to regain his footing.

Titus advanced, his eyes gleaming with triumph. "It's over, Armon," he said, his voice low and menacing. "You're no match for me."

Armon's heart sank as he realized the truth of Titus's words. He was outmatched, outgunned, with no hope of victory.

But just as all seemed lost, a surge of determination coursed through Armon's veins. He refused to go down without a fight, to let Titus's reign of terror go unopposed.

With a primal roar, Armon unleashed a flurry of attacks, his fists pounding against Titus's unyielding form. But Titus merely laughed, the sound echoing through the chamber like a death knell.

"Is that the best you can do, Armon?" Titus taunted, his voice dripping with disdain. "You're nothing but a weakling, a puppet dancing on my strings."

Armon gritted his teeth, his muscles burning with exertion. He refused to let Titus get the better of him, to succumb to his taunts and jeers.

With a final surge of strength, Armon unleashed a devastating blow, sending Titus staggering backward. But before he could press his advantage, the walls of the cell block began to tremble, the sound of splintering wood filling the air.

Armon's eyes widened in horror as the walls burst apart, revealing a horde of spider creatures pouring into the chamber. He realized too late that Titus had been biding his time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

As the creatures swarmed around him, Armon stood, battered and bleeding, surrounded by the relentless onslaught of spider creatures. His mind raced, searching for any possible escape, any way to turn the tide. But once the walls burst apart, he was faced with an overwhelming horde of Titus's monstrous creations.

Then, through the chaos, he heard a familiar voice. "Armon!! We don't have anymore time, transform! We need to move with Plan B!" Eren and Futoria barged into the dome, their titan forms looming over the battlefield. Eren, muscular and feral, with a distinctive resemblance to his ancestor, and Futoria, radiating a regal, almost angelic presence.

"Transform into a mini Colossal and blow this jail before the eggs hatch and kill everyone inside. The outside is already in heavy trouble!" Futoria shouted, her voice urgent and commanding.

Armon hesitated for a split second, the weight of his decision pressing down on him. He looked at his comrades, the desperation in their eyes mirroring his own fears. "Are you sure about this? It could kill us all," he warned.

"We don't have a choice, Armon!" Eren barked. "If those eggs hatch, it'll be a massacre. You have to do it, now!"

Nodding grimly, Armon steeled himself. With a roar, he transformed into a mini Colossal Titan, the explosive force tearing through the jail. The blast was immense, the shockwave shattering walls and obliterating everything in its path.

But as the dust settled, Titus's laughter rang out, chilling and triumphant. Emerging from the rubble, he stood unscathed, holding several eggs in his hands. His voice echoed with malicious delight. "Well, well, well. It seems you just did my work for me," he mocked. "All you've done is provide more flesh for my children to feast upon."

Eren and Futoria's eyes widened in horror as they saw the spider titans emerging from the remnants, their numbers swelling as they devoured the fallen. Titus's plan had worked perfectly.

With a cruel smile, Titus hurled the eggs with incredible force, striking Eren and Futoria's titan forms. The eggs hatched instantly, and spider titans began burrowing into their flesh, growing stronger with each bite.

"Eren! Futoria!" Armon's voice, though booming in his colossal form, carried a note of despair. He struggled to move, the spider titans multiplying and tearing through his skin.

Eren and Futoria fought desperately, managing to kill some of the spider titans attacking them. But the situation was dire. They exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between them. 

Futoria, tears streaming down her face, turned to Armon. "Armon, please understand," she pleaded, her voice breaking. "We will resurrect humanity the first chance we get. Please, rest in the heavens with our families."

Armon's heart shattered as he realized what they were about to do. "No... Futoria, Eren... don't," he begged, but his words fell on deaf ears.