
Aot: Arachnid Apocolypse

In a world plagued by darkness and despair, a young soldier named Titus finds himself teetering on the brink of madness. Tormented by the cruelty of his fellow humans and haunted by the ghosts of his past, Titus is driven to the breaking point, his faith in humanity shattered beyond repair. Desperate for an escape from the pain and suffering that surrounds him, Titus surrenders control to the darkness within, unleashing the ancient power of the Arachnid Titan. With its insidious influence coursing through his veins, Titus embraces his newfound role as harbinger of destruction, vowing to cleanse the world of all life and usher in a new era of darkness. As Titus and the Arachnid Titan set their sights upon their unsuspecting prey, they unleash a wave of terror and devastation unlike anything the world has ever seen. With each passing moment, their power grows stronger, their grip on reality slipping further into the abyss. But as the darkness closes in around them, Titus is forced to confront the true cost of his actions. Haunted by visions of the lives he has destroyed and the innocents he has condemned to death, Titus struggles to reconcile his newfound power with the man he once was. In a race against time, Titus must confront his inner demons and reclaim control of his destiny before it's too late. But with the Arachnid Titan's influence growing stronger by the day, Titus finds himself teetering on the edge of oblivion, his very soul hanging in the balance. As the world hurtles towards the brink of annihilation, Titus must make a choice—will he embrace the darkness within and condemn humanity to its doom, or will he find the strength to rise above his darkest impulses and forge a new path forward? In a tale of darkness and redemption, Titus's journey will test the limits of his humanity and redefine the very essence of what it means to be a hero. And as the final battle for the fate of the world unfolds, Titus will discover that the power to change the world lies not in destruction, but in the choices we make and the sacrifices we are willing to endure.

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13 Chs

9. The Arachnid Apocolypse Begins

Titus's grin widened, a predator savoring its prey. "Why ruin the surprise? You'll see soon enough."

Eren, still standing silently in the corner, took a step forward. His eyes burned with a mix of anger and determination. "This isn't a game, Titus," he said, his voice low and intense. "People's lives are at stake. What do you hope to gain from all this?"

Titus's smile faded, his eyes turning cold. "Gain? This isn't about gain, Eren. This is about retribution. The world has bullied me, pushed me to the brink. Now, with Hades's power, I'm going to show them what true power looks like. Those who don't stand with me will fall."

Futoria's pen scratched across her notepad, her eyes never leaving Titus's face. "You sound like a madman," she said bluntly. "A madman with delusions of grandeur."

Titus laughed, the sound echoing eerily in the confined space. "Madman? Perhaps. But history is written by the victors, Futoria. And I intend to be the one holding the pen."

Armon's eyes flicked to Eren, a silent question passing between them. Eren nodded slightly, stepping closer to Titus. "You talk about retribution, about power," he said, his voice steady. "But what about the people caught in the crossfire? The innocent lives you're destroying?"

Titus's gaze shifted to Eren, a flicker of something almost resembling pity in his eyes. "Innocent? No one is innocent, Eren. Everyone has a part to play in this world. Some are just more...expendable than others."

The carriage rattled on, the oppressive silence descending once more. Futoria, Armon, and Eren exchanged glances, each of them grappling with the chilling reality of Titus's vision. The flickering candlelight cast long shadows across their faces, mirroring the dark path that lay ahead.

Titus leaned back, his laughter filling the carriage. "Oh, you'll find out soon enough," he replied. "You see, I've got plans—big plans. And those plans include making sure every single one of you understands what it means to cross me."

He leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with a manic intensity. "As for Donny and the nobles who spawned that vile human, I swear by the name of Titus, the new age Hades—All Nobles Must Die!"

The carriage jolted to a stop, the sudden motion bringing a finality to the tense exchange. As the doors swung open, Titus was led out by the officers, his expression one of triumph. Armon, Futoria, and Eren followed, the weight of the unanswered questions heavy on their minds.

The stone walls of the headquarters loomed ahead, casting long shadows in the dim light of the torches. Titus walked with a swagger, his confidence unshaken, knowing that his arachnid titans were already weaving their way into the heart of Area 9, laying the groundwork for the chaos to come.

As they stepped into the interrogation room, the heavy door clanged shut behind them. Armon took his place at the table, Futoria standing beside him, her notepad at the ready. Eren remained silent, his eyes never leaving Titus, a storm of emotions churning beneath his calm exterior.

Armon broke the silence, his voice steady but with an undercurrent of tension. "Titus, you will answer for your actions. The lives you've disrupted, the terror you've spread—it ends here."

Titus's smile didn't waver. "You think this is the end, Armon? No, this is merely the beginning. My army is already at work, and soon, you will see the true extent of my power."

Futoria's pen scratched across the paper, documenting every word. "And what exactly is your plan, Titus? To destroy everything in your path until there's nothing left?"

Titus leaned back, his eyes closing briefly as if savoring the moment. "Not just destruction, Futoria. Transformation. A world where the strong survive and the weak perish. A world reborn under my rule."

Eren stepped forward, his voice a low growl. "You're delusional if you think we'll let that happen. We'll stop you, no matter the cost."

Titus's eyes snapped open, his gaze locking onto Eren. "You're welcome to try. But know this—every attempt to thwart me only brings you closer to your own demise. The world bullied me, and now, with Hades's power, I will bully it back. Eternally."

The room fell silent, the gravity of Titus's words sinking in. Armon, Futoria, and Eren exchanged grim looks, each of them understanding the magnitude of the threat they faced.

As Titus was led away to his cell, his laughter echoed through the halls, a chilling reminder of the darkness that had been unleashed. The officers' footsteps faded, leaving Armon, Futoria, and Eren to grapple with the reality of the war that had just begun. And as they stood there, the weight of their duty pressed heavily upon them, knowing that they had to find a way to stop Titus before it was too late.

As if on cue with Titus being imprisoned, chaos erupted within the enclave. Soldiers ran through the corridors, the sound of their boots echoing off the stone walls. Armon and his company heard the distant, blood-curdling screams, a harbinger of the horror unfolding.

"Sir, we've found giant purple and black eggs all over the enclave," a breathless soldier reported. "They're everywhere!"

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