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Chapter 76 Bloody Dusk


Chapter 76 Bloody Dusk

"'End' and 'Slaughter'?" Badheir walked up to the iron-blooded sword, his body seemed to be trembling.

Some kind of weird power even gave Badheir a sense of terror that his own existence would be wiped out.

"You have my power, you can get close to it." The Giant King urged Badheir to step forward and take the sword.

"Yes!" Badheir stepped forward with heavy steps. The next moment, there seemed to be a bloody one eye on the sword that opened and stared at Badheier.

His "weakness" was completely exposed to this sword at this moment.

If this sword is regarded as a sealed object, then it will definitely become one of the most dangerous sealed objects with the greatest side effects.

But the sword did not attack Him, perhaps because it was suppressed by the power of "Twilight".

Badheir stepped forward and took hold of the hilt of the sword.

For a moment, Badheir even had the illusion of holding the fate of the universe. In his vision, everything was imperfect and had "weaknesses."

"What a powerful force..." Badheir was even a little intoxicated.

But some stronger desire overcame this delusion and brought Him to consciousness.

"Very good! Go find 'Misfortune' and destroy his ascension ceremony!" The Giant King's voice echoed in Badheir's ears.

"Yes!" Badheir held the sword in both hands and knelt down on one knee.

The Giant King nodded with satisfaction. He was already very tired, and the dusk in his one eye was almost gone. He narrowed his one eye slightly, like a human being dozing off.

"Father God, I have another question." Badheir raised his head and looked directly at the Giant King.

"Ask." Olmir didn't even open his eyes.

"Why is there a sense of guilt lingering in the decaying forest that lasts for thousands of years?"

"Whose identity is the skeleton in the tomb?"

Badheir's voice didn't have any magic power, but these two sentences themselves were a kind of awakening of Ormir's memory, which made Ormir's body stiffen and his mind was confused for a moment.

That was the past that he didn't want to touch, and now it was easily revealed.

"You..." An unimaginable desire for violence and destruction surged in Olmir's heart. Even his eldest son had never been allowed to enter the Decaying Forest!


Ormir opened his one eye, and a bloody "twilight" exploded, and the entire Giant King's Court fell into unprecedented turmoil.

The dusk is rolling, and blood is filling the air.

But the next moment, everything stopped.

The dusk solidified like amber, trapping everything. The royal court became a cage, and the giants in the cage were just insects.

The big sword mixed with blood and dusk easily activated "End" and penetrated directly into Ormir's chest.

This big sword also has the characteristic of being alive. After understanding Badheir's mind, it also made its own response.

It wants to give the most fatal blow to the giant king who has oppressed and transformed it for hundreds of years.


This fatal blow mixed with the meaning of decay and war, even the giant king cannot use it, otherwise it will cause terrible consequences.

But now it was activated by the will of the greatsword itself, terminating its creator.

"Unlike you, I don't feel guilty."

Badheir's voice echoed through the dusk palace.


Omi Bella struggled to escape from the underworld from the pursuit of gods and rushed to the Giant King's Court.

He carried the crown of the Giant King in advance, otherwise he would not be able to escape from the underworld.Because of his identity as the giant queen, the slave gods in the underworld went crazy and chased him, leaving him in extremely bad condition and needing to return to the royal court immediately to stabilize himself.

"Where is the king?" Omi Bella asked the "Silver Knight" guarding the door.

"The king has returned to the Dusk Palace, and the God of Dawn has gone to guard the palace." The two "Silver Knights" replied respectfully.

"Morning light..." Omi Bella suddenly felt uneasy in her heart, and she thought of many things in an instant.

For example, "honor", such as "Hand of God", these all come from the stone tablet that recorded the formula of the "Giant" path potion, which was bought at a huge price.

I don't know when it started, but as a mother, He faintly noticed that there were some bad changes in Badheir's mind.

He was very worried about this and used different methods to suppress Badheir's certain thoughts.

but now...

Omi Bella's divine intuition beat wildly, and she rushed to the Dusk Palace as quickly as possible.

"Unlike you, I don't feel guilty."

Badheir's voice reached Omi Bella's ears, causing the breath of life in Omi Bella's one eye to violently shake. He sensed the disappearance of a powerful life!

Omi Bella broke into the Twilight Palace, and the barrier Ormir had laid was ineffective and lost all its power.

The blood-red sword pierced Olmir's chest, ending all his hopes of life.

"Badheir!" Omi Bella saw the two giants deep in the palace, and a great chill enveloped him. Even when facing "death", he had never felt such a powerless feeling.

Omi Bella's intrusion seemed to have allowed Almir's last spirit to stay for a while, preventing it from being directly killed by Badheir.

Badheir did not expect the Mother Goddess to come back in such a short period of time, so he panicked for a moment, but he soon calmed down.

The Giant King is dead.

Ormir glanced at Omi Bella, and then set his sights on Badheir. There was an extremely complex emotion surging in his one eye.

Hate, regret, or something more indescribable.

Because of the "end", His characteristics have completely collapsed at this time, and he can no longer support the madness of an ancient god.

This gave Olmir a trace of illusory humanity, and this last remaining spirit seemed to have rich emotions.

"Don't you feel guilty?" Olmir looked at Badheir, without asking the reason, he just murmured softly, "You don't feel guilty..."


Something exploded, and several bright and decaying things collapsed from the Giant King's body, as all the aggregate properties poured into Badheir's body.

The dusk that lingered throughout the Giant King's Court had a strange change. It... lost its life.

All the giants, even the Extraordinaries of the "Giant" path, saw a dusk suddenly deactivated in front of their eyes, stained with thick blood.

Dusk is still dusk, but it has lost its vitality and life.

The god that represented dusk and decline died.

All the extraordinary people on the giant path have this understanding, which is shocking beyond words.


Those bright twilight lights approached Badheir.

Materials flew out of his body, and together with a bright light formed a sticky twilight potion, which poured into Badheir's body.

"Hand of God"... Badheir has always been Ormir's most trusted right-hand man, and has been playing the role for thousands of years in advance.

As for the ceremony, Badheir had already completed it secretly.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 77


Chapter 77

As the title!

After twelve o'clock today, this book will be on the shelves. I hope all readers can subscribe!

It's a good meal!

There are several papers saved, and no grades are required. They will be uploaded within the next few days.

Thank you for your follow-up reading and various votes. I hope we can make it to the end together!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 78 Sacrifice


Chapter 78 Sacrifice

Badheir mastered the surge of power in his body almost instantly, and then integrated the remaining rays of light into himself one by one in Omi Bella's eyes.

He is now similar to Amanissis who killed the Destruction Wolf.

"Mother Goddess..." Badheir turned to look at his mother.

Omi Bella's whole body was frozen with ice, and she could hardly bear the mental impact of this moment.

His partner collapsed under the eldest son's sword and was "eaten", which was an ultimate shock to any intelligent creature.

"Ah!" Omi Bella slowly opened her mouth and let out a slightly sharp scream.

He turned around and ran away, with a sense of fear rising. At this moment, he just wanted to stay away!


"Olmyr is dead." Lilithini said indifferently, looking at the dusk that was suddenly stained with blood.

"Saslier and I will go there." Truman and Saslier wandered outside the Giant King's Court.

"Who dares to break into the Giant King's Court!?"

The silver knight who was guarding the gate still stood here under this situation. Now the entire giant clan has finally woken up from the fact that the giant king god has died.

Some of them even knew the truth, but they still chose to protect the giant's court.

"You..." Saslier looked at these giant warriors who were prepared to die generously, and thought for a moment, "From now on, you will be loyal to me. Now get out of the way."

Wherever Sasril looked, the shadows under the feet of all the blocking giant warriors seemed to be alive, controlling their actions.

"The giant will eventually die of betrayal." Truman walked into the Giant King's Court. According to his last visit, it had been a hundred years. At that time, the Giant King's Court was one of the two poles of the Twin Era.

And now it is beginning to decline.

Of course, the decline here has a lot to do with him.

"Badheir!" Truman came to the Twilight Palace and saw the fading light of life, and also saw the remaining shadow of Badheir at dusk.

He didn't dare to stay here to face Truman. After Omi Bella escaped, he could only leave here immediately, and he didn't know where his true body was hidden.

The giant who had just completed a perfect betrayal could no longer trust anyone.

"Dream!" Badheir opened his one eye, and the light of dawn in his eyes had begun to change, heading towards dusk.

"And you, Saslier!" Badheir soon saw Saslier, who was as comfortable as an outing, and became even more afraid.

The identity of the deputy king of heaven represents the ancient sun god.

After several measurements, Badheir looked at the properties that had disintegrated all over the place. The great sword had also disintegrated itself and was reuniting.

He could have taken them all away, but He didn't.

"I only took what I deserved, and the rest belongs to you, but I need to take away the giants."

Badheir made concessions. His real body did not dare to face these two people, but his shadow gained some confidence to negotiate terms.

Truman looked at the vigilant Badheir and put away some of his thoughts. If he teamed up with Sasril to take action at this time, the probability of finding and completely erasing a certain god in the future would be about [-]%.

However, even if he took the characteristics, Amanisis did not dare to fuse it before the end came and he got the "River of Eternal Darkness", so he could only stuff it in the warehouse and eat ashes.

It would be better to let Badheir block a starry sky in the fifth era, just like the demon monarch.

So Truman and Saslier looked at each other and agreed to Badheir's conditions.

"Okay." The giant race as a whole does not have much value to them.

The dusk shadow left by Badheir gradually dissipated. He was cautious enough, and the declining power of authority erased all connections.

"This is probably the easiest ancient god force to deal with." Saslier lamented. Almost all other ancient god forces require the ancient sun god to personally take action.

But the Giant Royal Court began to disintegrate from within.

"The underworld is probably coming soon."

Truman seemed to feel something, and there was a powerful force flashing in the dream book.

But he didn't explore. There was Amanysis in the underworld, so he didn't need to worry. He just swept all the characteristics of the demigod and above in the Giant King's Court into the treasure house.

Almir has completely become history, and the next one is Greycarrie, the ancestor of the phoenix.


Salinger did not go after the remnants of the giant army led by the God of Honor. He came to the temple deep in the underworld, prayed devoutly to the ancestor of the Phoenix, and listened to the oracle.

"Repair the underworld, then seal all passages to the outside world, and completely isolate yourself from the world. The time will be...infinitely long!"

The ancestor of the phoenix sent down an oracle and decided to shrink into the underworld and never go out again.

The elves and dragons have completely failed and will be eaten soon. The ancient sun god at that time will be irresistible. He can only hide as deep as possible like a demon monarch.

This was the original idea of ​​the Phoenix Ancestor, but it was disrupted by Almir, and now it is in deep danger.

"Yes!" Salinger knelt down and responded respectfully.


The phoenix statue, which seemed to be carved out of bronze, shone with a little bit of light, and an illusory portal fell on Salinger.

This is a gift from the ancestor of the Phoenix.

Does the ancestor of the phoenix need his subordinates to do the work of gods even to repair the rules of the underworld?

Salinger didn't have any unnecessary reaction. After obtaining this kind of authority in the underworld, he quit this temple and worked conscientiously to repair the rules that were broken by the Giant King.

With the authority of the underworld, this is not too difficult, even a little simple - does this mean that just using power by the Phoenix will cause its own condition to deteriorate?

Salinger still did not show any abnormality. He returned to the Palace of Death, prayed to the Phoenix, and performed a simple sacrificial ceremony to sacrifice the illusory door to the ancestor of the Phoenix.

Until the last moment, Salinger did not receive any warning from his partners, so Salinger made his own response.

At the moment before the door of sacrifice was completely closed, Salinger activated a secret spell, which allowed him to temporarily gain secret protection.

Then an eyeball appeared in His hand.

Most of this eyeball is black, surging with a pure feminine power.

The pupils of the eyeballs are strangely gray. If you look closely, you will find countless tiny tentacles with only faint shadows.

These tentacles are twisted and wild like pythons, and seem to bring destruction like the collapse of all things.

This eyeball was so weird that even the body of Salinger who held it underwent irreversible changes.

His tough face seemed to be softening, and his hair was growing strangely longer and thicker, as if he was about to turn into snakes spitting out messages.

Salinger threw the eyeball in his hand into the sacrificial light door that was about to disappear.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 79 Funeral


Chapter 79 Funeral

The eyeball that seemed to represent the extinction of all things smoothly entered the sacrificial light door under the influence of hidden power.

The end point of the Sacrificial Light Gate is the altar on the "River of Eternal Darkness" where the Phoenix is.

That is a place only He can reach.

"Salinger!" The Phoenix is ​​an ancient god after all, and this method cannot work on him. He sensed the danger and stopped taking in the sacrifices.

His eyes instantly became cold, and he pressed towards Salinger in the form of an ancient god through the Sacrifice Gate.

The high-sequences of the "Death" path are absolutely suppressive to the low-sequences!

This is also the impact that the Phoenix has on the "God of Death" path!

In other words, just this look is enough to make Salinger commit suicide!

Salinger's own mental state instantly slipped out of control, and the feathers all over his body were stained with black and white, and were about to turn into ashes.

But at this moment, the power that concealed the strange eyeballs disappeared instantly, and the strange eyeballs appeared on the altar.

Maybe... Salinger never thought that he could make the Phoenix accept this weird eyeball through sacrifice.

The purpose of using the secret spell to hide this strange eyeball was just so that the eyeball could pass through the sacrificial light door and not be expelled by the ancestor of the phoenix immediately.

As long as these two points are completed, Salinger's goal has been achieved.

Before Salinger was "stared" to death by the Phoenix, the hidden power of the eyeball disappeared and interacted with the outside world.

At the same moment, the tributary of the "River of Eternal Darkness" filled with gray mist instantly rioted!

A certain cohesive force was acting, and the strange eyeball that almost eroded Salinger seemed to be in fear.

As for the "River of Eternal Darkness", the dark currents surged and almost reached the altar where the phoenix lived!

"Hey!" Something in the body of the Phoenix Ancestor that had not been suppressed surged out again, which came from the cohesion of the "River of Eternal Darkness".

"How is that possible!?" The ancestor of the Phoenix didn't even bother to stare Salinger to death, and instead urgently maintained his own state, otherwise he himself would be drowned by the "River of Eternal Darkness"!

Sallinger never thought that he could attack the Phoenix Ancestor with a Sequence Two. He just completely broke the balance that the Phoenix Ancestor had struggled to maintain in his body.

This is also fatal for an ancient god with extremely poor mental state and unstable characteristics.

"Damn it!" The Phoenix Ancestor could only hurriedly stabilize the state of his characteristics. When the "River of Eternal Darkness" rioted, the "Death" pathway characteristics and the "Gate" pathway characteristics in his body even showed signs of disintegration and separation!


There was a gentle rubbing sound, and a figure with dreamy phosphorescence appeared behind the ancestor of the phoenix.

It was Amanissis, who at this time had manifested into the form of a demon wolf, with two wolf claws holding a hidden light group.

There seemed to be dark power surging in the light group, which was fear, peace, and misfortune, but everything was obscured by the mist.

This is the embodiment of the authority of "dark night".

Amanissis gently pressed the invisible light group of authority in his hand into the body of the Phoenix Ancestor.

The entry of this kind of power completely unbalanced the power in the Phoenix Ancestor's body.

But all this is not over yet.

An illusory dream symbol dropped from one of Amanissis's wolf claws.

After this symbol came close to the body of the Phoenix Ancestor, it suddenly changed and turned into a storm composed of thunder!

A true god-level "Lightning Storm"!

That is the "All Things" symbol, which is directly connected to the Book of Dreams, and can borrow the abilities that Truman masters from it.

This was the purpose of Truman leaving the dream symbols before, and he had more or less a sense of participation here, and he was qualified enough to get that share of the loot.


The lightning storm covered everything, like the angry blow of the Elven King, and it became the final attack that crushed the Phoenix Ancestor. "Bah!" The pale flames on the Phoenix's body suddenly exploded, and its body was riddled with holes by the "Lightning Storm".

But the most deadly thing is that the lightning storm completely cut off the Phoenix Ancestor's only chance to suppress the riot characteristics in the body!


A terrifying space crack appeared throughout the underworld, and pale flames shot up from the ground, killing the undead indiscriminately.

"Ah!" In just a moment, the entire underworld seemed to collapse, and the entire world was enveloped in the flames of death.

The spiritual world outside the underworld also set off a death storm that destroyed everything.

Similarly, the real world opposite to the spiritual world is also undergoing some shocking changes. The power of death penetrates into the real world and is about to cause a terrifying catastrophe.

The funeral of the god of death will surely be full of bones and ruined lives!

"Disperse." The ancient sun god, who had never left the spiritual world, looked at the city-states that were connected to the underworld. The power of the sun dispersed death.

His eyes looked through the cracks in the underworld to the deepest part, and saw the Phoenix and Amanysis.

"Salinger?" The ancient sun god looked at Salinger entering the altar and nodded lightly.

Then he looked at that weird eyeball.

"The uniqueness of the 'Witch' path..." The ancient sun god was slightly surprised.

Salinger actually obtained this thing, and even used it to cause turmoil in the "River of Eternal Darkness" and destroy the balance of the Phoenix Ancestor.

"'Night', 'Twilight', and 'Death', there seems to be a very subtle connection between these three major pathways and the 'Red Priest' and 'Witch'..."

"There seems to be a unique cohesion between them..."

The ancient Sun God, who had recovered all his characteristics and was only one step away from the power of "omniscience and omnipotence", thought of the Giant King's big sword and this strange eyeball.

These are all things that can trigger the "River of Eternal Darkness".

"After initially grasping the power of 'omniscience and omnipotence', it is time to truly calculate this knowledge..."

The eyes of the ancient sun god returned to a clear and clean state, watching all the events that changed the world and changed history in the spiritual world.

"Hey..." The last mournful cry of the Phoenix resounded through the dark space in the deepest part of the underworld, and his body completely fell on the altar of bones.

In the face of real death, Death seems to be no different.


The non-adjacent properties in the ancient god's body exploded with terrifying power at this moment, directly disintegrating the ancient god's body and exploding the properties all over the sky.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became strange and silent.

Standing on the altar of bones, Salinger did not need to worry about the pollution of the "River of Eternal Darkness" for the time being. He held the strange eyeball and the illusory portal in his hand, and looked at his former colleagues who fell silent.

Amanisis and Salinger stared at each other in silence, forming a silent confrontation.

After half a payment, Salinger, who realized that the pollution from the "River of Eternal Darkness" was about to seep in, made the first decision.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 80 Destiny


Chapter 80 Destiny

Salinger put away his weird eyeballs and took away all the "Death" path connections in the chaotic characteristics.

The rest is the "gate" path and some low-level features.

After that, Salinger directly passed through the illusory light door, which was the authority of the underworld and left this place directly.

Amanisis watched Salinger go away, waving his hand to put away the remaining characteristics.

But the most important thing to her was the golden phoenix statue.

This is the result of the Phoenix Ancestor's research on the "River of Eternal Darkness", and it is an item he uses to indirectly control the "River of Eternal Darkness".

"Badheir...Salinger..." Amanissis named these two names. These were the opponents he chose for himself.

This is also his own great advantage.

"It will come eventually." Amanissis put away the golden phoenix statue and walked out of this dark space and out of the underworld.


Such sounds rang from every corner of the underworld. Salinger used the authority of the underworld to completely close the underworld and cut off all contact with the outside world.

The underworld actually fell into his hands, including the "River of Eternal Darkness" at the bottom of the underworld.

He considered himself to be the party that gained the most from this plan.

Amanisis glanced at it, ignored it, and left secretly.

In this era, there is one last thing left.


Omi Bella was in an extremely dazed state of mind and was in a panic. She just followed some mysterious connection and came to the country where she believed in herself.

"Great Harvest Goddess, listen to our prayers,..." The faint voice of prayer echoed in the ears, and Omi Bella's mental state gradually stabilized.

"Sequence, path..." There was an unimaginable sadness in Omi Bella's single eye.

As the Giant Queen, he had already seen the complete "Giant" path long ago and knew the relationship between the so-called Sequence One and the True God.

Under the premise of having a true god, the upper limit of all extraordinary beings on the same path will be stuck at sequence two.

This is the most vicious curse, the deepest contradiction, and the source of all strife.

But this is the nature of this world, with madness and disorder, constant fighting, and constant convergence and separation.

"Badheir!" Thinking of this, Omi Bella felt even colder all over, with a deep resentment.

No matter how thin the emotions of mythical creatures are, they still exist.

Patricide is extremely bad no matter which race it belongs to, and even the Giant King is still a belief of the Giant clan.

It can be said that the final blow that personally destroyed the twin era of the giants was delivered by Badheir.

"Become a god..." Omi Bella seemed to realize the importance of this option.

I didn't understand it before because he had the protection of the Giant King. Now that the Giant King is dead, the giant race will definitely decline, and he himself will become a rootless duckweed.

And after experiencing the turmoil of the war between gods in this era, who without a true god-level person dares to say that he can protect himself?

Maybe fantasy can do it...

Omi Bella felt that she should find a new way out.

"The power of life has always been in Lilith's hands. Maybe I have to find the remaining vampires..." Omi Bella had a certain direction.

"We're really here." A cold and somewhat familiar voice sounded like thunder in Omi Bella's ears.

But Omi Bella couldn't even react. Her own existence turned into a gray-white silhouette, which was easily erased by the eraser.

He entered the hidden world.


A vine with the breath of life penetrated Omi Bella's heart, defeating all his defenses.

"Lilith?" Omi Bella looked at Lilith who appeared in front of Him.Under the suppression of the absolute personality, Omi Bella had no ability to resist.

Then Omi Bella saw the hidden angel, the deputy king of heaven, and the dream angel who walked out of the hidden world.

At the last moment of her life, Omi Bella, who saw everything, thought of many things, but they were meaningless.

"Kill Badheir..." These were Omi Bella's last words.

"...Okay!" Lilith's beautiful brows furrowed. She felt trouble, but thought of Amanysis's plan, and then nodded gently.

Sasril used the "wrong" uniqueness and easily stole Omi Bella's identity and destiny without resisting.

Sasril then presented these things to Lilith.

Lilith did not resist and calmly accepted that this would be an opportunity for Him to re-enter the stage of history.

The power of secrets and dreams falls on Lilith. Unless Lilith takes the initiative to expose her, no one will discover the fishy nature of his identity and destiny.

Lilith accepted all this and began to change her body shape, from a vampire to a giant, and became "Omi Bella".

The real Omi Bella also truly died at this time, her body disintegrated into countless light spots, and then gradually condensed into a magical item under the action of the law of aggregation.

In addition, a giant crown also lies quietly on one side. This is the "proof of glory", the crown of the giant king.

It all happened so naturally, without even the need for voice participation, like a scene from a silent film that had been rehearsed countless times.

"What a vicious curse." Saslier's eyes fell on the magical item and he frowned slightly.

"Parricide?" Lilith, who had transformed into a giant, was even more disgusted.

"Give it to me." Truman decided to take this magical item.

"Okay, but you have to create an angel clone for me!" Lily requested without any politeness.

"...Okay." Truman twitched the corner of his mouth and agreed.

Lilith directly threw over a life-size doll, which was completely modeled after Lilith.

"Creator", Sequence [-] of the "Moon" pathway. Obviously, Lilith has been prepared and is waiting for Truman here.

Truman popped up a dream symbol and engraved it directly on the back of the body's hand.

In this way, this clone will be directly connected to the Book of Dreams, neutralizing madness at all times.

Buzz!The dream book hums softly, and the dreamy phosphorescence is transforming this angelic body.

"It's yours!" Lilith threw the magical item to Truman, and then a ray of will came to the clone.

A breath of life emanates from that body, and the hidden world has a little greenery of life.

"I will be the angel of life from now on." Lilith was very satisfied with the clone.

"Be prepared and hide your destiny." After the matter was over, the Secret Angel reminded him softly.

The other three all had serious expressions on their faces.

Once it meets the outside world, everything here will be embedded in the true trajectory of destiny.

"Let's begin." The Hidden Angel withdrew from the Hidden World.

Tsk... It's like an eraser scratching the paper, this is "secret".

The fateful intersection is silent.

From then on, Lilith was the "harvest goddess".

(End of this chapter)