

In ancient times, a battle raged between two powerful figures over a mysterious box. The sage, determined to protect it, sent the box to Saturn, but it eventually found its way to Earth, forever altering humanity with the substance known as anti-matter. Two hundred thousand years later, Moho-Sha Cycle, a worker at the Community Service Center, discovers his hidden anti-matter abilities. When chaos erupts at a coronation event, Moho-Sha steps up to protect the crowd, earning the attention of the Anti-Matter Corps. Recruited by Nami Dabur, Moho-Sha embarks on a journey filled with trials, new allies, and formidable foes. As he joins the Corps, he faces the threat of ancient enemies and uncovers the truth about his own powers, setting the stage for an epic struggle for the future of Earth.

joshua_Daniel_7381 · SF
16 Chs

first mission 2

Faltu, Akuma, and Felicity strolled leisurely through the expansive garage, their footsteps echoing off the concrete walls as they perused the impressive array of vehicles. The garage, bathed in the soft glow of overhead lights, seemed to stretch on endlessly, each vehicle a testament to human ingenuity and innovation.

"Hey Akuma, which car do you think would best suit our mission?" Faltu inquired, his voice filled with excitement as he surveyed the sleek lines and futuristic designs of the cars before them. The air was thick with anticipation, a palpable energy coursing through the trio as they contemplated the adventure that lay ahead.

Akuma paused, his brow furrowing in concentration as he carefully considered their options. "I believe the neon Bugatti would be our best choice," he finally declared, his voice confident as he gestured towards the sleek, aerodynamic vehicle that stood out amongst the others with its vibrant neon accents. Its polished exterior gleamed under the soft light, a beacon of speed and power.

With a unanimous agreement, the trio made their way towards the neon Bugatti, their anticipation mounting with each step. As they climbed into the luxurious interior of the car, the hum of the engine filled the air, a symphony of power and precision that promised an exhilarating journey ahead.

With a gentle push of the accelerator, the car surged forward, effortlessly lifting off the ground and soaring into the vast expanse of the sky. Their mission awaited them in the vibrant cityscape of Tokyo, Japan, where towering skyscrapers reached towards the heavens and neon lights illuminated the bustling streets below. The city pulsed with life, a mesmerizing tapestry of sights and sounds that beckoned them onward.

Upon their arrival in Tokyo, the trio found themselves surrounded by a dazzling display of architectural marvels, their towering silhouettes casting long shadows over the city streets. Among them, massive skyscrapers adorned with neon lights and digital billboards dominated the skyline, their surfaces plastered with advertisements for various products and services. The air was alive with energy, a tangible buzz of excitement that permeated the atmosphere.

As they exited the neon Bugatti, their eyes were drawn to a particularly striking advertisement plastered across the side of a towering building – a promotion for a revolutionary new skincare cream promising miraculous anti-aging effects. The image of flawless, youthful skin seemed to beckon to them, a tantalizing promise of rejuvenation and vitality.

Their journey led them to a bustling subway station, where throngs of commuters hurried to catch their trains amidst the chaos of the city. With a sense of urgency, the trio approached the station entrance, their voices raised to warn the unsuspecting humans of the imminent danger lurking within the depths of the underground tunnels.

"Attention, everyone! For your safety, we advise you to vacate the premises immediately," Faltu announced, his voice ringing out with authority as he addressed the crowded station. The commuters paused in their tracks, casting wary glances at the trio before hastily making their way towards the exits, eager to escape the looming threat.

As the startled commuters scrambled to comply with their warnings, Faltu, Akuma, and Felicity braced themselves for the challenges that lay ahead. Little did they know, their mission in Tokyo would uncover a web of deceit and intrigue, testing their skills and resolve like never before. But they were ready, united in purpose and determination, ready to face whatever dangers awaited them in the sprawling metropolis.

As the aliens launched their assault, Akuma put on his conductor,sprang into action, his instincts honed by years of training with the Anti-Matter Corps. With a steely determination, he summoned forth his Anti-matter straight lightning attack, a crackling bolt of yellow energy streaking towards the nearest assailant. The creature let out a shrill cry as it was engulfed in the powerful blast, disintegrating into nothingness before their eyes.

Meanwhile, amidst the chaos of battle, Felicity's mind drifted back to her tumultuous past. Memories of her childhood at the orphanage, the harrowing attack by the skeletal aliens, and her eventual rescue by Tim, a seasoned veteran of the Anti-Matter Corps, flooded her thoughts. Tim had recognized her innate potential and taken her under his wing, training her to harness her powers for the greater good.

In the dimly lit confines of the subway tunnels, Faltu, Akuma, and Felicity found themselves confronted by a fresh wave of skeletal aliens, their bony forms illuminated by an eerie glow. The air crackled with tension as the trio braced themselves for the impending battle.

Faltu, fueled by sheer determination, charged headlong into the fray, his fists ablaze with crackling black energy. "Anti-matter!" black fist,he roared, unleashing a devastating punch that sent the lead skeleton hurtling into the tunnel walls with bone-shattering force. Despite the creature's resilience, it was no match for Faltu's raw power, crumbling into a heap of shattered bones.

Not to be outdone, Akuma seamlessly followed up with a lightning-fast kick, his movements a blur of motion as he channeled the power of Anti-matter into his attack. "Anti-matter!" Lighting kick,he bellowed, the force of his kick sending another skeleton hurtling through the air before crashing to the ground in a heap.

Meanwhile, Felicity tapped into the primal forces of nature, summoning forth a swirling vortex of vines that ensnared multiple skeletons in their verdant embrace. "Anti-matter!" vine attack, she whispered, her voice barely audible over the din of battle, as the vines constricted with bone-crushing force, reducing the skeletal creatures to mere dust.

As the battle raged on, the trio moved with deadly precision, their movements a choreographed dance of destruction as they unleashed the full might of their Anti-matter abilities upon their foes. With each cry of "Anti-matter!" echoing through the tunnels, another wave of enemies fell before them, their skeletal forms crumbling into oblivion.

Yet even as victory seemed within their grasp, the true extent of the aliens' power remained unknown, lurking in the shadows like a malevolent specter. With grim determination, Faltu, Akuma, and Felicity braced themselves for the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that the fate of humanity hung in the balance. Theirs was a battle not just against an alien menace, but against the very forces of darkness that sought to engulf the world in chaos and despair. But with their unwavering resolve and the power of Anti-matter coursing through their veins, they stood ready to face whatever trials awaited them, united in their quest to protect mankind and preserve the fragile peace of the universe.

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