

In ancient times, a battle raged between two powerful figures over a mysterious box. The sage, determined to protect it, sent the box to Saturn, but it eventually found its way to Earth, forever altering humanity with the substance known as anti-matter. Two hundred thousand years later, Moho-Sha Cycle, a worker at the Community Service Center, discovers his hidden anti-matter abilities. When chaos erupts at a coronation event, Moho-Sha steps up to protect the crowd, earning the attention of the Anti-Matter Corps. Recruited by Nami Dabur, Moho-Sha embarks on a journey filled with trials, new allies, and formidable foes. As he joins the Corps, he faces the threat of ancient enemies and uncovers the truth about his own powers, setting the stage for an epic struggle for the future of Earth.

joshua_Daniel_7381 · Sci-fi
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16 Chs

first mission 1

"Prepare yourselves; any alert could come at any moment," he exclaimed seriously.

"Fine, I'm ready for anything," I replied.


"Huh, got a beep from my watch. I think there are three missions available, each in a different location. We'll discuss more when we get to headquarters," he declared.

[At headquarters]

"Alright, let's regroup you guys into one team," he said.

"But we're already grouped," I pointed out.

"Okay, you guys will remain in your former teams," he clarified.

"Now, all of you, go," he instructed.

Nami, Maya, and I headed straight for the garage. We selected the best car, a flying neon Rolls Royce capable of moving at 10 miles per second. We all hopped in, and the car soared into the air in turbo boost mode. Our mission location was in New York.

"Wow, is that the Statue of Liberty?" I exclaimed in amazement. "I haven't seen it before."

"Okay, let's go," Nami urged.

We exited the car, facing a large abandoned building covered in graffiti.

"Some aliens have been confirmed to be here," Nami informed us.

"Huh, there's a fence," I observed.

So, I jumped over it, while Nami and Maya simply opened the gate.

"Hey, I didn't know there was a gate," I shouted, feeling a bit foolish.

They sighed.

In front of us stood three skeletal aliens.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this. You guys head on," I shouted confidently.

then nami and Maya moved to the building

Huh I think I'm done this was pretty easy it doesn't feel right, i said

Then I sighted more of them

Huh this

Nami and Maya moved towards the building.

"Alright, you alien scum, how about I take you all out in one move?" I declared confidently.

They grunted in response.

"This is called the cycle kick," I explained.

With that, I leaped into the air, performing a backflip. As I descended, green energy surged around me, culminating in an insanely powerful kick. The shockwave was so intense that the three aliens were obliterated.

"Huh, I think I'm done. That was surprisingly easy. It doesn't feel right," I remarked.

Then, I spotted more of them.

"This is gonna be fun," I said with a smirk.

Meanwhile, Nami and Maya climbed the stairs inside the building, reaching the second floor where they encountered more aliens.

"Huh, another group, but my watch is still tracking some on the rooftop," Nami informed Maya.

"Head there; I'll take care of these guys," Maya instructed.

Nami swiftly left for the rooftop.

"Anti-matter ice blizzard!" she shouted.

A massive ice blizzard filled the room, tossing some aliens against the walls. The remaining aliens attacked, but Nami countered with an anti-matter ice shield covering her hand.

Back outside, I unleashed an "Anti-matter Big Hit," punching one alien in the face, sending it crashing into the fence with scratched ground.

As more aliens attacked, I engaged them in combat. One of them wielded sword hands, but I managed to break them with a powerful kick. Adding my anti-matter energy, I made the swords sharp and swiftly dispatched one alien by slicing its head off. Another alien was kicked aside, and I threw a sword, pinning another to the wall by its neck.

However, my triumph was short-lived as five aliens launched a coordinated attack, stabbing me in five places – left and right shoulders, belly, and both sides of my stomach. The wounds were intense, and I staggered from the onslaught.

I coughed blood and I was sent flying to the fence

"Am I going to die on my first mission?" I asked, fear creeping into my voice.

"Not yet, not yet, not yet!" I shouted, trying to rally my courage.

"I'm going to become a rank 10, mother," I said, determination burning in my eyes as I glanced at the necklace.

"Hey alien scum you gonna see the true power of moho-sha cycle", I shouted

The I stand up slowly as the wound hurt more .

With a swift and decisive movement, I launched forward, my fist connecting with one of the skeletal aliens, sending it hurtling through the air with a satisfying thud. As the adrenaline surged through my veins, I propelled myself skyward, my ascent marked by a trail of shimmering anti-matter energy that resembled the tail of a shooting star. With a resounding cry, I unleashed my signature move: "Anti-matter shooting star!" The resulting explosion was cataclysmic, engulfing the courtyard in a blinding flash of light. The force of the blast was so potent that it threatened to tear apart the very fabric of reality, leaving me sprawled on the ground, my body battered and unable to move.

[Back to Maya]

In the heat of battle, Maya's cry rang out, "Anti-matter ice fist!" Her fist collided with the skeletons, sending three of them hurtling out of the room and into the dark corridors beyond. However, one of the creatures managed to sneak up behind her, its razor-sharp claws slicing across her jaw with a sickening crunch. Despite the searing pain, Maya summoned her Anti-matter icy shield to deflect a combined attack from the remaining foes. Yet, the force behind it was overwhelming, propelling her towards the nearest window. With a deafening crash, she smashed through the glass and plummeted from the second floor to the unforgiving ground below, shards of glass tearing at her flesh. Through sheer determination, Maya summoned her remaining strength to deliver a final, devastating blow.

"Anti-matter ice avalanche!" she screamed, her voice echoing through the courtyard as a massive snowfall cascaded down upon the remaining enemies, crushing them beneath its icy weight. Gritting her teeth against the pain, Maya limped across the courtyard, her eyes scanning the area for any sign of her comrades.

"Hey, Moho-sha, look at how much you're bleeding," she said, her voice filled with genuine concern as she approached my prone form.

"Maya," I managed to utter weakly before succumbing to the darkness, my consciousness slipping away.

[On the rooftop]

High above the chaos below, Nami stood tall atop the rooftop, his gaze fixed upon the sprawling cityscape as the last vestiges of sunlight faded from the sky. Suddenly, a horde of skeletal aliens emerged from the shadows, their menacing presence casting a dark shadow over the evening sky. Undeterred, Nami squared his shoulders, his eyes blazing with unwavering determination.

"You think you can defeat me?" Nami called out to the approaching horde. "Think again! Anti-matter!" With a flourish of his hand, Nami summoned a powerful wave of water, crashing it down upon the advancing aliens and sending them stumbling backward. "Anti-matter!" he cried out once more, conjuring a jet blast of water that tore through the ranks of the skeletons, knocking them off their feet in a watery explosion.

As the battle raged on, Nami's mastery over water intensified with each passing moment, fueled by his unyielding resolve. "Anti-matter!" he bellowed, his voice echoing through the night as he unleashed torrents of water upon his foes. The skeletons fought fiercely, their blades flashing in the darkness, but Nami's abilities proved

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