
Another Young Justice Story

'Normal' Guy Reborn In the World where he knows nothing about With Some 'Powers'.

Rex_Zatch · テレビ
14 Chs

Chapter-6 System Updated [System 2.0]

Chapter-6 System Updated [System 2.0]

After, School, I decided to walk home instead of the bus because of my special visit to the junkyard.

Walking toward the west side junkyard, I saw many 'items' mostly cars because this west side is the junkyard for both metropolis and Gotham and the reason for coming here is to find some bulletproof cars in here.

Yes, I am here for the material for my hero suit, mostly my armor. In Gotham and Metropolis but mostly in Gotham many people tend to ride car with bulletproof or bulletproof glasses and after the villain destroy it, they are sent here.

Also, I Don't need a huge amount, just enough to help me make my armor, and also my system can replicate or duplicate the material once I have acquired and put it inside the inventory.

While I was searching, an old guy came toward me and asked "Hey, Kid, this is not a place where a Kid should be visiting or doing Anything Illegal"

"Sorry, sir, I was not doing anything Illegal, I… I... I... Was only looking for my dad's car, Sadly he died a few weeks ago in a car accident, And when walking home I saw there and knew that his car was sent here, so" I Said while I cried with fake tears looking at him.

"Ah-h I Didn't mean for you to remember your sad past, I feel sorry, Kid, wait, I have an idea, let Me help you find it, What do you say?"

"Are you really going to help me, Sir?" I looked at him with puppy dog eyes, well for more than 10 years I have had to practice for this.

"Ah, Yes, Kid Don't cry, Tell me the car number or the detail, and I can find it out for you," He said while straightening his back and looking at Cars around.

"I don't remember much, but I know it was a black car with Bulletproof all over including Glasses, Sir can you help me with that" I looked at him accepting a positive answer, which I did.

"Although it is little information, it is important, wait for me here I will go and check the register" Saying he walked inside, and a few seconds later, he came back while smiling.

"Good News, Kid, a Few days ago there came a 4 car matching your description"

"Thanks for it Sir,"

"Come kid, I will take you there, follow me"

"Yes, sir"

Saying, he started walking, and soon I followed behind him.

After reaching here, I saw four totally wrecked cars, and believe me when I say totally. Pieces of glass and door were hanging, Some broken.

"Oh, the car is a little damaged but ugh" After he saw the car, he was also speechless.

"I.. I.. Don't know what to even--" After that, I Again used my fake tears and looked down toward the ground. Appearing sad and hopeless.

"Ah, Kid takes your time, I… I... I have to go ugh to sign some paper, but I can only give you 5 Minutes, kid" Saying he Walked Away.

"Well, that was something, But I don't know what to collect, If my system was not updating I could ask But---Ah Ok I will take anything that looks valuable"

Oh, this looks like stainless steel, I will take that, and go to inventory, I put it inside the inventory. Even though the system is updating, its inventory function is still on, so.

I took four types of steel broken plates for it and also four types of glasses and some tires, I think they are also bulletproof.

After collecting what I need, I walked away from there, and outside I saw the same old guys standing with some paperwork checking the cars.

I walked toward him and he also sees me. After reaching there I saw him and I said "Thank you, Sir, I feel like the weight has been lifted off my chest" I bow and little and smiled at him.

"Ah, No problem kid, I also know how it feels to lose someone, So going straight home from here, Kid, and Stay Safe," He said while remembering his past.

"Yes, sir, Hope you have a wonderful day sir, Bye" Saying I walked away from there.

While walking, I heard the same old system prompt, which made him smile more than before.

[Ding, Update Complete, The host now has full access to the system Function]

'Good to have you back, System'

[It's good to be back, Sir]

'Wow, you sound more human-like AI than compare to before'

'Yes sir, I have been upgraded'

'So it is like Rebirth, So, System would you mind me giving you a name'

[No problemo, Sir, Please give me a cool name,]

'Ugh, Let me think, Ah-----ugh----Wait I used to have a Magnum handgun name Max short for Maximus, So Max is the name I choose, How does that sound'

[Good, Sir, From today onward this system name will be Max the support system]

Wow, wonderful.

'So what are the new Upgrades you got Max?'

[Sir, can find out about it in the Status]

Ok then,



Host Name: Ryan Summers

Title: Host, Meta-Human, Honey, Dear, Kid

Species: Meta-human

Birth Year: 1995, September 03

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Hair Color: Blond

Eyes Color: Green

Relatives: Adam Summers (Grandpa), May Summers (Grandma)

Affiliation: House of Summers

HP: 350/350

MP: 60/60 {Locked} (Can be unlocked through getting MP attack)

STR: 20 (Average 10)

VIT: 35 (VIT * 10 = HP)

AGI: 20 (Average 10)

INT: 30 (INT * 2 = MP)

LUCK: 15 (Average 10)

True Gamer's Mind (Passive): MAX

{True Gamer's Mind: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows a peaceful state of mind. Immune to mental attack. Gain the ability to All-speak}

True Gamer's Body (Passive): MAX

{True Gamer's Body: After napping and resting for a full 9 minutes, it restores HP, and MP and cures all status effects. It helps with Pain Immunity}

Reactive Adaptation (Passive): MAX

{Reactive Adaptation: The ability to develop adaptations, powers, or skills in response to immediate threats.}

(New) Near-Infinite Inventory to Customize: The user has the Inventory to store almost everything including items, clothes, Firearms, Tanks, and helicopters but not including living beings, and can customize it, fuse it, make a duplicate of it, or delete it from the universe.

(Previously he only had normal inventory and only customize on the human limit but now more than the superhuman limit but still has the weakness as before cannot customize or erase the mother or father box and cannot create a lantern ring like that.)

(New) Adaptive Mind: The power to mentally adapt to new/changing situations.

(New) Accelerated Development: The ability to develop skills, traits, and abilities faster and more effectively than should be possible.

(New) Adaptable Lie: The user is adaptable to lying, either through words, or actions, and able to be a master of deceiving others, either innately.

Acquired Adaptation Resistance (Passive), Accelerated Regenerative Healing Factor (Passive), Adaptation Regeneration (Passive), Psychic Immunity (Passive), Sensory Adaptation (Passive), Adaptation Development (Passive), Adaptive Appearance (Passive), Combat Adaptation (Passive), Adaptive Attacks/ Defend (Passive), Environmental Adaptation (Passive), Adaptive Movement (Passive), Adaptive Breathing, Pain Resistance and suppression (Passive), Adaptive Hearing, Adaptive Sense of Smell, Danger Sense].





To be continued...

AN: Early Happy New Year to you All.