
Another Twilight fanfic

WARNING: -Expect drama while reading this, please be patient with me. It'll make sense even if it seems it doesn't. - a lot of swearing/cursing - MATURE CONTENT(kids you were warned) - Gore -GXG/WLW/BXB/LGBT+(just the gays, so homophobes, respectfully... begone please) -Forms of abuse from mental, physical, SA, etc. (It may be mentioned as someone's past or present) - THIS IS AN AU, AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE. Certain events might change or would not happen or have happened. Some pairings will have changes. Some facts about the story or the characters might change (Honestly, it's because I'm too lazy to research and watch it all over again) -English isn't my first language, so you will see misspellings and grammatical errors, I might or might not go back to edit them later on. -the frequency of chapter uploads depends on the mood really, so you might get more than one chapter a week or just one. Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN TWILIGHT, EVERYTHING ABOUT IT, STORY AND THE CHARACTERS OF IT BELONGS TO THE ORIGINAL CREATOR OR OWNER OF IT, THE ONLY THING I OWN ARE MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS. I DO NOT OWN THE SONGS THAT WILL BE INCLUDED IN THIS STORY, THEY BELONG TO THEIR ORIGINAL CREATORS (did I do that right?) AN: This is a wish-fulfillment thing. I ran out of stories to read about Twilight, so I made one of my own. I'm not earning anything from this, I still have this boring job and responsibilities in real life, so please don't... please don't pressure me and be mean. For those who are wondering why I even published it here, it's because I wanted to motivate myself to continue the story. Thinking that there may be people wanting me to continue this as well. Basically, means I just don't want to end up forgetting about this. ~~~ This is a story of a woman who was forcefully reincarnated to another world. She was just working, kept thinking of just disappearing, and not existing. The usual shit that sadly a lot of people also think like this. Waking up every day, feeling shit because, well... I woke up. Seeing all this, a ROB plucked my soul out of my body, and just killed my healthy(not healthy, bitch be living like no tomorrow with the junk food and smoking) body and forced me to reincarnate, refusing my original wish to just disappear into oblivion! Told me I should be grateful to be alive and some shit that sounded like a 'live, laugh, love' type of culty thing. Woke up in a hellish situation, don't know which universe he shoved me in, just a clue that it was from one of the things I liked, but that didn't help to narrow it down aa, I liked a lot of stuff... Some weird too... Continued to suffer my hell for a while, cursing and begging the ass face for the sweet release of death and hopefully meet the guy again so I can punch him in the nuts, and suddenly the door opened and when I saw who it was, I now knew where I was. 'F***ing twilight?!'

EmphieIsMe · 映画
101 Chs

Chapter 44

AN: Guys... I literally gave you a sneak peek... I gave you a future scene... 😅 They'll be fine.

It's gonna be rough for a bit... And there would be other sad shit... But that's life. It ain't always happy, and it can be extra for supernaturals. Trust the process... Puhlease...

If you want to read spoilers join the discord. 🤭






We were lying on the sofa together, my head on his chest while he ran his fingers through my hair... Were both staring blankly at nothing just lost in our own thoughts while seeking comfort from each other while we process the shit that life just served us.

Isaac was probably thinking about his ex and his sickness... Me, Rosalie.. The wedding... And the idea of offering Isaac an extension on his life... A looooong long extension.

I just am not sure how to offer it to him... I'd have to tell him about what I am first... The how part is what I'm having trouble with. I guess I could try a bunch of times... See his reaction, and erase his memories if he doesn't want to turn or has a negative reaction.

Hmmm..here goes nothing... I sat up, and adjusted position so he was able to see me sign.

*Isaac... I have a question, and I need you to take this seriously and answer me honestly after you've thought about it thoroughly... Can you do that, please? * I tell him with a serious look.

He noticed that I wasn't playing around, adjusted his own expression, and turned serious, with a hint of curiosity and anticipation for what I was about to ask him.

I took a deep breath and bit my now-healed lip to calm my anxiousness.

*If I say... I had a way for you to live longer, a way for you to live cancer-free... But you have to give up your humanity, your family, and life here in New York... Come with me somewhere else... Would you agree?* I asked him while looking straight into his face, trying to analyze his reaction.

He looked at me funny... Like he's wondering if I'd gone crazy. Can't blame him, it's understandable to think that after hearing what I just said.

"My humanity? I'd have to give up my humanity?" he asked with furrowed eyebrows, lips tinned to a line when he stretched it to a weird disbelieving smile.

*Seriously bitch, that's what you focus on? Priorities here hoe! You could be cured! * I retorted in exasperation.

"first off, You're a Bitch and a Hoe too! 2nd, what do you mean by pri-o-ri-ties? Do you not see one's Humanity as something important? Isn't it more important than life? What kind, or rather what exactly do you mean by humanity here... Is it like a moral thing, do I have to lose conscience or regard for other people's lives or something? Or do you mean like a physical thing, where whatever cure you would give me would alter my physical form and would be seen as unacceptable, ugly, or abnormal by other people?" he replied, kinda offended that I questioned his intellect.

*Why the fuck are you making this difficult! I'm asking you seriously if you want to continue living, and spend more time on this earth with me!*

"And I'm telling you that it's important too! You're not being straight with me so I have to figure it out myself!"

Both of us held out a fist close to each other's faces, looking like were about to or wanted to punch each other's faces, then dropped it frustratedly, while simultaneously rolling our eyes at each other.

"Robin, be direct with it. Just say it. Ask me, no need for this cryptic bullshit your doing. We both just got screwed by fate, our minds and hearts don't need this added frustration from this conversation. Spit it out"

[AN: Phrasing! There was no screwing! 😱]

*Fine! Do you want to know? Fuck it... I'm a half vampire, and I want to use my father's venom, who's also a vampire, to turn you into a vampire too. You won't be sick anymore, you won't die from cancer if you turn. You'll lose your humanity because you'll no longer be human. My whole family are vampires. I'm the only one that's a hybrid. I'm half siren, half vampire...*

After I finished signing all that, my heart was beating fast from anxiousness, what would be his reaction? Will he look at me like I'm a monster? Or will he believe me at all?

He was just looking at me with furrowed eyebrows, her gaze analyzing me... My expressions, I think he was trying to figure out if I was being serious with all that, or if I was doing some sort of joke on him for some reason, we did prank and joke with each other...

"If it's true, it would make a lot of sense..." he said, with a look of contemplation.

"But how can you prove that you are what you say you are?" he asks with a raised eyebrow, asking for proof.

How do I even prove it, this is the Twilight universe, vampire don't show veins on the side of our eyes or have our fangs elongate... Tsk... I have to do that huh... I'd have to do a canon Edward move.

I took a deep breath and exhaled... And then pulled him by hand over to the back of the house to avoid being seen by the neighbors. He didn't pull his hand back nor protest, and just let himself be led by me, and then we finally reached an area that was out of view from the public.

I looked back at him and then at the sun, perfect, it was a sunny afternoon... I didn't have a hat nor a parasol to protect me from the sunlight, my skin that wasn't covered, my face... It glowed... Not glowing like some signs or lights... But in a way that makes someone look like they had a natural filter on, where the sunlight was kissing my skin, making me look surreal, like a dream...

His jaw hung low while looking at me wide-eyed, his eyes seemed like it was about to pop out, if his jaw had been lower, it would have already hit the floor.

But I know it wouldn't be enough of a proof... I sped over to the side where we had a little shack where we kept the garden tools and things for repairing stuff around the house, I pulled out a shovel from inside and showed it to him, and when I was sure that he was paying attention, I separated the metal part of the shovel from the wood, and then folded and crushed it into a ball, and then threw it right under his feet.

Still wide-eyed, and mouth open... His gaze now at the ball... And then at me... And then at the ball again... He kept doing that back and forth for a while before he finally spoke.

"Well... Fuck me... HOT DAMN! MY BESTIE IS BADASS!" He shouted excitedly while running in my direction, and then engulfed me in a hug.

It's my turn to be baffled... Isn't this reaction too positive? Shouldn't there be more, I don't know... At least a slight aversion to me? My kind?

"you've been holding back a lot from me young missy! Wait, you're immortal, you don't age, so are you actually old? A grandma? I don't care! You're a vampire! My bestie is a vampire! Wait, you said you were a hybrid..." he was so excited, but got a bit confused and curious at the end.

I shook my head at his antics and nudged him to follow me inside to go back to the living room.

There, I explained to him everything about vampires, the pros and cons of being one... The Volturi, their laws... My hybrid side, gifts... About soul bonds, mates... And about Rosalie and I's connection... He didn't interrupt me, but just listened attentively, comprehending and taking in every detail and information that was being shared.

*So that's how it is. If you decide to agree to be a-* I was going to bring up turning him again but he cut me off.

"I'll become a vampire!" he said while holding my hands.

"I know what you're going to say, and you'll probably repeat all the cons again to me, and ask me if I'm sure... So let me tell you this.

I'M SURE... I want to be turned and live a long life with my best friend, and possibly my future mate, whoever that person may be... I don't want to leave your sad butt alone in this world, moping around, heartbroken, waiting for your mate to be reborn, because she currently chose another person over you..." he finished saying all this with a raised eyebrow and a sassy pout.

For the first time, laughed out loud in front of him... He was shocked at first and then his expression changed into a joyful one, he felt how much I loved him right now, how thankful I am for him entering my life.

We simultaneously moved closer to each other and hugged. Still with our silly smiles.

"I love you" Isaac

"hmmm" me

We stayed like that for a few more minutes and then decided to go to the kitchen to grab some food for ourselves, there was still canned food. I grabbed some food for Leo, left Isaac to prepare the food, and fed my boy. When I came back, the meal was set up on the kitchen table, we didn't bother going to the dining hall when there were just two of us.

I took out a blood bag from the refrigerator and transferred the contents to a tall glass, sat opposite him, and started eating and occasionally taking a sip, enjoying the simple meal... Trying my best to not think about tomorrow's event.

We didn't talk during the whole meal, not that none of us wanted to... Isaac visibly seemed to want to talk to me about something... But held back.

When we finished the meal, I was putting it away to wash it myself since he was the one who prepared it. My back was facing him, and I could still feel his gaze at me. There wasn't much to wash so I finished quickly... A d went back to sit beside him.

*Spit it out*

"what do plan to do tomorrow?"

*I'll attend the ceremony. With you by the way, I'm assuming you also received an invitation, but since you're already here, don't go home, I don't want to be alone tonight. Just use one of my Dad's suits. Just be my plus one. We're not even going to attend the reception* my eyes are now lifeless.

"I think it's stupid of you to even go if you're not there to stop it... But fine."

We walked up the stairs to head to my room, we lay together in the bed. Burying my head against his chest, him hugging me closer to him. We fell asleep.


Some church in NY the next day.

Wedding day

It was a beautiful day to have a wedding, the weather was sunny and perfect, and there were a lot of guests coming into the church, finding their assigned places.

Cheerful talks laughs, and gossip being whispered could be heard inside. Once every normal guest had settled in their respective seats, me and Isaac chose the far end, the seat farthest from the altar, but also away from the church's front door... I couldn't trust myself to not do anything if I saw her up close walking towards another person... The lucky bastard that was now at the altar...

I'm trying my best to fight my instinct... This is really happening... I'm regretting going here now... Maybe we should go before the wedd-

^wedding music/piano^

Shit... Too late...

The doors of the church opened, and in came the procession of people, family from both sides of the bride and groom... I didn't care for them... I was already anticipating and at the same time, dreading to see her come in a wedding dress...

It was stupid, but I was still hoping that some miracle would happen at the wedding, and it would end with me running off with her somewhere, with Isaac and Leo of course. But I knew ROB wasn't that nice... He already gave me Isaac...

Suddenly, her scent hit my senses... Here she comes... I held my breath, I couldn't let myself be intoxicated by her scent and lose my self-control here. She deserves the perfect wedding she dreamed of...

You can do it, Robin, once upon a time, before you got together... you've already accepted that this was how it would be... You can do it again... I exhaled and held my breath again.

Then I saw her come in clad in a white wedding dress that clung perfectly to her body... She walked slowly, gracefully... Her face was covered by a thin veil, but I could still see the smile she had on her face... It wasn't as bright as the one she used to give me... But it was still a kind of genuine smile from her... She was looking directly at the altar... At the groom...

My jaw clenched at the scene...

She looked so beautiful and perfect at this moment... My mate...

I don't know how she noticed me, but she did... Her veiled face turned to look at me, and she beamed a smile when she saw me... It was definitely different from what she had earlier...

A tiny hope flickered in my heart. I knew it was impossible, I used my skill on her... But the bond... The bond was already triggered and strengthened... It wasn't complete... But it was strong... I'm barely hanging on restraining myself from kidnapping her right now... But as soon as that tiny flicker of hope came, it went away when her father who was walking to the altar lightly nudged her to start moving again.

She sent me one last look and smile, before proceeding to the altar... Her smile went back to that generic one... Yes, I'm going to call it generic... The most beautiful smile I saw her ever make was always just with me!

I was fully concentrated on her... Everything else faded... But I felt someone's gaze at me, and it held a bit of hostility... With heightened senses, and instincts, I don't have to be an empath to feel hostility directed at me, I wanted to solely focus on her now, but whoever this might be, they could also be a danger to her... And when I looked around to search for who it was... Surprisingly, it was from Mrs. Hale... Which confused me, because we got along well, last time I checked, she liked me.

When our eyes met, she immediately looked away, ignoring me and focusing on her daughter now. I was curious, but I decided to focus on the bride now...

She reached the altar... Her father handed her to the guy... And they went in front of the priest... The ceremony went smoothly... To be honest... I blanked out... I just stared at her the whole time... I was too focused on her and trying not to lose control of my instinct because I was pretty sure there would be a massacre here if I did...

The ceremony was now about to end and has now reached the part where they kiss...

Hands clenched, my nails dug into my palms that were now bleeding, my lower lip also bleeding from me currently biting on it hard...

As I see her veil being lifted off of her face, exposing her beautiful face... That was now directing that gaze and that generic smile to the man who was now her husband... I was about to witness it... They were about to kiss... but just before I did, I felt Isaac pull my head against his chest, hugging my head, covering my vision up until it was over.

My chest was about to burst... My emotions are making me feel physical pain... I need to go now... I looked up at Isaac for a moment then started to pull him towards a different exit.

When we reached the back of the church, I didn't even ask nor inform him about what I was about to do... Time was running out. I lifted him up, holding him in a princess carry, and sped off to my usual spot in the forest, it was morning, and the sun was out... I tried to avoid being seen as I ran as fast as possible...

When we reached the area, I carefully put down Isaac against a tree since I knew he wouldn't be feeling good after the run. But I had no time to care for him for now.

I moved a bit away from him and started...

Then I scream... And kept screaming, at one point, it sounded like a banshee wailing... I waited for the song to come to me... One that would calm me down...

I'm so tired... It hurts... My heart... Why... Just why me... I close my eyes to sing the song...

-Consejo de amor by Tini-

🎶If I have to choose between seeing you again or accepting that you left

Si me toca escoger entre volverte a ver o aceptar que te fuiste

I prefer to pretend that I'm happy for you even though you didn't choose me.

Yo prefiero fingir que por ti estoy feliz aunque no me escogiste

If I have to break my whole heart to tie you to my life

Si me toca romper todo mi corazón para atarte a mi vida

I will have to understand that in wars of love there are always stray bullets

Ya tendré que entender que en las guerras de amor siempre hay balas perdidas

Don't force me to hide that maybe I didn't see you if I see you

No me obligues a disimular que quizá no te vi si te veo

Because you know I promised, although if I were you, I wouldn't believe it

Porque sabes que lo prometí, aunque si yo fuera tú, no me creo

If I have to erase every mark that his kisses left on you

Si me toca borrar cada marca que a ti te dejaron sus besos

I prefer to write above with the missing ones of ours.

Yo prefiero escribirles encima con los que faltan de los nuestros

It could have been me

Pude haber sido yo

The one who has your heart guarded

La que tiene tu corazón guardado

But someone mercilessly stole it from me

Pero alguien sin piedad me lo robó

When I finally thought I had caught him, he ran away

Cuando por fin pensé haberlo atrapado, fue que se escapó

It could have been me

Pude haber sido yo

The one who always wakes up next to you

La que a tu lado siempre se despierte

But the future never came to us

Pero el futuro nunca nos llegó

I promised myself I would never lose you, and I don't know what happened

Me prometí que nunca iba a perderte, y no sé qué pasó

It could have been me, oh-oh

Pude haber sido yo, oh-oh

If only you had asked me for love advice

Si tú tan solo me hubieras pedido un consejo de amor

Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh

Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh

If only you had asked me for love advice

Si tú tan solo me hubieras pedido un consejo de amor

Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh

Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh

If I have to wait for you, I will do it and I will not fade with the hours (I will not fade)

Si me toca esperarte, lo haré y no desvaneceré con las horas (no desvaneceré)

And even if someone else arrives, if I can't talk to you, it's the same as being alone

Y aunque llegue alguien más, si no te puedo hablar, es igual que estar sola

I know it's hard for me to see that in the end I'm going to be the one who ends up hurt.

Sé que me cuesta ver que al final voy a ser yo quien termine herida

But I must understand that in wars of love there are always stray bullets

Pero debo entender que en las guerras de amor siempre hay balas perdidas

It could have been me

Pude haber sido yo

The one who has your heart guarded

La que tiene tu corazón guardado

But someone mercilessly stole it from me

Pero alguien sin piedad me lo robó

When I finally thought I had caught him, he ran away

Cuando por fin pensé haberlo atrapado, fue que se escapó

It could have been me

Pude haber sido yo

The one who always wakes up next to you

La que a tu lado siempre se despierte

But the future never came to us

Pero el futuro nunca nos llegó

I promised myself I would never lose you, and I don't know what happened

Me prometí que nunca iba a perderte, y no sé qué pasó

It could have been me, oh-oh

Pude haber sido yo, oh-oh

If only you had asked me for love advice

Si tú tan solo me hubieras pedido un consejo de amor

Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh

Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh

If only you had asked me for love advice

Si tú tan solo me hubieras pedido un consejo de amor

Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh

Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh

It could have been me

Pude haber sido yo

But you left a crazy man in love

Pero dejaste un loco enamorado

Looking for a kiss from you at the station

Buscando un beso tuyo en la estación

And there is no worse misfortune than missing what never happened

Y no hay peor desgracia que extrañar lo que nunca pasó

It could have been me (oh-oh-oh)

Pude haber sido yo (oh-oh-oh)

The one who always wakes up next to you

La que a tu lado siempre se despierte

But the future never came to us (it came to us)

Pero el futuro nunca nos llegó (nos llegó)

I promised myself I would never lose you, and I don't know what happened

Me prometí que nunca iba a perderte, y no sé qué pasó

It could have been me, oh (it could have been me)

Pude haber sido yo, oh (pude haber sido yo)

If only you had asked me for love advice

Si tú tan solo me hubieras pedido un consejo de amor

Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh

Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh

If only you had asked me for love advice

Si tú tan solo me hubieras pedido un consejo de amor

Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh

Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh

If only you had asked me for love advice

Si tú tan solo me hubieras pedido un consejo de amor🎶

My knees gave out from the exhaustion... I collapsed on my knees and started sobbing... My instinct calmed down... But the emotional pain is still there...

Soon I felt Isaac's arms wrap around me. And without any complaints or any word at all, he just sat with me hugging me. Which lasted for a while... Hours...

It was already dark, late at night when my sobbing was halted by the sound of grumbling sound from Isaacs's stomach... I looked up at him, and then as if on cue, my stomach also made a sound...

We both simultaneously exchanged a tired smile and got up to go home.


AN: I struggled with this one. Ugh. Sorry. I didn't add any extra scenes in between the song because the lyrics were enough.

Again. Thanks for the power stones and aaaaaaaall of your comments. Even if you kinda hate me right now.

Imma be shameless since I was advised that I should do it... Since it would still be the person's choice to donate or not. If you wish to send support... Just if... here's my PayPal 👇


If you have any song recommendations or any ideas that you think would be cool to see in the novel, share them at our discord. You'll also get updates if there's going to be a change or delay in the chapters. Maybe you can even be in the novel yourself, here's the invite👇
