
Another soul surviving in a god forsaken apocalypse world

It all started at a dark storm, zombies roam the street as animals that was once not a threat to human became lethal at a single strike, Hu Zhu now has to survive this god forsaken world. Along with a few survivors, she has to not only watch out for the monsters is outside the safety of walls, but also watch others survivors closely to not get betrayed. As she grows stronger she learned to trust certain people but to keep someone is a difficult task to her who is emotionless. book cover: https://www.wallpaperflare.com/anime-girl-sword-dress-black-hair-magic-wallpaper-bntea [Blood warlock fanfic]

ashenlight · その他
17 Chs

Chapter 9: Job requirement

Evolve the Agility boost? focusing her gaze on the status window and looking at her Agility boost she discovered how it met the requirement.

[Agility boost (First Order Skill) Level 1 increase agility by +20].

[Evolution requirement: Agility stat of 100 or above: 129/100].

Because of her enhanced glaive and pendant totaling out to 90+ agility and her original agility of 69, she easily passed that benchmark, Pressing yes to evolving her skill Hu Zhu felt her body became even lighter, as if she was lighter than air.

[Agility boost (First Order Skill) Level 2 increase agility by +40]

[Evolution requirement: Agility stat of 200 or above: 199/200].

After her bountiful rewards, Hu Zhu now turned to the last reward she had to reap.

[You can choose the following job -

1) Spearman

2) Strategist

3) Wind Walker

4) Engineer

5) Storm Bringer].

One is Spearman, which is related to her wielding a glaive, she would have guessed it's a common job that grants her little mastery over her glaive but that's about it.

Strategist is an interesting one, it stems from her being able to analyze the battle and take the best course of action, she would speculate this class grants her something like a clearer mind and battle knowledge.

Wind Walker came from her insane agility as this ability came before her having air manipulation she discarded the thought of it being related to wind directly, though she could guess this class might give her a skill to control the wind but already having air manipulation, it automatically made this class useless.

As for Engineer, it stemmed from her knowledge of mechanical parts, before the apocalypse she studied as a Mechanical Engineer, this being a job that will probably give her mechanical knowledge.

Now for Storm Bringer, this job didn't appear the last time she checked, meaning this class is related to air manipulation, along with her items Storm Glaive and Eye of the Storm necklace, the name itself sounds powerful as storms are usually depicted as a disastrous event, this job is most definitely the strongest of all the option.

Without a second thought, Hu Zhu clicked Storm Bringer.

[You have chosen Storm Bringer as your First Order job].

[Call down storms of lightning, The path of the Storm Bringer is said to be a divine path, one that can bend nature's wind and call upon the wrath of god to strike down anything that stands in your way. This path is only given to you who mimics the wind and defeat those who are stronger than you. To advance to First Order and show that you meet the requirement you must complete the following requirement].

[Kill Unranked enemies using Air manipulation with a single attack: 0/100].

[Kill First Order enemies using Air manipulation: 0/10]

[Defeat a Second order enemy in a one-on-one battle, only relying on Air manipulation: 0/1].

[Upgrade Air manipulation to Level 2: 0/2]

[Tame the storm: 0/1].

?!? Hu Zhu almost screamed at the requirement, she was quite surprised that she needed to complete certain tasks after she chose her job, but these requirements are insane, to say the least, almost all of them are quite difficult already and then there is the requirement [Tame the storm] which she has no idea how to do or what it's telling her to do.

She wanted to complain to the one who made such a system but she knew she would be shouting empty air if she did so.

Speaking of air, she took a look at the requirement of evolving the Air manipulation skill.

[Air Manipulation (First Order active skill) Level 1: Air Manipulation is the universal law that allows you to control the air.].

[Evolution requirement:

[kill unranked enemies using Air Manipulation: 0/100].

[Create a pressure that is over 100 psi in a non-confined space 0/1].

[Successfully create an air vacuum in a non-confined space: 0/1].

This requirement compare to the job requirements are more doable, one just needs her to kill a lot of zombies using Air, and the second two need her to compress and depress the air in a single spot.

Right now her goal should be just to level up Air Manipulation and learn how to use it efficiently.

[Name: Hu Zhu

Level: 25

Race: Human

Job: None

Title: None

Strength: 89 (+40) / Agility: 109 (+90) / Health: [80/97] / Stamina: [40/133] (+50) / Mana: [54/54] / Magic: 40 (+50)].

First, her Mana is horrible, though she managed to increase it up a small margin by killing the First Order Venus flytrap and Qiao Long, it is still a long way from being able to use her Air manipulation constantly, and not enough to kill a First Order.

It's going to be a long time before she sees her level rise again but with a determined mind she is set to become stronger and survive in this world.

A knock was heard from the door, grabbing both Hu Zhu's and Bai Zemin's attention, Standing up Hu Zhu was the one who answered the door, on the other side Shangguan Bing Xue, was standing.

"Hu Zhu I'm here to inform you that there will be a meeting soon, so you and Bai Zemin will need to attend".

"I see, thank you for informing, I'll be right there" Shangguan Bing Xue nodded Hu Zhu turned to Bai Zemin who was approaching her.

"There will be a meeting soon, you and I will need to attend".

"I see" Bai Zemin nodded shortly and passed her leaving through the door, Guessing about what this meeting was all about, she grabbed her Glaive and exited the empty cafeteria.