
Another soul surviving in a god forsaken apocalypse world

It all started at a dark storm, zombies roam the street as animals that was once not a threat to human became lethal at a single strike, Hu Zhu now has to survive this god forsaken world. Along with a few survivors, she has to not only watch out for the monsters is outside the safety of walls, but also watch others survivors closely to not get betrayed. As she grows stronger she learned to trust certain people but to keep someone is a difficult task to her who is emotionless. book cover: https://www.wallpaperflare.com/anime-girl-sword-dress-black-hair-magic-wallpaper-bntea [Blood warlock fanfic]

ashenlight · その他
17 Chs

chapter 6: Qiao Long

After removing the vine spike and remembering the original goal I looked around the garden once more I searched the garden harvesting some potatoes that were undamaged from the battle, a great food to have because of its long lifetime time though not much, every bit of foods help.

Stuffing all that I found inside the garden storage and planted ones I quickly escaped, with my current state, fighting will only make my injury worse than it already is, and being eaten by a zombie is not on my bucket list.

Quietly evading the crowded streets, I moved through the alleyway to lessen my chance of an encounter.

But a sudden feeling of a gaze washed over me and I tightly gripped my glaive and quickly looked around to see who or what it was.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a shadow moving through the dark alleyway, and gauging its speed, its agility was only a little slower than mine, making my situation grimmer.

Suddenly the shadow slowly approached me, slow and steady footsteps could be heard and the shadow revealed itself to be a man.

"Hu Zhu, it seems that you're injured, would you like to come over to my place to recover" His innocent words betrayed his lecherous eyes, as he looked at my undergarments that were seen through because of the rain I noticed he licked his lips.

"No, need, I can go on and find another place" Not wanting to escalate the situation I choose the friendly approach.

"Well too bad, but that was not a question" This friendly smile turned into a grin as his face quickly broke down, revealing his true nature.

"You will come with me, whenever you like it or not" Feeling danger I quickly dashed back but the man quickly followed me and threw his fist, aiming at my abdomen.

Moving the pole to block it, I felt a massive force behind the strike and was sent backward into a wall.

"Cough" Feeling the metallic taste of blood in my mouth, I put Indifference into full throttle, voiding any feeling I had, as the world started to become black and white and the man started to transform into a chess piece, I only need to conditioned him for the perfect checkmate.

Rising from the rubble I looked at the man with a void-filled expression I threw away my backpack to not hinder me in battle.

"What is your name." My cold voice and question seemed to confuse the man but he regarded it as me asking a thought-less question.

"My name is Qiao Long, remember it as you will scream that name in bed" A disgusting laugh came after his introduction.

Qiao Long, who was just exploring the area found a scary sight before coming here, A giant flaming beetle the size of an elephant, the sheer pressure it gave off scared even Qiao Long, but even more terrifying, that giant beetle was taken down by a human.

He saw it with his own eyes, with every strike the man sent, he felt like he wouldn't survive it head-on, but after the battle, the man was greatly injured, so Qiao Long decided to lure as zombies into his location.

Scared to even make sure the man died he quickly fled back to the camp but luckily found the second most beautiful woman on campus, who had a harem back in the camp was ecstatic, and seeing Hu Zhu's injured shoulder he felt it durable enough to fight her.

My brain quickly scanned every information regarding Qiao Long: A martial artist, regarded as a highly-skilled fighter and managed to win a couple of national medals, his personality was that of a nice man, often being asked out by multiple girls for his attitude, but looking at him now he is now a greedy king.

Calculating the probability of winning I thought of many different ways but concluding that his ego seemed to have risen from the start of the apocalypse I most likely could take advantage of that.

"I see, what is this place of yours you talked off" My monotone voice caught him off guard but seeming reaction after he punched me he concluded I surrendered.

"Oh my camp is a haven that has many students, but if you join my harem I will let you eat all the food you want, sleep without worry, and become this king's wife".

"How about it? care to join hehe" Expecting a yes his face is filled is ecstatic that he will taste the second most beautiful girl on campus.

"Who said I will join?" With a hint of mockery, I looked at him as if he were a clown in his illusion.

"You!?" Feeling tricked and ashamed, he no longer held back and dashed towards me, and dashed full speed onto me.

Sidestepping at the last second, Qiao Long crashed into the wall, leaving him more enraged, emerging from the rubble with blood-shot eyes he saw me running away into the main street and quickly chased.

Feeling danger I pivoted to the side and saw Qiao Long striking the ground where I was previously, if I had been a second too late I would have been pinned down but noticing a shifting wind around his legs, I took note of this skill.

"Wind canon!" Pressurized air shot out of his fist, it tells me it's not a self-buff skill.

"Conclusion, air manipulation" I muttered.

"What did you say, woman?!".

"None of your business".

"Shut up!" Feeling more enraged by my casual comment as if I was taking him lightly he threw more punches at me which I accordingly dodged.

With a right hook, I dodged back and counter-attacked with a slice to his arm, Feeling a slight pain on his wrist he realized I didn't have too much strength and the highest stat I had was agility.

Feeling more confident he continued to chase Hu Zhu to wait for her to run out of stamina, and after that he would do as he liked with her body.

Passing through the wide walkway of the campus ground I found a single zombie roaming aimlessly.

Running full speed at it I grabbed the zombie by its neck and threw it at Qiao Long blocking our vision.

After letting his guard down knowing my strength cannot fully pierce his defense, he casually swung his fist at the zombie, probably thinking I was getting desperate for an escape plans.

Planting my foot in front of me, I fully stopped and turned to Qiao Long who was half-blocked by the zombie between us, Pumping every un-used status point into strength I felt immense strength filling me and I swung my glaive sideway aiming at his neck.

With his attention on the zombie he didn't notice the incoming glaive but seeing a glint of metal swinging from the side he tried to dodge but it was too late.

*Slash* the feeling of two necks being sliced felt surreal as a wave of notification filled my vision.

[You have acquired a soul power of normal zombie Level 9. 1+ stamina, 1+ strength].

[You have acquired the soul power of soul evolver Qiao Long Level 23. 30+ strength, 50+ Agility, 20+ health, 30+ Stamina, 50+ Mana, 50+ Magic].

[You have leveled up to level 20. You get 2 status points you can distribute freely].

[You have leveled up to level 21. You get 2 status points you can distribute freely].

[You have leveled up to level-].


[You have leveled up to level 25. You get 2 status points you can distribute freely].

[You cannot reach level 26 before choosing you get a job and evolve to First Order. All Soul Power acquired during the evolution process will be recorded and calculated once the first class is successfully acquired].

[All Soul Power has been calculated. You can choose the following job -

1) Spearman

2) Strategist

3) Wind Walker

4) Engineer].