
Another soul surviving in a god forsaken apocalypse world

It all started at a dark storm, zombies roam the street as animals that was once not a threat to human became lethal at a single strike, Hu Zhu now has to survive this god forsaken world. Along with a few survivors, she has to not only watch out for the monsters is outside the safety of walls, but also watch others survivors closely to not get betrayed. As she grows stronger she learned to trust certain people but to keep someone is a difficult task to her who is emotionless. book cover: https://www.wallpaperflare.com/anime-girl-sword-dress-black-hair-magic-wallpaper-bntea [Blood warlock fanfic]

ashenlight · Others
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17 Chs

chapter 5: Great spiker Venus flytrap

Finishing the food Hu Zhu retrieved her glaive and went along with Bai Zemin whom she kept at a distance, to the gym where Shangguan Bing Xue, Chen He, Wu Yijun, and her friends, with a few teachers, were discussing something.

"Hu Zhu, Bai Zemin alright, now that everyone who can fight is here I would like to start" Shangguan Bing Xue cleared her throat and explained the concerns about food supply, students' clothing, and medical supplies.

She empathizes with the need for meds as some students already caught the cold from their clothes being wet and if not treated quickly will make it worse.

"I would like to assign teams, each raiding, the male dormitory, female dormitory, the clinic, and possibly the garden to see if there is any fruit or plants we could preserve".

"I would like to move alone," Bai Zemin said first after Shangguan Bing Xue finished her explanation.

Shangguan Bing Xue frowned and disagreed with Bai Zemin "Moving with a team will be more beneficial, it will be more likely for us to survive a monster encounter that is too dangerous to handle alone".

"I would also like to move alone" Hu Zhu raised her hand as the cold Bing Xue's mouth twitched a few times.

"Please give me a reason" Shangguan Bing Xue seemed more patient for me and asked.

"My highest stat right now is agility, I don't want anyone slowing me down in running from and to the gym" Shangguan Bing Xue thought about my reasoning and nodded, agreeing with Hu Zhu.

"I see. And you?" She turned to Bai Zemin.

"I just want to go alone" Seeing the stubborn gaze of Bai Zemin she gave up trying to convince him.

After we were all done discussing, Hu Zhu was assigned to raid the garden, Bai Zemin was assigned to raid the clinic, While the six, Liang Peng, Shangguan Bing Xue, Chen He, Wu Yijun, Gao Min, Fan Wu, and Li Na were together to raid the male and female dormitory.

Bai Zemin was the first to leave disappearing into the storm, and with no time to waste I exited the gym into the heavy rain.

Quickly dashing straight towards the direction of the garden I killed monsters along the way, and before long I arrived at the garden I cautiously explored the area.

What made me suspicious was the lack of zombies roaming around which told me there was something unusual in there looked inside the greenhouse for any edible plants, but suddenly a feeling of danger came from below and I quickly dashed away.

In my previous spot, suddenly a giant mouth below the dirt closed like a Venus flytrap, if I were a second too late I would have been swallowed whole.

Noticing it did not catch me, the mouth emerged from the dirt as the stem was long and thick supporting its giant mouth, all the surrounding glass was broken was broken by it bursting from the ground.

The head of the plant was like a purple un-bloomed flower and in the middle were rows and rows and teeth.

This Venus flytrap must have mutated and leveled up from the roaming zombies and students that stepped into its trapped

The giant Venus flytrap didn't waste time and sent its first attack quickly.

Sensing a rumble underground I jumped into the air as a green spike burst out from where I stood, my eyes sharpened and I quickly pushed my skill indifference into full force, suppressing every emotion to the maximum for the goal of killing the giant Venus flytrap.

As if I was possessed, my demeanor changed, and my eyes scanned every possible wall and floors this being a garden most of the ground here is soil, meaning every inch of ground is a possible attack direction.

As soon as I touched the ground another rumble indicated its attacking, I dashed back once more testing the range of its vines, and once I was 20 meters away it seemed I am out of reach.

Running many simulations, the most likely victory is coming from facing it head-on, without a single hesitation I dashed towards it once more, my goal was to defeat it, not run away.

Sensing my incoming presence, spikes emerged in front of me blocking my advance, swinging my glaive at the vines I was annoyed that it seemed the vine is more tougher than I thought as my glaive made it only halfway into the wall of vines before stopping.

Sensing a vibration I let go of my glaive and jumped upwards as a spike burst once more at me but this whole time it it only struck with small spikes even though the vines are long they don't seem to follow me in the sky.

A theory formed in my head as I fell and pulled out my glaive from the wall of vines and retrieved a small rock as well.

Circling the plant I made sure pattern my footsteps and feeling another vibration I threw a rock to where my next step would me.

A spike emerged where the rock hit proving my theory.

"It can only see by vibration".

Right now the head of the Venus flytrap is sitting idly still, quickly grabbing a rock I ran straight to the Venus flytrap, and walls of vine formed, jumping over it I threw a rock knowing the Venus flytrap has a spike under there.

As soon as the rock hit the ground, a spike burst into the ground, destroying its surrounding.

The Venus flytrap was perplexed as it did not feel any flesh being pierced through but felt a vibration landing right next to it slashing at the Venus flytrap stem I felt a heavy resistance as I drove my glaive through its neck, but all the momentum was stopped at the last second.

*Stab* A spike shot through my shoulder, it was the previous spike that emerged from the rock throw.

Ignoring the pain, I gathered the last few of my strength and finally slashed through its neck, ending the fight.

[You have acquired a soul power of First order Giant spiker Venus flytrap Level 29. 30+ strength, 20+ Agility, 50+ health, 30+ stamina, 30+ mana, 30+ magic].

[You have leveled up to level 14. You get 2 status points you can distribute freely].

[You have leveled up to level 15. You get 2 status points you can distribute freely].

[You have leveled up to lev-].


[You have leveled up to level 19. You get 2 status points you can distribute freely].

Looking at at the large hole in my left shoulder I can completely ignore the pain using indifference, Looking over the dead Venus flytrap I saw 3 orbs: and 2 scrolls were dropped, one red, one orange, and one yellow.

[Rare Treasure Orb: a rare category treasure inside.].

[Normal Treasure Orb: a normal category treasure inside.].

[Magic Treasure Orb: a magic category treasure inside.].

deciding to open them I put them in my backpack and looked toward the scrolls

[Agility boost (First Order Skill) Level: 1: increase agility by +20].

Pretty basic, absorbing the scroll I felt a more lighter than before, lighter than a feather, satisfied with the result I checked the other scroll I was quite pleased with what I saw.

[Dynamic eyes (First Order Passive Skill) Level 6: You can see more clearly from a distance, notice minuscule details, greatly improve the over all vision, and can analyze fast-paced battles].