
Another Part Of Me

Life wasn't the same again when she decided to disappear from his life. Seeing her warm smile from her innocent face is what he lived for. If he can't, why would anything else matter? A part of him died with her anyway. But life has its own ways of making him feel alive again...

favourit3_becky · 都市
4 Chs

Chapter 4

Lawrence's POV

I groaned in frustration on bed as I rolled over, trying to pull the comforter up to cover my eyes. Shit! I hissed at the sunlight which penetrated in my room making me flutter my eyes. Stretching my arm with my eyes still closed I grabbed the alarm clock on my night stand. Opening. I pulled myself to a sitting position trying to open my eyes to adjust with the bright light, I checked the time, it was 10:23am. Can't believe I overslept and even missed my alarms, but that felt damn refreshing. Had no a goodnight sleep for God knows how long. I slid out of the comforter and went to the bathroom to clean up then headed to my study room.

"What will you have for breakfast, sir?" Anne asked soon as she walked in.

"Anything light" I replied without raising my head.

After a short while Anne came back with a cup of cocoa, sandwich and a sliced apple. "Anything else sir?" She asked as she was about to leave.

"Why didn't you pull down the curtains in my room last night?" I furrowed my brows still concentrated on some documents I was working on.

"I'm sorry sir, I made a mistake. It won't happen again. Anne pleaded and I decided to let her off, for today.

"Better not, next time I won't let it slide." I replied now looking up at her sternly.

"Thank you, sir," Anne replied and she was about to close the door when something occurred in my mind.

"Wait, did Wren show up today?"

"No sir"

"Okay. You can go now" I dismissed her again and proceeded with my work.

I took my phone intending to call Wren and that's when I realized there were three missed calls from Luke, just as I was about to call him back, his call came through.

"Hello Luke, what's up." I said taking a sip of my cocoa.

"We're hanging out tonight. Pull up. And don't use that lame excuse of yours cause we've got enough of it already. It's not like you're the only busiest man on Earth" Luke spoke on the other end. "Same place, same time."

"Okay. I'll try to make some time…."

"Woooah, come on Luke. Come and check it out." Came someone's faint wooing from the other end and I didn't have to ask to know who it was. "Is Wren there?" I questioned only to confirm my guess.

"Yup! Well, there are some stuffs we are trying to sort out."

"With Wren? I don't think there's any need to ask on what you two are up to"

"Relax man, we're just trying to have a good Saturday morning out here. It's a shame you aren't with us. Acting all grown up and shit"

"Just do me a favor and tell Wren to check out what I emailed him. It's important"

"Okay, I will Mr. All time perfect. See you at the club. Don't even think of missing"

"But I …" The call got disconnected.

Gosh. I didn't even say if I would be going or not. A lot of things were going on in my mind and I was wondering maybe I needed some time to loosen a bit and think things over?


I parked my car along with other randomly parked cars outside the club and walked in. The place was crowded with people walking in and out just as I remembered it to be. A mixture of strong alcohol and sweaty scent filled the atmosphere. I dimmed my eyes to adjust with the blinding disco lights as I searched for Wren and Luke among the crowd. I knew where I would find them, although I hadn't been here for a while but I knew this place like the back of my hand, taking two turns I spotted them at a table in a furthest corner of the bar.

"Bro-ooh, you're finally here!" Wren yelled out loud amidst high-pitched music soon as he saw me.

"Wren, you're drunk already" I said taking a seat next to Luke, facing Wren who was spewing some nonsense.

"You know his tolerance level for alcohol is despicable. He just had four bottles and he's already a mess."

"Then why do you make him drink?"

"Come on, he is a grown man now." Luke grinned as he took a sip of his beer. "Didn't think you would really come. It's been a long time since you came here. Everything fine?"

I didn't want to reply to that question and poured myself one shot and drank in one gulp instead. Luke watched me intently and for a second there I thought he would rush me with a thousand of questions. The guy knew me just too well, it was like he could see right through me. Thank God, he didn't push the matter any further.

Time flew by and we were really having a great time. In no time, Luke and Wren hooked up with some girls and went to the dance floor. I could see many girls contemplating whether to come over or not after seeing what I did to one of the girls who walked over and sat on my lap convincing me to make out with her. I flinched my nose just with the thought of her. Something caught my eye when I turned to look at some people who were making a little commotion in the opposite tables from where we sat and my heart started beating faster. It was a familiar face, with that warm and captivating smile. The girl who had been meddling with my sanity this whole week. I can't believe I saw her again. she was together with other four people, two boys and two girls. I remembered one of the girls; She was with her at the company on that night and I assumed the other guys were their friends. Maybe they work at Blakey's too, but I'm not sure, there are just too many workers that I can't keep track of all of them, Some I never meet at all. I was thankful to the dim light where I sat, they didn't notice me. I could tell they were talking and laughing aloud adjusting to the loud music just by watching them from afar. Shortly, the two boys and one of the girls stood and disappeared in the dance floor.

I smirked at the sight of my prey who was disturbing my mind for the whole week. I convinced myself over and over that I needed to pay her back for how she treated me so that I could feel better and that's it, nothing else, but other sane part of my mind criticized me knowing I was being a bastard acting that way. Deep down I knew I was the one who pushed her to act and treat me that way. I turned my head and poured myself another shot, trying not to meddle with other people's lives. By the way I should be less concerned on whatever they were doing, mostly important on what she was doing. I took out my phone and started working on whatever deemed possible through my phone. Checking the emails I received, trying to occupy myself with something. That worked for a while before I turned my head once again. Hell, I don't know why I was still bothered with the way I saw that girl, happy and carefree. And of all the times, my phone decided it was the best time to betray me and shut down. God damnit! I forgot it had less than 5% since morning and I hadn't charge it. Frustrated now more than ever, I put the phone back in my trouser pocket. After some time, I looked again where I saw that girl but she was nowhere to be found. I looked around but I couldn't see her. Only the girl she was with earlier was there and she seemed kinda drunk. Probably she followed the other guys to the dance floor? The thought of her in the dance floor almost turned me crazy. I wanted to go and look for her but I managed to stop myself. Instead, I ferociously took two shots and gulped them simultaneously and began looking at people who were crazily dancing in the dance floor and who roamed around. Luke and Wren shortly joined me. "Having a great time?" Luke asked looking so wasted now. "Yah" I answered short. "Still not getting why you guys like this local club so much. Just look how messy it is"

"That's what making it perfect. Right Wren?"

"Ye-ah. This club is lit. Not the classy clubs, being surrounded by some f*cked up sl*ts just because they know you got some cash" Wren replied and Luke gave me a winning grin.

"Watch your tongue. You're drunk" I warned.

"Come-on. I'm not even slightly drunk. Wren defied. "Need to be hooked up with some random girls? Trust me, you won't have regrets"

I threw him a 'don't even think about it' look and he quickly took a full gulp of beer looking at everyone but me. I began feeling fuzzy and knew the shots were now starting to work on me. I decided to go to the upper floor to get some air leaving Luke and Wren laughing on whatever jokes Wren made.

On this floor the light was even much dimmer, barely only one flashlight which I bet wasn't changed for a decade. And people rarely came up giving credits to the foul smell, but I cared less. The fact that music couldn't be heard that much made it a perfect place for me to do sky gazing and clear my head. I stayed for almost ten minutes and when I glanced at my wrist watch it was 00:47am already and I was exhausted. I couldn't handle being there for even a minute more. I needed to rest. I decided to go inside to find Wren and Luke intending to tell Jimmy to come and pick me up. But as I was getting back, I thought like I saw something. Well, someone actually, standing on the far end of the roof. I wanted to mind my business but blame the liquor on what I decided to do. I moved a little closer, careful with my steps not to be so louder. As I got closer, I looked with curiosity and that's when I knew who it was. It was her again. Relief flashed all over me knowing she was here all time long while here I was, thinking she was at the dance floor. It was that pancake girl. I walked slowly towards her and moved a little closer and with her sobs she didn't even notice my presence behind her. I found myself curious on why she was crying. Just a while ago, I saw her happy, laughing with her friends. I know I should've been a gentleman and ask in a kind way but I decided to do it my way. "Are you following me around?'. I asked in a stern tone causing her to jump a little in fear as she turned around. "You? What are -you- doing here?" she stuttered as she cleared her eyes with the back of her hands and clear her throat. I didn't reply anything but raised an eyebrow, then I realized she couldn't see me with that dim light. So, I cleared my throat too.

"I mean, good evening, sir." She stuttered again still looking at me in disbelief, her eyes wide as if she never expected even in a million years if I would ever be there.

"I said why are you following me?" I repeated, raising my voice a little higher than before.

"Huh! Me? No, I'm not following you. I just came here to hang out with my friends. I could never even imagine that you also come at local clubs like this." She replied. "And if you knew i would be here, you wouldn't ever step your foot here" I finished the rest of the sentence in my head.

"Is that so? So, you..." I couldn't finish what I was saying and the last thing I remember was everything turning blurry."


"Rence, Re-ee-nce" the breathless voice continued spreading in the air. I turned my head around and that's when I saw her. It was Lisa. she was on the ground her knees supporting her head and her arms wrapped around them. "Save me Rence I don't wanna die" she kept on begging between her sobs. I started taking steps toward her. But just as I got near her, the sight of her started fading. "No Lisa. Don't go." I said increasing the pace of my steps. Lisa just raised her head and gave me a faint smile before she totally disappeared. "No Lisa. Nooooooo. Don't leave me alone Lisa. Please." I collapsed down and started sobbing. "You can't leave me Lisa. Take me with you please. Lisa-aaaa-aaaa."

That's when I woke up from my nightmare, I wanted to open my eyes but they felt heavy. Then, feeling coldness on my forehead, I raised my hand to touch it and that's when I got a hold of something. I figured out that it was a wet piece of cloth on my forehead. I wanted to remove it, but before I could, someone said in a worried tone beside me. "No, don't."

I opened my eyes fast and turned my head around. "You?" I blurted out with my eyes wide in bewilderment, not believing what I'm seeing. I tried getting up fast but my body painfully ached that I had to lie down again. "What is this girl doing in my house? A wave of thoughts filled me as I turned my head sideways trying to take in the unfamiliar surroundings. "Where am I?" I now asked out loud, trying to sit straight slowly, one of my hands holding the wet piece of cloth preventing it from falling.

"I'm sorry, but you lost consciousness and fell. I think you had too much to drink. I don't know your address, So, I had no other option but to take you here. At my place."

That's when the flashback of what happened before I blacked out occurred in my mind. "Darn it" I cursed as I took off the piece of cloth on my forehead and removed the sheets that were covering me too. I hate it when people get to see me at my weakness.

I don't know why. But I was grateful with the word she used. I lost consciousness. She didn't say I fainted. I know it sounds lame, but that word made me sick. I don't care if she thinks I'm a terrible drinker.

"Don't move" the girl said again with a worried look and concern on her face after seeing what I just did.

I paid no need to her warning and got off on my feet. "Uhm" I said holding my head as I felt it throbbing with pain. I think the shots I drank last night were also playing their part in torturing me.

"Listen miss..." Then I trailed off as I realized that I didn't know her name.

"It's Katelyn sir, Katelyn Corbin" the girl finally said.

"Miss Katelyn, I have to leave now." I said searching for my phone in the pockets of my trouser as my mind remembered I'd put it there last time.

"Here's your phone. Katelyn handed me the phone. "I just recharged it, I swear I didn't do anything else." She added fast with her hand on her chest swearing on her words after I gave her a wary look. "I'm sorry."

I grabbed my phone fast and switched it on. A series of texts rushed in and most of them were from Wren, Luke and Jimmy. "Have a great night of a century bro, but did you have to switch your phone? I'm no longer a child, you know you can tell me about her" Jeez, this lunatic did he think I disappeared with a woman? I looked at the girl in front of me, well, she is a woman but not in a way Wren thinks. I opened another text; it was Jimmy's asking me if he should come to pick me up. I shoved the phone back to my trouser not replying to any of them. The storm I was going to encounter with Wren and Luke when I got back, I wasn't sure if I could handle it. I'm sure they had all the assumptions in the world on those crazy minds.

Before I could speak anything a door the bedroom door flung open.

"Is he awake?" someone asked walking in.

"Yes, he is." Katelyn replied breaking her gaze from me and looked to whoever opened the door.

I turned my head slightly to face the door and saw a familiar face of a girl, holding a tray of breakfast. Whatever it was, it smelled great. I remembered her. She was with Katelyn the other night at the club. "And you are….?"

"Um-mm. I'm Kate's friend. I mean, Katelyn. I-I-I ...." she staggered on her words as she intensely stared at me all the while smiling.

"She's Ellen. My best friend. We both brought you here. Katelyn replied going for Ellen's rescue who seemed like she couldn't find her words."


Ellen walked in and placed the tray on a small table beside the bed I'd slept on.

"Please sit and have breakfast before you leave, Mr. Blakey" Ellen said. I guess after seeing me the way I stood she felt like I was about to leave. And she was correct.

"Well...." I began protesting

"Please eat before you go. Kate personally made this breakfast." Ellen pleaded.

I just looked at Katelyn who was nudging Ellen to stop talking. I really wanted to leave, but since she personally made it for me, I should be kind enough to try it right?

"What about you?" I asked now watching them both.

"We-we already had breakfast" Katelyn replied fast putting her hand on Ellen's shoulder, convincing her to comply too. What a terrible liar.

"Let's dine together." I spoke.

"Sure Mr. Blakey, we would be honored to" Ellen replied while shoving off Katelyn's hand.

I picked up the tray which had my breakfast and headed to the door. Then I turned to Ellen so that she could lead the way out. Ellen opened the door and led the way while Katelyn stood there dumbfounded.

Well. I wasn't expecting this. Just as we got out of the room, we were in another single room which I figured out was a sitting room and at one end of it there was a kitchen. I headed directly to the dining table I saw in front of me. I put my tray on the table and continued observing the room. The place wasn't that big. There was a television and three sofas and the kitchen seemed small, but nice and everything was neatly put in place.

"We're really sorry sir, we couldn't prepare much for you." Katelyn said as she came and joined me while Ellen was serving her own and Katelyn's breakfast. I think she saw me observing the room and thought I was uncomfortable.

"It's fine. It's more than enough for me." I assured them, and we all started eating. There was an awkward silence all time long and only sound of spoons cracking the plates could be heard sometimes. And Ellen peeking on me time to time.

"Thank you" I finally blurted out lightening the atmosphere. I swear it took all I got to say those two words. It wasn't my style at all. I mostly said that only in my business circle. but I couldn't be an ungrateful bastard and just walk away not thanking them. I always felt awkward saying that to people who were inferior to me, much less my workers. But I hate owing people.

"No-no. It's okay Mr. Blakey. By the way its just bacon and eggs. Not a big deal." Ellen said. "A-and ginger lemon tea"

"No. I mean thank you for everything. Helping me out, breakfast and all." I said clearing the misunderstanding.

"We would gladly do that to anyone. Its really okay sir." Katelyn replied as she got up and took our empty plates and cleared up. Anyone? That wasn't very pleasant in my ears.

"Can I have your account numbers? I mean, I didn't walk with cash." I said, composing myself.

"What for?" Katelyn asked raising her head slightly to face me.

"So that I can deposit some amount in your account. You helped me" I replied.

"Thank you. But no, we can't accept that" Ellen said with a smile.

"But... " I couldn't finish what I was about to say when Katelyn cut me off "Please, we don't need your money" and I could tell she was kinda pissed off so I didn't push the matter any further.

After that I bade them a goodbye and left. Not intending to give them a hard time than I already did.

On my way I wanted to call Wren or Luke but I wasn't ready for the morning drama. So, I just stayed cool till I got home. "Make sure my car is taken care of and brought back" I said to the driver as I hop out. "And on any circumstance, don't tell Wren or Luke where you picked me up, okay?

"Okay sir" Jimmy nodded and drove away.

I headed inside and started heading upstairs.

"Well. Well. Well. Look what we got here." I heard both Wren and Luke saying in unison from the living room and that's when I noticed them, sitting calmly grinning ear to ear.

God, Am screwed.

A/N: Hi everyone, hope you are doing great. I would really appreciate if you would leave your thoughts on my book, it pretty matters : )

And, can you kindly tell me who's your favorite character so far? ; )

Love you guys for taking your time to read this story.

Xoxo ~favebecky