
Another Part Of Me

Life wasn't the same again when she decided to disappear from his life. Seeing her warm smile from her innocent face is what he lived for. If he can't, why would anything else matter? A part of him died with her anyway. But life has its own ways of making him feel alive again...

favourit3_becky · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Katelyn's POV

"Hey El, you know you don't have to escort me there, I got this." I said to Ellen who persisted to tag along.

"Stop acting all tough. I know you are damn freaking inside. But don't worry, I'm here. I'll make sure to get you there safe and sound" Ellen said patting her chest proudly and I couldn't help but smile.

"I didn't know I was this freaked till now"

"Come on girl!! It's Blakey's for God's sake. I mean who wouldn't be?"

"Don't exaggerate El, you know it's just for a short period of time"

I said as I packed my handbag ready to leave.

"Even if it's for goddamn three months, it's Blakey babe!!" Ellen screamed and I couldn't help but laugh out loud. She seemed excited more than I was.

"Who knows? They might want to extend your contract not being ready to let go of such a dedicated worker." Ellen said proudly. "If Blakey won't realize that then another company will definitely do"

"Okay, to Blakey's!!!" I screamed happily heading out. "Come on I can't afford to be late on the very first day." I shouted at Ellen who was still inside.

"Mm-mmm seems like someone is in high spirits today huh!" Ellen teased. "Take and wear this, it's kind of cold today"

I stretched my hand and grabbed the coat from her. "Thank you, sweetheart."

We grabbed a cab, and in just about thirty minutes we were finally there. "Blakey corporation". I read out the stunning golden name at the building which was few meters from where we stood. Another wave of fear engulfed me now that I stood Infront of the tall building Infront of me but a warmth feeling in my hand gave me a sense of security.

"Hey, everything is going to be alright" Ellen assured me squeezing my hand a little more.

Just calm down, you can do this. We both know how bad you can be in getting your as* working like shit. Now, you'll get in there and make it happen. Okay now, breath in and out."

My chest began to rise and fall slowly as I was doing what I was so familiar with "Maybe you should stop watching way too many movies" I said teasingly.

"Hey come on, that helped you a lot in your presentations when in college. Didn't it? "Ellen lamented.

"Okay, my bad. You better get start heading to work now, or you'll be late" I said freeing my hand from hers.

"Oh" Ellen said in awe when she checked the time " I really better do. All the best baby girl" she said giving me a side hug.

"Thank you El, you too. Say hi to Mr. Jonas for me"

"Okay, will you be back early for dinner?"

"I don't think so, I've to swing by at mom's later in the evening"

"Oh, I almost forgot it's today, I'll be there too" Ellen said waving her hand.

"Okay get going now"

"Oh, yeah. I should really get going now"

I let a light chuckle as I watched her disappear from my sight.

"Now let's do this. I said out loud more likely comforting myself.

"Buy one get one free!!" I heard someone promoting through a speaker and I couldn't help but turn around out of curiosity. It was a food truck selling some burgers. I wanted to ignore but my stomach that didn't see a sign of life this morning suggested otherwise. Maybe I should've listened to El and eat something. Well, I still have 15 minutes to go, an instant burger will do.

I walked fast towards the truck and made a line, luckily there were just about five people ahead of me and in no time, I made it to the front of the line. I made my order and waited patiently. When it was done, I opened my purse to pay up for the burger only to find my burger was no longer there. I looked at the truck guy to get some explanations from him but he fixed his eyes elsewhere. I followed his gaze and that's when I saw a guy holding two burgers, of which one he ate walking away. I'm sure I didn't see him in the line.

"Hey, excuse me. I'm sure that's mine." I tried sounding as polite as I could but he kept on walking.

"Hey!" I screamed angrily as I strode towards him.

"I'm sure you aren't blind to see the line, huh?" I was now on the verge of losing my composure now.

He turned around chewing with his mouth full. "This?" He raised the burger "I don't think so" he said taking another bite.

"I'm sure it's min…. Y-o-u?!!!"

I couldn't believe this. It was the same guy I just met two days ago. The only difference is that he was wearing a black cap today. But how could I simply forget this jerk?

"You again?" I blurted out.

It seems like he also remembered me because he looked at me intently for a brief moment there and parted his lips. I almost thought he was about to apologize or something but he just took another bite.

"Hey, do you know how long I had to stand just to wait for that? I know you are uncivilized but can you just give me the free one? I'm really running late."

"Why should I? I paid for this" he said arrogantly and I was one step from hitting him right now. "I'm not going to, what are you going to do about that"

"OH shit, I'm late" I screamed and started running." Almost everyone and I mean everyone turned their heads looking at me with surprise. I bet I look like a madwoman right now but I cared less, can't afford to be late on my very first day. I don't understand why I wasted my time with that psycho while I knew from the start, he was a complete douchebag.

When I reached at the gate I walked in a fast pace, well, almost running. I gave out my letter and the guard let me in as I didn't have a pass card yet.

I went direct to the receptionist and took my seat impatiently in the waiting area, as I waited for two people she was attending to. Finally, it was my turn.

"Hello" I said in between my heavy breaths as I forced a smile to my face.

"Hello. How may I help you?" The receptionist replied smiling brightly. Too bad I can't spare a moment to appreciate that. I gave out my letter and she run a row of processes.

"Okay you should head to the third floor that's where your offices are located. You'll meet another secretary and she'll direct you to your particular office" She kindly said when she was done.

"Welcome at Blakey's"

"Thank you, a lot, have a nice day" I said already on my way to the elevator.

Well, that was close.

In just a matter of time I was already on the third floor and soon as I got out of the elevator I went to the secretary and she directed me to the manager.


"Here's your office." The secretary said as she opened the door leading me in, meeting three other people inside.

"Wow! Katelyn. Glad to see you. Thank you, Melissa, I'll take it from here." Cara said as she made her way towards me and shook my hand while Melissa took her leave.

"Okay. I bet it didn't go well with the manager seeing that you are late." Cara shook her head sympathetically.

"It really didn't. Got a handful scorns just when I stepped my foot inside." I wiped my sweaty face with a handkerchief. "Can't believe I just came in late on my first day." I heaved a disappointed sigh.

"Don't worry, just make sure you are in time from today onwards. He doesn't like when someone is late. So, keep that in mind dear" Cara smiled as she patted my back.

"Yeah, that I will"

"Okay now, this is Adam and Lameck." Cara said pointing to the other two guys who were now standing beside her. "Adam, Lameck. This is Katelyn, she'll be replacing Nora for a while"

"I'm Lameck." One of the guys with blonde hair said as he stretched his arm for me to shake. "And I'm Adam" the other with black hair said with a sheepish smile, stretching his arm too.

"It's so nice finally meeting you. We heard a lot about you from Cara." Said Adam. "Looking forward to work with you."

"Me too." I said with a smile. Looking forward to learn a lot from you."

"Sorry for being Usain Bolt first day at work" Adam teased a I couldn't help but just smile. It was way too obvious with how sweaty I was and my uneven breathing.

"Okay here is where you'll be working." Cara said as she showed me my working space. You'll catch up later with these two terrible headaches here.

"Cara, that's not fair. We had to leave a good impression on our first meeting with her and you just ruined that." Adam lamented and I just gave him an apologetic smile.

"Okay Kate, Lets just get to work. Don't mind Adam, he always talks too much. You'll get used to him." Lameck added.

"Thank you." I said as I took my seat.

"Anytime." Lameck replied kindly.

"Here's a little explanation on what you are required to do. If you have any problem, anytime, on anything you can just consult any of us." Cara said as she handed me a piece of paper which showed a simple elaboration on what we had to do for the day.

I liked the place already. It was more than how I expected it to be. It was big, fancy and beautifully decorated. The guys seemed kind and easy to get along. Though there was a lot to do, it didn't seem tiring at all.

In a short while we were all immersed in our works. And no one literary came in except for Melissa who either brought us some files to work on or taking the already attended files.

"OH! Finally, it's lunch time!" Cara said stretching herself as she stopped from whatever she was doing and got up. You're hungry right? Come on, lets go grab some lunch."

We stood up and started following Adam and Lameck who were walking ahead of us. "You know, Cara, it's like we haven't thanked you enough yet. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you." I said as we walked slowly heading to the cafeteria.

"Come on Kate, how many times do I have to tell you that you got this opportunity with your own capabilities? I mean, the only thing I did was informing you about the vacant position left by Nora and the company now than ever needs a helping hand. Everything else was with your own efforts." Cara said as she patted my shoulder.

"Okay come on now. We've to catch up with the guys."

"Whoa! Oh my! Is this cafeteria always filled up this?" I asked in astonishment as the crowded cafeteria came into view.

"Not all the times, mostly when everyone is way too busy. We've just recently closed the deal with fantasy corporation so everyone is extra busy for the time being and they can't afford losing a sec. But some other time? Nah, everyone is having lunch at his or her own preferable time and others go to the nearby cafes."

"It really is a big opportunity for the company. I mean, I heard hundreds of other companies were on the race to obtain such opportunity." I said as we gave our orders at the counter.

"The boss must be a real hard worker to accomplish this. I commented.

"Yeah, he really is, he's been able to make Blakey's the Top company two years in a row."

"Wow" I said admiringly.

"Okay come on. let's go and sit over there." Cara said as she started heading where Adam and Lameck were sitting.

We made our way and went to sit with them as they were in the middle of their own conversations. And in a few minutes our lunch was brought and we all began eating.

We finished off our food and began heading back to the office as most of the other people were leaving too.

"And who's that?" I couldn't help but ask about a girl who sat in between while one girl stood behind her massaging her shoulders and another one blew the hot food for her, and she talked loudly as if she owned the whole place.

"That's Erica." Adam replied quick sensing my astonishment. "She is the vice president's secretary. But she has got a weird personality. So, you wouldn't want to mess with her." Cara warned. "You just don't get in bad terms with her and you're safe."

"Luckily she's not in our department. So, we rarely get to meet with her. Lameck said. "Look at how she acts all bossy"

"I heard she'll be getting married to the big boss. Well, according to her close friends." Cara whispered.

"Okay come on. We've got to go now." Cara said and we all walked fast heading back to work.

It was almost seven in the evening when we were done with the day's activities and it was time to head home.

"See you tomorrow girls." Adam said as we reached to the ground floor. "Get home safe." Lameck added. "And Kate, please make sure to be early tomorrow"

"Thank you, I will" I smiled as I waved a hand at them.

"You too." Cara replied and the guys left.

"So how was the first day at work. Pretty tiring huh?" Cara asked as she locked her hands with mine.

"It was fun." I replied. "I mean working with my best friend around me, in a big fancy office. What else could I ask for?"

Cara just busted into a laughter. "You really never change Kate, you're always workaholic." Cara commented. "You never admit when you're tired, you're always like that. Even when we stayed whole night long doing the college projects you would always say like that. " It was fun, working with my best friends around me the whole night, what else could I ask for?" Cara mimicked my voice and we both busted out into another laughter.

"Okay we should head home now cause I'm really tired. Cara said when she finally got hold of her laughter.

"Yes, we really should get going"

" Oh-oh-oh-no!" Cara staggered as she looked behind me. "Seems today will be among of my luckiest days. Again."


"Here comes the devil" Cara smiled widely with tiny fear flickering in her eyes.

I couldn't help but wanting to turn my head to where Cara fixed her gaze. Do people get that excited seeing a devil?

"No! No! don't turn around Kate. Or they'll figure out we were talking about them." Cara said fast before I could turn. I just stood there looking at her watching whatever she was seeing in shock or excitement? I couldn't really tell.

"Okay, just keep your head low. And when they come closer, we'll just say good evening raising our heads, and then we're saved from his hand of wrath." Cara finally said with great difficulty pulling me to her left side.

I just did as how Cara said and started hearing sounds of footsteps getting closer and closer.

Then I heard voices of what seemed like two people talking. But that voice, it's like I've heard it somewhere. But no, it can't be, I shook my head trying to get that idea off my mind. I just heard it once, I mean like twice maybe if today counts, but how could I still remember it? It doesn't make sense. I tried harder not lifting my head to find out who it was but I just couldn't.

I failed my attempt of staying still, and raised my head. My eyes almost came out of their socket at that instant. That psycho? Here? Does he work here too? No. No. It can't be. I just couldn't believe seeing him here.

As they reached where we stood, they stopped and that's when I came into my senses that I was staring at them with my mouth open and eyes dilated in shot. "Good evening boss" I just heard Cara saying beside me but I couldn't bring my self to say that too. "You again? Are you tailing me or something?" I just blurted out.

"Do I know you?" the man asked and neglected Cara's greeting as the other guy next to him simply replied "good evening, ladies" with a smile planted on his face. This time Cara raised her head too.

What? I'm going to kick the hell out of him! He doesn't remember me? I mean even a fool wouldn't have such a terrible memory. Who does he think he is?

"Rence, you..." Before I could finish blurting out the whole sentence which my mind was telling me to, Cara gave me a light push and that was enough for me to drown into realization. I turned my head to look at her as she shook her head nervousness written all over her face, signaling me to stop. "Um-mm no I don't know you" I finally responded to his earlier question.

"Then why were you staring at me like that?" He asked moving a step closer and I could see the other guy next to him trying to hold a laughter.

"I wasn't staring at you. I was staring at your friend.... I mean I wasn't staring at the either of you, I just thought you resemble like someone I knew." I finally managed to say with difficulty.

"Well, don't do that next time, because I won't tolerate that. I don't like people staring at me oddly just like how you did. And don't call me casually like that too." He said sternly as he stepped back.

Jesus! I didn't even know I remembered his name till now.

He looked at all of us for a second and left followed by the other guy whose face now came into my mind as one of the guys who was with him that day.

"Oh God!" Cara left a sigh of relief as the two guys were out of site. "My heart isn't working right now, I almost died there"

I wanted to ask Cara a row of questions but I couldn't, I was still in shock and my mount couldn't ask what my brain already guessed.

"Mr. Lawrence Blakey and Mr. Wren Blakey. The owners of Blakey's corporation. Cara filled me in. "Do you happen to know him?"

"No, No. I think he just resembles him with someone I knew from before" I stuttered.

"That must the case dear, cause its very rare to see them. Today is my third time seeing him and I've been working for almost four years now. Jeez, you almost killed me with heart attack there. You wanna know why he's called the devil? He's been able to pull up countless of deals that other companies couldn't and set this company to this standard on his own and just by young age, and anyone who tries to mess with him faces a terrible fate. He rarely smiles, laugh, and damn anti social. Can you believe that? I heard that apart from his close friends, it's only Erica who is an exception to his boundaries.


"But he is goddamn handsome. He's among the top most admired bachelors in the country." Cara continued happily replying to another question resonating in my head. I couldn't understand why she was so glad to see him despite calling him the devil.

"Consider yourself luck having to see them on your very first day though" Cara said as she led the way out humming some sort of a song happily.

"Come on! You've never seen them before? Even in magazines or whatever?"

"I'm always too worked out to spare such time"

I replied calmly.

I was lost in my own world. I just couldn't believe I got on the bad terms with the top boss on my first day at work. Well, maybe a couple of times before work. And I almost called him psycho again. But of all the bosses in the whole wide world, why did it have to be that bastard? And if he's the top boss then why was he at that food truck earlier? I mean the guy can order anything and in just a snap of fingers everything is delivered to him.

"Does he happen to have a twin?" I ended asking my thoughts out loud and my question made Cara break into a loud laughter.

"Hell no! It's just him and his young brother Wren for all I know. Don't worry about it, by the way we might not get to meet with them in the coming two-three years."

Cara comforted me sensing my fear.

I just let out a small sigh of relief swearing in my mind that I won't meet again with either of them in three months I'll be here until they forget my face completely. Well, that is if I'll still be having the job after this coincidence.

He didn't seem to be a person to think twice before doing that and given the names I've called him numerous times and circumstances we've been in. Oh God. I'm screwed. I really messed up this time.

"You know, I heard once heard there was a company that tried to throw him off the radar by double crossing him, it took one night, just one night and the whole company shuttered in pieces. It is off the map and they're still in debts that even their lives can't pay up for." Cara said admiringly her eyes growing bigger and bigger as she kept going on and on.

On my side I was now a nervous wreck. I felt my legs heavier and heavier as kept on walking

All the scary thoughts clouded my mind. God, I'm done for. I could quit even right now but I need this job now than ever.

And the thought that he said he doesn't remember me sent chills to the spine. How could that be possible when we've met twice and that too just a few hours ago?

I don't know why, but I have a gut feeling that this nightmare isn't over, yet.