
Another MCU Story

SI. Finding adventure in same old same MCU

Rex_Zatch · 映画
33 Chs

Chapter-28 Truth&Lie Magic

Chapter-28 Truth & Lie Magic

After reaching the gym and practicing for a bit, I got my result. My strength increased by leap and bound after both serums which has given me 30 to 40 tons and adding my previous of 100 tons now I am off the chart.

As for my speed now I only ever need 1 sec to complete 100 meters, my durability increased many times, my reflex is off the chart, and adding the spider-sense now I can probably dodge a bolt of lightning. And my agility uff might even be near the level of Mr fantastic.

Now my magic is at a new height, even with only electricity providing me with MANA, now the heat and fire the MANA I wield might right now be above the ancient one.

And the main important part of my regeneration which has come very close to Majin buu level, now I can regenerate from a single strand of DNA or substances like vapors/ashes that might remain after the destruction of my body. That does not mean I am unkillable. There are many ways to kill me, for example, reality warping, throwing me into the center of the sun, or sealing by frosting me in over absolute zero cold. And the best part is I am now immortal, not the real immortal, but I will stop aging when I reach 22 years of age.

For a few months, I trained my power, and helped people, after my help in the New York battle my popularity raised to a new height. There was also news saying that I am one of the horsemen of god.

I wanted to give the super serum to other my family member, but I didn't know if they want it or not, I cannot make a decision for them.

So I used to little magic when they were sleeping I used my truth&Lie magic similar to truth serum where the victim will tell the truth when they are unconscious or in this case sleeping.

For and foremost Adam, for him, I got to know that he wanted to be like Captain America and do good for the country. And one time he thought about it but not now, after he joined the army he had to kill many people, which still hunt him in his dream. Many times he tried to kill himself, so he doesn't have to hear the scream of those he killed or could not save. But after meeting May and my parent and me the guilt lessened after my parent and may die he wanted to die as well but thought of him leaving me alone to fend for myself. He digressed and continue to serve me and his wish is that he wants to be alive to see me mature into a great man, so he can die happily. After finding out, a tear fell from my eyes, but before it could land, I used heat to vaporize it.

Next, John, I walked toward his room and used my magic on him, for him, I got to know that he wanted to be a professional race car driver but because of the accident, he could not be one. Apparently, someone faked a drug bust and put that blame on John, who was at that time a very angry guy and an alcoholic and always used to get in fights with others. And his wish is to be able to race again, for he does not need any serum, he wants to prove to himself that he can do it on his own. But one small wish of his is to have more stamina to last longer in bed. After finding out his first wish I just smiled and vow to make his dream come true but hearing his last request I laughed nearly waking him, ok then one enhanced stamina serum.

Now Eva's turn, I used my magic on her and found out many things which I cannot tell much about because it is embarrassing. And also it is not my secret to tell but who knew she likes women, and her wish is to still be beautiful when she reaches 60 or 70. For her, I will make a serum similar to the black widow but mainly focus on her beauty and skin.

The rest other three, the gardener, toilet-bathroom cleaner, and repair girl wish to be a dancer, one singer, and one Olympic gymnast. Two enhanced agility serums, and one enhanced Lung Capacity serum, which will be a little tricky but no problem for me.

In that same month, I completed making that serum, but I could not just bring out the serum and inject it into them. So I made a plan for a picnic and I insist to others that I will make a drink for everybody.

On one hand, we had the best picnic and on another, I handed them the serum without them knowing which will affect them exactly 9 hours from now on when everyone will go to sleep. I 'accidentally' gave an enhanced serum to Adam also, but who cares, it is good for everyone right?

After the serum, Adam, and others have shown improvement great in their life. Previously Gardner could not finish his work before sitting every few hours, but now he only needs to rest a few seconds before completing his work even after has more energy left.

The repair girl and cleaner guy were doing backflips and somersault in the garden, and john seem happier every time he comes home after a few drinks. Eva seems more glowing than usual and hummed the songs as for Adam, his previous gray hair still stayed gray, but he looks healthier than usual. I bet he can fight Hawkeye on one and one.

For a month I did not sit ideal I fought thugs, criminals, Some Bane Goons, and sometimes bane himself, but he 'apparently' ran away. So I asked Thoth to take my place for a few weeks because I will be going on a journey to Muspelheim, I can teleport there as I already know the place from AO knowledge.

The reason for going there is for the Dragon Heart, which will refine my magic similar to Odin level and dragon scale to make I don't know any magical object. Previously my magic quantity has skyrocketed which leaves quality and adding dragon heart will do that. I already told Adam and others that I will go on a tour with my friend.

"Take care of the work Thoth, bye now" Saying I teleported to Muspelheim. "Wow, The Realm of Fire really fit the title for this place" all around rocks and lava flowing, dragon roaring, and the sound of fighting. 'Well, it's going to be fun, Right?' said in my mind, I walked around the place.


Your gift is the motivation for my laziness. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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