
Stardom Purple

As I, Silva Branwen, organized the information from my raid on Atlas's scientific community, a few things stuck out. The one that interested me the most was the memories of one Will Scarlatina, the husband of Meg Scarlatina and father of one of my favorite bunny girls, Velvet Scarlatina. Will is a big-shot engineer that has connections to James Tindick, and he knows of all of Altas's current projects that require his area of expertise which is a lot considering he knows about Arthur Wattz's Paladin Project and Pietro Polendina's P.E.N.N.Y. Project.

Another thing that took my interest is James Ironwood's memories, more specifically his knowledge of Atlas's current political landscape, which is giving me a small headache. I have entertained some thoughts on dealing with Jacques Gele, but now I had to scrap them. The reason is that if Jacques were to disappear suddenly, it would become a vicious scramble to absorb the Schnee Family and its company. Willow Schnee being forced to remarry or Weiss and Whitney being made to marry for the sake of acquiring everything the Schnee family owns are the mildest examples.

I sighed as I learned of this information because it meant that I would have to stay a while longer in this kingdom to deal with that parasite, Jacques. However, on the plus side, getting the Staff of Creation will not be difficult as I could see the current Winter Maiden without too much trouble and use Door to Darkness to pull her to the Vault. Speaking of the Vault, there is no security or even electrical systems near it aside from the elevator to it, despite the fact the General originally wanted to add some extra insurance.

Ozpin convinced the tin soldier that secrecy and the doors that the corresponding Maiden can only open are the best security measures. Plus, any electrical system at the Vault would draw the attention of the people that monitor Atlas's system, which was something neither of them wanted. However, the General did apply a lot of extra security near the elevator that leads to the Vault. As I pondered what to do next, I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked to see Neopolitan looking at me with a serious expression and pointing towards her temple.

I placed my paw on Neopolitan's head and used Soul Archive on her. A few days after my heart-to-heart with the tri-colored girl, she has found that she likes the idea I understand her without the need for her to explain anything with the use of my Semblance. Looking at Neopolitan's recent thoughts and memories, she conveyed what she wanted from me.

" I'm bored. Can we go and do something fun?"

I looked at Neopolitan, feeling a bit exasperated at her laziness in trying to communicate what she wanted, not that I actually minded. Still, I liked how she expressed herself before. The tri-colored girl did not know what she wanted to do and wanted me to make a suggestion. In all honesty, right now, I just wanted to work on organizing the new information in my head and make some plans to get the Staff and deal with Jacques without anyone being the wiser about my involvement. Still, a change in scenery sounds nice.

I dug out my Scroll and used a search engine to find any ongoing festivals or amusement parks if they have those on Remnant. The search came up blank, and I then decided to see if there were any interesting movies to watch. Neopolitan looked over my shoulder as I browsed what movies were available in Atlas, Mistral, and Vale. The tri-colored girl pointed at a film called " The Chill," I looked at the reviews and frowned. It's a horror flick based on one of Remnant's fairy tales which was a hard pass for me. I never liked horror, but I can stand a thriller with a good plot.

" Neo, I don't like horror. If you want to watch it, you will do it by yourself."

Neopolitan smirked at me and did a chicken act to call me a, well, a chicken, but I ignored her as I browsed the movies. Emerald then looked away from her books as she lay on the bed and asked.

" Are you talking about movies Silva?"

" Yeah, anything you want to see right now?"

Emerald got up and sat next to me on the arm of the chair I was sitting on and looked at my Scroll with me. The mint-haired girl made her suggestion.

" How about this movie based on the Great War here?"

Neopolitan made a gagging gesture at the suggestion, and I wasn't against it, but I wanted something we could all enjoy. As the three of us tried to pick a movie to watch, I got a call on my Scroll from... my publisher-slash-editor?! I answered it and greeted him.

" Hey, Michael, what's up?"

I silently asked the girls to be quiet as I talked to my publisher, and I could hear the pure happiness in his voice.

" Snow, babe, you won't believe what just happened!"

" Did you receive a call from the Gods of Light and Darkness that's it's now your duty to unite Remnant?"

I joked in a deadpan tone, and Michael replied, still sounding chipper.

" Don't ever lose that sense of humor of yours, Snow, but what actually happened is that I just got off the phone with Star Sky Studios, and they want to make a FREAKING MOVIE ABOUT ONE OF YOUR BOOKS!"

Okay, now I wasn't expecting that in the slightest, but with Michael's happiness being clear, I could tell he wasn't likely messing with me. I asked him an important question.

" Does that studio have any issues with faunus?"

" Nah, they have plenty of human and faunus actors, and I checked ahead of time before calling you to see their reaction on Snow Morningstar being a faunus author, and they were fairly chill."

I relaxed a bit and then asked.

" Okay, what's next then?"

" Ironing out the details of the contract for the movie and you occasionally consulting them on some scenes."

As Micheal smoothly answered my question, he then asked me.

" Can you swing by the office in a week to meet the director and his agents?"

" Sure, my schedule is open; see you then."

Michael gave his goodbyes as well.

" I look forward to seeing you, Snow baby!"

" Please don't call me that..."

Michael laughed as he hung up, and I turned to see the girls with sparkles in their eyes. I asked them the obvious.

" I'm guessing you heard that?"

" One of your books is going to be a movie!"

Emerald exclaimed excitedly, and even Neopolitan looked excited at the prospect for some reason. The mint-haired girl then asked no, begged.

" Can I please come to the negotiations?!"

Neopolitan raised her hand as she also wanted to go, and I told them.

" Sure, but it won't happen for a week, so you will have to wait till then."

Emerald and Neopolitan just looked ecstatic at being part of this deal; I hope they aren't thinking of trying to become actors for the movie by using me as a connection.


Michael Steel, editor and publisher of Wayward Wind, was pacing in his office as he waited for his client with the pen name, Snow Morningstar. Michael had long blonde hair with gray eyes and fair skin while wearing a semi-formal outfit. A black portal appeared in his office, which made him smile as he knew what the portal meant that Snow was on his way here. To his surprise, a dark skin girl with mint-colored hair came through first, followed by another girl that reminded him of a tub of three flavor ice cream with her coloring—finally, Silva Branwen, A.K.A. Snow Morningstar, appeared.

Michael smiled and greeted his author.

" Snow, hun, it's good to see you, especially after you released your third book on both your series."

" Hello, Michael, is the meeting going to start soon?"

Michael grinned and assured the author.

" Your right on time, as usual; follow me to the meeting room."

Silva soon found himself in front of a man of short stature with dark hair and eyes. He got up and introduced himself while extending his hand to the faunus in the room.

" Darian Night, hopeful producer-slash-director of the maybe upcoming Harry Potter movie, Mr.Mourningstar."

Silva shook his hand and immediately used Soul Archive on Darian to get a read on his character. So far, Silva was inclined to work with him as Darian didn't care about whether a person was faunus or human so long as they could do good work on the movie set. Plus, the fact he is a fan of both of Silva's books earned him some brownie points. The snow leopard faunus returned the greeting.

" A pleasure to meet you, Mr.Night."

Everyone took a seat around the conference table, and Darian drew up the first contract offer, which Silva rejected as he knew beforehand what he could and couldn't get out of this movie deal as he traveled to Mistral ahead to use Soul Archive on people more experienced on this kind of deal. After hours of negotiations, both parties left pleased at the agreement that was made, and Remnant's Harry Potter movie was on its way to theaters.