
Revealing Remnant

" So let me see if I understand you correctly, Silva. You are the creator of Lilith and Lucifer of L2, and we are only finding out about this now because it never occurred to you to give us a heads-up... Seriously!?"

Ruby said with a shocked expression, and I asked out of curiosity.

" Is it really that surprising?"

" YES!"

Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Pyrrha, Ren, Nora, and Ilia exclaimed in unity. We were back in my dorm room as they all wanted answers, and I explained myself. The snow princess then asked.

" Wait a moment, what about my duet with Lucifer!?"

" Talked to him next time you're at my home, Weiss Cream."

" Excuse you!?"

Weiss retorted at my slip of the tongue, and Yang commented.

" Weiss Cream...? Oh, like ice cream, I am definitely using that!"

At the blonde's grinning face, the snow princess denied that nickname with all her might.

" Absolutely not!"

" Oh, come on, Weiss Cream, it's not that bad."

Ruby was already using the nickname, much to Weiss's annoyance, but Blake brought everyone back on topic.

" As oddly appropriate as Weiss's new nickname is-."

" Hey!"

" Shouldn't we be focusing on the more important topic of Silva creating and owning L2?"

Everyone redirected their gaze at me, and I said plainly with a shrug.

" And what about it? It does not really change anything in the grand scheme of things."

" Silva, you are not only Snow Morningstar but also the maker of L2. This is huge!"

The little cookie monster has a slip of her tongue of her own, which earned me a collective.

" WHAT!?"

Everyone that did not know about me being Snow Morningstar, author of a Remnant version of Harry Potter, a Xianxia novel series, and the Gundam comic. Neopolitan was giving me a smug grin as she got some popcorn from somewhere, and Emerald was sitting next to her with Luna and Argint, enjoying the show of me being grilled by everyone else. Blake then shakily asked with nervousness.

" Y-You're Snow Morningstar?"

" In the flesh."

The ninja catgirl quickly dashed out of the room and came back just as quickly with her collection of my books and almost begged.

" Please, sign my books!"

I chuckled at Blake fangirling me, and Ilia looking like she ate a turd. As I signed her books, Nora then asked me.

" Any other secrets, fearless leader?"

I decided to make a joke.

" Hmm... Aside from the fact I am an alien scout sent here to plan an invasion of Remnant, not really, no, with the exception of a few I will take to the grave with me."

" Oh, okay... Wait, what!?"

I kept on messing around with Nora as Ren wryly smiled in amusement at me.

" With the exception of a few that I will take to the grave with me, I have no other secrets."

" Not that part, fearless leader, but that other thing with you being an alien."

" What are you talking about, Nora?"

Asked with a mischievous smile as I messed with the thunderous girl. Before she could say anything else, the quiet guy placed his hand on her shoulder and told her calmly.

" He's joking, Nora."

" Oh! Nice one, big guy. You had me going."

I just grinned, and Pyrrha then asked me with her collection of Heaven Defying Demon Empress.

" Can I trouble you to sign my books as well, Silva?"

" Sure, anyone else?"

I asked as I signed Pyrrha's books as well. I was not expecting the polite spartan to be a fan of my Cultivation series. I looked at Blake, and she noticed me looking at her, and I directed my gaze to her bow to convey not to forget about talking with her team about her little secret. The ninja catgirl slowly nodded in understanding, and I went to signing books and answering questions—quite the chaotic day.


After interrogating Silva, everyone went to their respective dorm for the night. At Team RWBY's dorm room, after everyone changed into their pajamas, Blake worked up the nerve to call out to her teammates.

" Everyone..."

" What's the matter, Blake?"

Ruby was the first to ask, and the ninja catgirl simply removed her now to show her faunus trait. The little cookie monster went slacked jaw, Yang's eyes widened, and Weiss was the most vocal.

"You're a faunus!?"

" Yes..."

Blake quietly replied, then explained herself.

" I hide my identity because there are just too many humans that discriminate against the faunus, and I wanted to avoid any trouble. After living with you for these last several months, I figured you wouldn't mind me being a faunus as you are good people. I am sorry for keeping this a secret, but I hope you understand my circumstances."

" Blake, you are our friend and teammate, and nothing will change that."

Ruby assured the ninja catgirl, and Yang added.

" I can understand why you hid, considering how hard things are for the faunus, and there is certainly no shortage of racist idiots even here at Beacon. I'm glad you trust us, Blake."

The three then looked at Weiss to see her reaction, and she went about her business by heading to bed and then saying nonchalantly.

" I don't care; you're our friend and teammate."

Blake felt relieved at everyone's reaction and decided to take things a step further.

" There is one other thing I wish to confess about..."

" Come on, Blake, you don't have to."

The little cookie monster said, but the ninja catgirl replied.

" I want to be completely honest with all of you, especially now that you accepted me for me."

The snow princess turned over from her bed to face her teammate and curtly asked.

" So what is it?"

" I was part of the White Fang... The Vale Branch, to be exact."

Dropping this bomb knocked out any sense of tiredness with the other three girls, and Weiss was once more the most vocal since she was the most affected by the information.

" Wait, you were part of the group that was attacking the SDC shipments?!"

" Yes..."

Blake quietly replied, and the snow princess asked.

" Why did they do that? No other shipments aside from the ones heading to Vale were attacked by the White Fang."

" I often asked myself that same question, and ultimately it was the choice of Adam, the current leader of the Vale Branch, as he never let go of his grudge against the Schnee Dust Company despite the orders of the High Leader forbidding any such attack against your company, Weiss. Adam, he... Suffered under your father's regime and is only attacking the SDC out of spite and vengeance despite the fact it's changed for the better."

Ruby, Weiss, and Yang processed this information, and the snow princess asked out of confusion.

" If that's the case, why hasn't he attacked any more shipments since the start of the semester?"

" What!?"

Blake exclaimed in surprise, then got very afraid as she assumed the worse that Adam was focusing his resource on finding her instead of his usual spitefulness. The blonde walked up to the ninja catgirl and placed her hand on her shoulder to assure Blake as Yang noticed how she reacted.

" We got your back, Blake."

The ninja catgirl gave her friend a weak smile and told them.

" Adam and I were... Close, and I left without saying a word, so he might be looking for me."

" That's odd... There hasn't been any news about the White Fang at all. Is there any other reason you think this Adam guy might be laying low?"

Ruby asked Blake, and she shook her head as she replied.

" Not that I can think of, and that worries me more."

The notion of sleep escaped Team RWBY as they were lost in thought as to why the White Fang was so quiet. Unaware of the fact that Silva dealt with Adam's cult the moment Blake and Ilia left to become Huntresses.


[ Salem Interlude]

Salem was starting to develop a headache due to the recent antics of another Noble Devil forcing another faction member into their Peerage. This time it was a Native American woman who happened to have a close relationship with Trickster Coyote of Native American Mythos. The Native American Mythos had very little say in the supernatural world due to how little faith they acquired compared to other pantheons and were one of the weakest factions. However, Trickster Coyote is another matter, as he is good at making friends despite being a trickster god.

Thor was his drinking buddy, and that made things more complicated. The witch was starting to regret agreeing to help Serafall with international relations, as this was the fifth case this month. The Devil race is doomed if Sirzech and Ajuka ever wind up gone for whatever reason, as the Devils have made far too many enemies and only continue to add to them with their usual antics. It also did not help that the Devil society ran off of an aristocracy as a government than a monarchy.

Salem seriously considers the four new Devil Kings to be fools for not grabbing a tighter rein over their race and letting the old fossils on the council run things instead of taking control themselves. The witch sighs as she works on solving this problem and wonders why she is doing this again.