
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · アニメ·コミックス
280 Chs

Revealing Orange

Arthur Wattz smirked in amusement at reading the psychological profile of James Ironwood as it confirmed everything he knew about the general. Imagine his surprise when he found out that practically everyone in the kingdom got a copy, including him. Knowing the sh*tstorm that James is undoubtedly dealing with at the moment, the scientist felt curious as to who spread this information and decided to do some digging. Accessing the CCTS, he traced the sources and noticed some familiar hallmarks that reminded him of the same person that set up various backdoor programs in the kingdom of Atlas's systems.

Arthur felt more and more that this hacker was a like-minded individual and decided to try and find him or her to satisfy his curiosity. The scientist felt a rare sense of challenge as the traces he searched for was thoroughly covered or removed, and he felt more determined to meet the individual as he hardly knew any like-minded people that were also equally intelligent as him. He put his Atlesian Paladin project on hold for the time being as he knew with certainty that James Ironwood would confiscate his hard work regardless of whether or not he won the contest for Atlas's next generation in national defense.

Arthur also made plans to take up all of his research and find someone more appreciative of his mind and talents, as it was clear to him that James Ironwood did not value him as he should as one of Atlas's brightest minds.


James Ironwood had a massive headache as every available force under his command could not find out who spread his psychological profile and how they did it. He got calls from various parties expressing their "concerns" over what the file said about him and what assurances he could provide. Even his Semblance Mettle couldn't help him power through his mental fatigue and make a decision on what to do next. As he felt suffocated from his situation in more ways than one, he decided that if the general wasn't sure what direction to take, he should ask for some advice.

James Ironwood rang up his ally, Ozpin, with a video call and stated.

" Ozpin, there's been another incident."

" Does this have to do with the psychological profile of you spreading across the CCTS?"

The general nodded grimly, and the wizard advised.

" The only thing I can tell you, James, is to ride out the storm to the best of your abilities and show everyone that not everything in that file is true."

" Anything else you can recommend, Ozpin?"

Ozpin paused for a moment to consider the question, then answered.

" Once everything settles down, I suggest you take some time off because you have had to deal with a lot lately, James, and some rest would do you some good."

" I will take that under consideration, Ozpin. Thank you."

James Ironwood had no intention of taking a vacation anytime soon, at least not until he had the culprit dealt with for this recent incident.


" I will see you later, Silva."

Winter gave me her goodbye as she went off to class, and I stayed behind while still pretending to be deaf, as the doctor's note from my examination allowed me to skip class for the time being. I waited until classes started and dug out the invisibility cloak that I made with the knowledge I had acquired from using Soul Archive on the majority of Atlas's scientific community. I then used Door To Darkness to see Willow and see if she had my payment ready. I saw her working on a PC in Jacques's former home office, and I spoke to her with my undisguised voice.

" Hello, Willow Schnee."

She jumped in surprise and said in recognition.

" Aw, it's you. I have your payment ready in the storage building near the mansion."

" I see."

Before I could open another portal to the storage building, the Schnee matriarch said.

" Let me lead the way."

She got up from the desk, and I followed her. As we walked, Willow asked me with doubt clear in her voice.

" Did you really just help me, my family, for some materials and machines?"

" It is part of the reason but not all the reasons I decided to help change things for you and the Schnee family, but my biggest reason is my personal distaste for your husband."

Willow kept silent for a few moments, then asked with hesitation.

" Is he still alive?"

" I have zero intentions of killing him, well, at least physically anyway, which brings me to a proposal I want to give you."

Willow stopped and looked in my direction and asked with a guarded expression.

" What do you have in mind?"

" How do you feel about divorcing him and stripping him of the family name he married into?"

The Schnee matriarch looked surprised and commented.

" I am starting to believe you weren't teasing me when you suggested that you wanted me as payment when I felt the amount you asked for was too little."

I complimented her in the most sincere tone I could muster.

"You may have made mistakes in life but honestly, who hasn't? Right now, you are doing everything you can to restore your family's good name plus, I will admit I do find you attractive both physically and personality-wise."

Willow gave me a careful smile as she responded.

" I appreciate your efforts, and I can't ever thank you enough, but after my husband, I mean soon-to-be ex-husband, I am not up for seeking another relationship so soon."

" I understand that, and I wish you all the happiest in the world, but I hope we can continue this... partnership, and you come to feel like you can trust me enough to take a chance."

I was glad to hear she was all for divorcing Jacques; plus, with my mental age of a hundred years, I feel more attracted to older women than those nearer or at my physical age. We continued our walk and soon reached the storage building. Willow entered the code on the door's panel, and it opened to reveal everything I asked for, and the Schnee matriarch asked me.

" Would you like to check to see if everything is here?"

" Will take your word for it."

I kneeled down and touched the ground, then opened a massive portal underneath everything to transport it to the spot Raven set up for me beforehand. Soon I can start making a mobile lab to do some experiments I have in mind and build the construction robots to build my residences in Vale and Mistral. I then decided to show my trust to Willow by removing the invisibility cloak and revealing my identity. I relished the look of surprise on her face and she asked.

" Weren't you the faunus that was with Winter when she came to question me about Jacques's disappearance?"

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of me being part of the investigation team looking for the fake Schnee that I kidnapped. I replied to the Schnee matriarch with a casual tone.

" Yep."

As Willow processed my answer, I asked her.

" Since I have revealed myself to you, can we talk in earnest about extending our partnership?"

" Before that, mind answering a question of mine?"

I shrugged as I answered.

" Sure, ask away."

" How old are you? I mean, you look younger, far younger than I expected, despite your size."

I replied truthfully.

" I am thirteen."

" That's as old as my daughter, Weiss!"

Hearing her shocked reply, I shrugged, not caring about such a detail as, unlike most preteens, I have better control over myself due to my memories and experience in my past life. Willow stared at me absentmindedly and commented.

" I am old enough to be your mother..."

" And your still an attractive and lovely woman now that you have gotten your life back together."

At my compliment, she sighed, and I asked her.

" So, do you wish to continue this partnership or not?"

" I need to think..."

I nodded in understanding and told her.

" I will see you tomorrow then, Willow."

I went where I sent everything and left Willow alone with her thoughts. My surrounding changed to a large cave Raven carved out for me with magic, and I started my work on setting up the machines and beginning my projects. For now, I need to get the lab set up enough to build my new airship to hold my equipment and materials. I had an interesting design in mind that existed back on Earth but is non-existent here in Remnant.