
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · アニメ·コミックス
280 Chs

Inferno Orange

Winter looked at me wide-eyed after I showed and explained what exactly I made with the seven weapons I built.

" Silva, I may be a soldier, but even I can understand some of the implications of weapons powered by Aura and non-Dust-based gunpowder. This is just too big to keep a secret from the general."

" I understand that, and all I am asking of you is to wait so that he does not chain me to a lab to work as a scientist or confiscate my hard work and research."

She looked reluctant at my request, and I sighed as I told her exactly what would happen if she told Tindick.

" Winter, I know I am asking for a lot, and I wouldn't blame you if you immediately reported to him on this matter, but it wouldn't work out in any way you would hope for in the end."

" What do you mean?"

My favorite ice queen asked me with a confused look. I gave her a demonstration of Door To Darkness and explained.

" For starters, he wouldn't be able to confine me as I can go anywhere or to anyone I have been to or met before, respectively, and I would become a fugitive of Atlas in a heartbeat over being permanently under his thumb. Secondly, I do not want to stay in this faunus toxic environment called Atlas any longer than I have to and the only reason I haven't already left is that I don't want a bounty on my head."

Winter frowned at my explanation, and a conflicted look filled her eyes as I waited for her answer. I won't hate her if she decides to report me to Tindick because I understand her position as a specialist-in-training of Atlas and soldier. Before the ice queen could give me an answer, an alarm was sounded, followed by an announcement.


I put the magnetic holsters I built to hold my weapons on and gathered my weapons. I told Winter before I went to see Tindick to learn about the situation.

" Winter, you can give me your answer later on the matter; I am going to see what in the heck is going on."

" But Silva, we have orders to return to our rooms!"

I shrugged as I didn't care about what everyone else was doing, but I saw this situation as an opportunity to make the general owe me a favor by helping out where I could, which could help me in the long run. The ice queen grabbed my arms to stop me from going, and I looked at her and stated.

" I am not a soldier, Winter, and never will be."

I placed my paw over her hand that was holding on to me and had her let me go. I then went to Tindick's office to see what was going on, and as I entered, I saw him pacing while trying to get in contact with anyone. I got his attention.

" General, any idea what's happening?"

" If I knew that, I wouldn't be so blindsided by these turns of events!"

He harshly replied, and I waited for him to calm down; and after a moment, he forcibly calmed himself then asked.

" Why are you here, Silva?"

" To assist in any way I can."

James slightly smiled at my answer, then noticed my collection of weapons.

" Are you done with your weapon crafting?"

" Yes, and what can you tell me about the situation?"

He frowned, then took a deep breath and explained.

" Communications are down across Atlas, and short-range comms are being jammed. Also, multiple explosions happened across Atlas, from what I could see from my window."

" Permission to scout out the area, then report back?"

He hesitated for a moment, then agreed with a determined look.

" Do it!"

I went to his windows and opened them, then jumped out as it was faster. As I caught closer to the ground, I used Dark Wrath to create a dark blast of energy to slow down my fall. Seeing parts of Atlas in flames briefly reminds me of terrorist attacks I saw in my past life... Crud, terrorist attacks, only one organization comes to mind that might have done this, the White Fang if Sienna Kahn is the high leader. With that realization, my first thought was to check on the Schnee family, but better check first to see if it was the White Fang attacking Atlas to make a statement.

Using Dark Wrath, I took to the air to briefly fly, and my suspicions were confirmed; I saw White Fang grunts attacking stores and people. I ignored the calls for help as the Schnee family is my main concern. I landed to conserve my Aura and used Door To Darkness to appear in front of the Schnee manor immediately and saw the doors and gates blasted open. I then immediately portal over to Whitley first because he is the most defenseless, and I found myself in what I was assuming was his room and called out.

" Whitley, if you can hear me, please respond. It's me, Silva, Winter's friend, the one she invited over for dinner that time!"

" W-why are you here? Where did you come from?"

He came out of his closet, and I gave him a quick summary.

" I am here to get you somewhere safe because you might be targeted."

" Why?"

The youngest Schnee asked, and I told him as I ignored his question.

" Let's get you somewhere safe first."

I open a portal to my and Winter's dorm room. Before Whitley could ask anything else, I pushed him through the portal and closed it. I went to Weiss next and found her staring at her door with a rapier in hand as she clearly looked scared from her shaking while in her combat stance. I called out from behind her.

" Weiss."

She gave me a surprised yelp and swung her weapon at me. I caught her wrist as she yelled in panic.

" Unhand me!"

I let her go, and she soon recognized me.

" You!"

" Explanations later, let's get you somewhere safe."

I opened a portal to Winter and told her quickly.

" This leads to Winter; now go!"

" But-."

" No buts! I need to check on your mother next, and I can't do that with you still in danger."

She looked like she was offended by how I was treating her, and before she could rant or whatever, I pushed her through the portal and closed it. Now for Willow, I opened another portal and found myself in her home office with Klein. Unfortunately, she was surrounded by White Fang grunts, one of them said.

" Time for the Schnees to pay for what they have done to the faunus."

He slashed his sword at the butler, and Klein's Aura flickered. It looks like reasoning with them is no longer an option to consider if they are targeting the Schnee family despite its changes in policy with the SDC. I saw Willow almost hyperventilating from seeing Klein protecting her and the malice of the faunus surrounding her; I guess she still needs time to recover her confidence in full. I drew their attention to me.

" Hey, Dumb*ss one through five."

The White Fang grunts turned to face me, and one with rabbit ears asked.

" Who are you?"

I ignored the question and drew out my electrifying ax, then swung it at them, which unleashed an arch of electricity and shocked the five into unconsciousness. I guess they don't have any Aura protecting them among them, seeing out easy it was to take them out. I went to Willow, and Klein then asked.

" Can you move?"

" Y-yes, t-thank you, S-silva."

" You have impeccable timing, young sir."

I helped Willow get up as she collapsed in relief, then opened a portal to Winter again and quickly explained.

" This will take you to Winter, Weiss, and Whitley in Atlas Academy."

" Are they alright?!"

The Schnee Matriarch asked with worry and concern marring her face, and I assured her.

"They're fine; just a little shaken up from recent events."

Willow sighed with relief, and she thanked me.

" Thank you, Silva. Truly thank you for thinking of my children."

" Not a problem. Now go to them and show that you are fine for the most part."

She nodded and told her butler as she went through the portal.

" Come along, Klein."

Before he went through the portal, he gave me a silent bow of gratitude and followed his mistress. After closing the portal, I opened another one near Tindick's office to give my report. Things are a damn fine mess now, and Sienna is underestimating how easy it is to turn fear into hatred. I can only do what I can for now and try to limit the blowback from this terrorist attack as much as I can. I sighed as I felt annoyed at how troublesome things had turned out, then went through the portal and used Dark Wrath to fly me into James Ironwood's office so that he doesn't know about my ability to open portals.

As he saw me, he then ordered.

" Report!"


Winter Schnee waited in her room after Silva went off to do what he could in the current situation. She hated how she had to accept that because she knew that the snow leopard faunus was already taking missions for the general despite being years younger than her, which meant he was combat approved. It made her feel helpless and weak. Something Winter had hoped never to feel again, especially since her father was now out of the picture. The ice queen wanted to pick up her saber and dagger and do what she was trained for, but she knew she couldn't go against orders without serious repercussions.

Feeling frustrated at her situation, Winter brooded silently as the alarms continued to ring. Suddenly a black portal opened, and she saw not her friend she was expecting but her little brother come through as he fell.

" Whitley?"

" Winter..."

The youngest Schnee brushed himself off as he got up and commented with a frown.

" You certainly picked a brutish acquiescence, sister."

" Why are you here?"

Winter demanded with a glare as she felt offended by her brother's remark for the sake of Silva, and Whitley wilted under the glare. He looked away and answered.

" There was an explosion at the manor and-."

" Are you alright?!"

The ice queen asked with concern at hearing about the explosion, and the youngest Schnee nodded as he answered.

" I'm fine, and your... acquaintance showed up and sent me here to you."

Winter felt her stomach turn into knots as she was worried about her sister, mother, and butler. Then another portal opened again in the room, and Weiss came through it then complained about her rough handling.

" Hey!"

The portal closes, and the snow princess stamps her feet in annoyance as she insults Silva, not that he could hear it through the portal in the first place.

" You brute!"

" Weiss?"

The ice queen looked at her younger sister in surprise, and the snow princess saw her sister and smiled as she hugged her as she felt relief in seeing a friendly face. Winter returned the hug and assured Weiss.

" It's alright, Weiss. Your safe now."

While the snow princess heard that, she still shook from the fear she felt at the unknown explosion and unknown enemy she heard outside her door. She may be a huntress-in-training, but she hasn't experienced a dangerous situation like that till now, and her training up to this point is still lacking. As Winter cares for her sister, she notices Whitley shuffling uncomfortably and extends her comfort to her little brother.

" Whitley, you must have been scared."

" I'm fine..."

He stated despite looking anything like he was fine, and while the two siblings had their... disagreements, they still somewhat cared about each as family. The youngest Schnee sat down on the bed instead of joining in on the hug, and the sister broke from their embrace, and before Winter could ask anything else, once again, a portal opened, and this time Willow and Klein came through. The Schnee siblings called out in surprise and relief.

" Mother?!"

The Schnee matriarch saw her children and scooped them all into one big hug, as she said with worry and happiness.

" Thank the Brothers. You are all alright."

Winter, Weiss, and Whitley hesitantly hugged their mother back, and after a few slightly awkward moments, their mother let them go. The eldest Schnee then asked.

" Mother, just what is going on?!"