
Hungry Black

The volleyball tournament continued on Azure Island, and it was currently Willow and Scarlet against Weiss and Pyrrha, an interesting matchup, to say the least. The Schnee matriarch smiled at her daughter as she spoke.

" Well, this is an interesting situation, wouldn't you say, Weiss?"

" I suppose..."

The snow princess replied with mixed emotions while the older redhead asked her own daughter.

" Are you enjoying yourself, Pyrrha?"

" Yes, mom. It has been fun; I am glad I took up Silva's offer for this beach party of his."

" I am happy you are having fun, dear, but I won't be holding back."

" I wouldn't expect otherwise, mom."

The two redheads looked at one another with a sense of competitiveness, and Klein drew their attention as he threw the ball in the air.

" Let's play ball!"

Weiss and Willow both summoned Glyphs to reach the ball first, but the Schnee matriarch had better reach and got the ball first, then served it to Scarlet, and she launched back up in the air to spike it. Pyrrha immediately caught the ball before it could touch the ground, and the snow princess used her Semblance as a platform to hit the ball back into her's court. The mother, daughter match continued until Silva called out.


The match ended in the mothers' favor as everyone went to see what the snow leopard faunus cooked up. The Happy Huntresses also returned from exploring the island on time with Kali in tow. The group that came to the beach party saw the buffet for that that Silva created for the group, hamburgers, black bean burgers, hot dogs, kebabs, grilled chicken, and chorizo, along with every condiment under the sun. The mature cat woman commented at seeing all the food.

" Ghira is definitely going to regret not coming."


" Can't. Eat. Another. Bite."

Ruby said, almost overeating from the food she was presented with, but she looked pleased with her meal. Yang then said at seeing the last of the soy sauce hickory burger.

" Maybe just one more bite."

The blonde was stuffed to the brim, but she really liked the burgers with a bit of hot sauce to spice it up. After the first bite, Yang immediately regretted her decision as her stomach felt close to exploding or at least giving her indigestion. Weiss commented as she wiped her mouth with a paper towel.

" It was... adequate."

Willow reprimanded her daughter as she knew the truth of the matter.

" Now, Weiss, it was more than adequate as while it wasn't something from a 5-star restaurant, it was still excellent."

" Mother is correct, Weiss, and considering the effort Silva put into providing everyone with food, especially since it was better than those so-called upper-class restaurants with overly subtle and complex flavors and certainly better than Atlas Academy's cafeteria."

Winter also joined in on reprimanding her little sister as she felt that Weiss was letting the bias she learned from their father rule her judgment. The Schnee heiress looked down and felt a tiny bit resentful toward Silva for turning her mother and sister against her because of her comment about the food. Klein and Whitley kept their peace as they did enjoy the food, especially the butler, since it was nice not to have to cook or serve meals once in a while. The youngest Schnee enjoyed customizing his burger and hot dogs with what was available since he had never experienced something like that before.

Pyrrha asked her mother, Scarlet.

" Mom, do you think you can get Silva's recipe for those black bean burgers? Those were light but filling and would be nice to have after training."

" Certainly, dear, plus I plan on asking what he did to the grilled chicken because the ones with the blackened dry rub were excellent."

" Those were good as well, mom."

The two redheads talked about learning the snow leopard faunus's recipes for back home. The Happy Huntress spoke amongst themselves, their leader said as she rubbed her full stomach.

" I think I would've come for the food alone, ladies."

" Agreed."

Joanna curtly said to Robin after grabbing another kebab, and Fiona added.

" Do you think he's willing to do some catering? I mean, this would be nice to do for our supporters during the next election."

" True, plus I am curious about what else he can cook up."

May added as she wiped her mouth with a paper towel and felt a bit bloated. Raven brewed herself and April some tea to help with digestion after eating their fill. Silva then came out with a large rectangular cake and asked with a smile.

" I hope all of you have room for dessert cause I made a vanilla bean cream icing and strawberry drizzle on chiffon cake with chocolate shavings on top."

Neopolitan immediately grabbed a knife to cut her a large slice of cake, and Miltia and Melanie walked up and gave the snow leopard faunus kiss on each cheek. Silva grinned at them for the affection they showed, and the more polite twin said with a soft smile.

" I think me and Melanie will rest for a while while we digest our food but save us some cake for later, please."


The snow leopard complied as he cut them a pair of slices for later, and Emerald came up to say.

" As tempted as I am to have a bite, I am full to the point that one more bite is going to kill me from overeating but save me a slice?"

" Sure, take it easy, Em."

" Will do."

The mint-haired girl went off to find a nice place under the sun to relax, and only a few people had enough room for a bite or two of the cake. Everyone decided to take it easy for the next hour before restarting the volleyball tournament until Silva made dinner which had everyone call it a day, and get cleaned up at the large bath that the Azure Inn had built in for everyone. While the girls and women cleaned themselves off at the shower heads before soaking in the large tub, Silva used magic to get the sand out of his fur and clean the rest of his body.

The Azure Inn has three floors; the ground floor is where the largest rooms are set up to accommodate large groups, along with the baths for men and women. The second floor is where smaller rooms are for more private settings, and the third has a lot of individual rooms for either solitary people or couples; where Silva currently resides in one of those rooms. The snow leopard was taking out a shikibuton to rest on before heading off to bed for the day. He heard a knock at his door and found Winter in the hall in a guest yukata and asked.

" Hey, Winter, can I help you?"

" May I come in?"

" Sure, make yourself comfortable."

The ice queen sat on the couch in the room and Silva sat next to her as he asked.

" So I'm guessing you want to talk about something?"

" In a manner of speaking."

Winter said curtly and after a moment of silence, she asked.

" What is your relation to those twins?"

Silva quickly understood what this was about and decided to be honest with the ice queen.

" They are my lovers."

" As in plural?!"

Winter exclaimed before quickly calming herself down and the snow leopard faunus then asked.

" Does it bother you?"

"I'm not sure..."

The ice queen avoided looking at the person she had developed an interest in after getting to know him. Silva then asked Winter to test the waters.

" When you saw them kiss me, did you have an unpleasant or even painful feeling in your heart?"

The ice queen looked at the snow leopard faunus as she did feel something from seeing the twins kissing him and asked.

" How did you know?"

" Well, let me ask you this Winter. After I kissed you, did you have any thoughts of being something more than friends?"

" It crossed my mind."

Winter said shyly at Silva's question, and the snow leopard faunus wrapped his arm around the ice queen's shoulders and asked.

" Do you want to see how you feel about me?"

" How?"

Winter asked as she was not sure about what to do next, and Silva whispered in a husky tone in her ear.

" Relax, and let me lead."

The ice queen felt ticklish at being whispered like this but did not get a chance to say anything as the snow leopard kissed her deeply. Winter stiffened at being kissed and the invasion of Silva's tongue in her mouth. After being kissed for a few moments the ice queen relaxed and started to enjoy being kissed by the snow leopard. After parting from Winter, Silva asked her.

" So what are your thoughts, Winter?"

" I, I need to think!"

The ice queen immediately left with a lot on her mind and the snow leopard faunus decided to give her some space.