
Golden Green

The alarm rang as I got up from a long night and still tired in a refreshed way with my loins sore. Raven was insatiable last night, although it clearly has been a while since she scratched that particular itch. Raven groaned as the alarm on my Scroll rang and told me groggily.

" Silva, alarm."

" Sure."

I dug out my Scroll from my pants on the floor and turned it off, then asked my lover. It still sounds strange to me to call Raven Branwen that after, well, everything. Welp, Yang is definitely going to beat me within an inch of my life and then some. I regret nothing. As the former bandit chief got up, exposing her mature body to me, I asked her.

" So, what do you want to do now, Raven?"

" For now, breakfast. Thankfully I had the foresight to prepare some birth control tea for both of us because clearly, I wasn't the only one pint up last night."

Raven gave me a satisfied smile as she stretched, and I asked the obvious.

" Birth control tea?"

She answered my question promptly and explained.

" By blending the right herbs, you can make a tonic that can prevent a woman's eggs from being fertilized, plus a different mixture for men that leave their sperm inert for a while. As you know, I prefer tea, and any side effects are more mild compared to pills."

" What side effects?"

I felt nervous asking what sort of thing Raven had me drink, although part of me felt relieved that I didn't likely impregnate her the same night I changed our relationship. Raven assured me with a wave of her hand.

" Nothing serious, just some nausea, dizziness, and a headache for both of us."

Now that she mentions it, my head is slightly pounding. Still, for men's birth control, I was expecting condoms like on Earth, but when in Roman. Putting that aside, for now, breakfast sounds good right about now, plus I need a chat with some peeping toms. I got dressed and headed back to my airship to whip up some breakfast.

" I will get started making some breakfast; any requests, Raven?"

She winced as she massaged her temple and replied.

" Something sweet would be preferable."

" Okay, french toast coming right up."

" French what?"

Raven asked, not knowing what I was referring to, and I brushed off her question.

" Nevermind, see you back at the airship."

I left and soon made it back to my airship. I entered and saw Emerald and Neopolitan sleeping together awkwardly. My favorite shorty was laying atop the mint-haired girl with her dainty foot in Emerald's face. Emerald looked uncomfortable with Neopolitan on her and her right arm hanging out from the couch bed. Before waking them up, I took a picture of the somewhat funny scene on my Scroll. I took in a deep breath and let out a bestial roar which scared the both of them awake.

Emerald panicked and took her weapon, looking for the "animal" that roared at her; Neopolitan reacted similarly. I grinned at the two of them and asked with my arms crossed.

" Enjoyed the show last night, girls?"

Neopolitan did her best impression of innocence while Emerald looked awkward and guilty. I sighed and told Emerald what I was feeling.

" I am not angry, Emerald, a little annoyed and disappointed, yes, but not angry."

" It was HER idea!"

Emerald looked a bit relieved at my reaction and then placed the blame on Neopolitan, which I believed because the tri-colored girl has a tendency to do something simply for the sake of it if her memories are any indication. I let them both know that I knew exactly what they were doing last night.

" So the two of you didn't masturbate while watching Raven and me?"

Neopolitan looked genuinely surprised, and Emerald blushed, looking like she wanted to find the nearest hole and hide. I decided to embarrass Emerald further and try to get a reaction out of Neopolitan as I dug out my special oven mitts to start cooking breakfast.

" You know one of the many advantages of faunus that can also be counted as a disadvantage at times are heightened senses depending on the type of faunus. In my case, my sense of smell, hearing, and taste has led me into a few awkward situations. In this instance, I could smell both your arousals outside the tent, and that's how I knew about your peeking."

Let's see here, eggs, cream, bread ( thankfully, Mistral has something like Hawaiian bread), cinnamon, brown sugar, and butter. Everything I need for French toast or whatever it's called on Remnant. I started getting my egg yolks as I poked at Emerald and Neopolitan's escapades.

" So tell me, what was your favorite part of the show last night?"

" Oh, gods, no."

Emerald said out of embarrassment, and I peeked at Neopolitan as I cracked eggs; she had a pondering look. I then separated my yolks from my whites, and I could use the whites for an egg sandwich later after I made french toast. I decided to kick it up a notch as I beat my yolks and cream together.

" Look, I understand you are at that age where you're curious about sex."

Emerald groaned and begged me.

" Please, stop."

I glanced at Neopolitan as she looked at the hull with interest. I got the frying pan ready and melted the butter on it as I didn't stop there.

" Maybe I can help you look up some porn to help you find out if you have any kinks later?"

I heard a loud bang and saw Emerald hit her head against the hull, and Neopolitan was on her Scroll. I set up the pieces of bread and got out a kitchen brush to cover the bread slices with a thin layer of egg yolk. As I mixed the brown sugar and cinnamon, I asked my favor shorty and thief.

" Well, what do the two of you have to say for yourselves?"

" I'm sorry, and again, it's her fault as she wanted to stay and watch as she pinned me down and forced me to join her."

I glanced at Neopolitan after hearing Emerald's excuse, and she noticed my stare as I sprinkled the cinnamon and brown sugar mix on the slices of yolk-covered bread. Neopolitan smirked at me, and I rolled my eyes at her reaction. I then reminded both of them it takes two to tango.

" I wonder how Raven's going to react?"

A silence filled the airship, with the only sound being me putting the bread on the frying pan and the sizzling sound of cooking. Emerald looked like her soul lefted her body, and Neopolitan kept on smirking, but she was bluffing as I could tell she was a bit nervous even before I mentioned Raven. Emerald then begged me.

" Can you please, PLEASE, not tell her?"

I hummed in a nonconfirming or confirming way to hide my answer to the question. Soon my first patch of french toast was done, and I dug out the maple syrup plus the Forever Fall sap. I then offered breakfast.

" Breakfast is ready!"

" Good, a full stomach will help the dizziness and nausea."

Raven showed up, and Emerald had a pleading expression directed at me while Neopolitan grabbed a couple of slices of french toast and was trying to act nonchalant. I then asked Raven as I gestured towards the girls.

" Any words for our peeping toms?"

Raven sent me a questioning look, and I nodded in confirmation. The black-haired woman glared at the two girls. Emerald avoided direct eye contact by looking down, and Neopolitan was trying to shift the blame to Emerald by pointing at her. Raven sighed and said while massaging her temple.

" Your lucky I am in a good mood this morning."

I shrugged at Raven's reply, and she commented on breakfast while the two girls relaxed.

" Oh, Mistral spice toast? Not a bad choice for breakfast."

Well, another day, another breakfast.



Stan was winding down for the final match for today. The last round of the tournament's semifinals was being set up, and the host announced.


Silva felt the girl in front of him look familiar. Untamed pale blond hair, olive-green eyes, dark skin wearing a yellow robe with black kung-fu pants with a large magenta sash around her waist. He used his second Semblance Soul Archive to look her up in his memories and recalled who she was. This girl is the future leader of team ABRN from Haven Academy, which fought against team RWBY in the Vytal Festival. Silva smiled as this girl could go toe to toe with Yang in CQC and felt he might finally have a challenge.

As Silva drew out his claws, Arslan asked him seriously.

" I have a question that is plaguing my mind. Would you answer me?"

Silva relaxed a little and replied.

" Sure, ask away."

" Is the name you entered in this tournament your real name?"

Silva decided to answer with the truth since she asked politely.

" Nah, it just entered under that name for some giggles."

Arslan huffed, looking annoyed, and asked with an edge in her tone.

" Is this tournament a joke to you?"

" Yes and no."

The dark skin beauty asked, looking confused.

" What do you mean?"

Silva didn't mind chatting but was eager for a proper fight, so he replied.

" How about we fight first, then do a Q&A after the match, K?"

" Very well then, but just answer one more question."

Silva gestured at Arslan to go ahead, and she asked.

" What is your actual name?"

The snow leopard faunus smiled at the Golden Lion and answered.

" Silva, just Silva."

" Fine then, Silva, let's see what you are made of."

Arslan got into her stance, and Silva drew out his claws, then Stan started the match.


Silva used Flash Step to close the distance to strike, but Arslan was expecting that and raised her guard and blocked Silva by his forearm. The Golden Lion shifted the snow leopard faunus arm to the side and used a palm strike to fire a shock wave of Aura. Silva was... not impressed by the power of the shockwave. It barely dented his Aura. He responded in kind with a palm, or rather, paw strike with an Aura shock wave of his own. Arslan was knocked back by several feet, and she seriously appraised Silva for the first time.

She took a deep breath and centered herself on focusing on Silva entirely with little to no distractions. The snow leopard faunus was done testing the waters and fired off five claw Aura blade at the Golden lion. Arslan was surprised at Silva's mastery over Aura control and techniques, but she countered by using a hand chop to hit all the Aura slashes at once. While the Golden Lion did that, the snow leopard faunus closed the distance again with Flash Step, then used a powerful low kick to knock Arslan off balance.

She tripped over, and Silva swiftly landed an ax kick on her exposed back. After that blow, Arslan used her rope dart to wrap around Silva's angle and pulled to bring him down but to no avail. The snow leopard's faunus foot was firmly planted, and he sent the Golden Lion flying with another Aura slash from his leg. Arslan crossed her arms to block the attack, which limited the damage done. As she skids away, she quickly regains her balance and stands up.

Arslan was getting frustrated because she felt her Aura reserves dip quite a bit from the few exchanges with Silva. Just two or three more attacks and she will lose. The Golden Lion was both nervous and excited, but that lasted a moment as Silva disappeared from her line of sight making raising her guard to block the attack by instinct. Still, instead of Arslan's neck, her head, the Golden Lion's midsection was struck hard. Part of her robe was torn off by that attack of Silva's exposing her gut and Arslan blushed slightly as she was never exposed like this before.

The Golden Lion decided on a gambit; she took up a defensive stance with the intent of counterattacking before she fell, as all it took would be one more hit to end the match. Silva hits the ground with an Aura shockwave and creates a smokescreen. Arslan tried to keep her breath under control to keep her nerves and was then met with two Aura slashes from opposite directions. The Golden Lion leaped back to evade them but was immediately struck by Silva from behind as she landed.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the fight with Arslan's loss and Silva's victory. The snow leopard faunus felt that his chances of beating Pyrrha were now much higher than he initially thought. Stan then announced the end of the semifinals.