
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · アニメ·コミックス
280 Chs

Fiery Red

After three hours of pure hell on a porcelain throne, Silva walked out of the bathroom in a weakened state. His steps were wobbly, and he nearly tripped a few times, but Miltia came over to him and supported Silva with her shoulder. His voice was dry and horse as he gestured towards the kitchen, and the more polite twin helped him to the table after the snow leopard fanus sat down in asked in a quiet, raspy tone for food. Miltia complied as she said.

" Very well then. Is rice porridge fine?"

Silva nodded weakly, and Miltia started cooking. Rice porridge is not a complicated dish, so the more polite twin had no trouble making it for the snow leopard fanus. Miltia sets a large bowl of rice porridge in front of Silva, and he starts to eat slowly. Silva dropped his spoon a few times as he could barely put any strength in his drained body. After the first bowl, Silva asked for more in a slightly healthier voice.

" Seconds, please."

" Certainly."

As Miltia made another batch, Silva was quickly recovering thanks to Aura passively speeding up the healing process. After another bowl, Silva asked for another helping, and now Silva was clear-minded enough to use his Aura actively to help him recover. Miltia kept cooking for him as she saw that he was quickly recovering as the color returned to his skin and his gaunt cheeks became whole again. After several more servings, Silva had a full stomach and thanked Miltia.

" Thank you, Miltia; I owe you one."

"You're welcome, Silva."

After Miltia replied to Silva, she frowned and asked with a disgusted look.

" Forgive me if this comes out wrong Silva but can you please take a bath?"

Silva looked at the more polite twin in confusion and smelled himself and realized how badly he stunk from his brown-colored nightmare. His gag reflex kicked in, and he ran off to take a shower immediately. Miltia sighed and offered a small prayer to Melanie.

" Melanie, I hope that sale was worth it because Silva is going to be gunning for you soon, and he might just decide to kill you regardless of the consequences."

Miltia started to try and come up with a way to appease Silva before he went after Melanie.


Melanie was waiting in a long line towards Sky and Sea in the middle section of Mistral to take part in their big sale. While she felt impatient at waiting for three hours in line for her shopping spree, she was also excited to get the matching white and red dresses that she and Miltia had been eyeing for a while now. Melanie thought back to Silva and felt slightly bad for making him take those extra strength laxatives. She briefly wondered how to make it up to him as she didn't hate him. Heck, she even liked him a little bit since he went along with her pointless arguments to help her stay sane in the safe house for almost two months.

The line started moving again, and Melanie was distracted from her thoughts. Her stomach growled from the lack of breakfast she did not have earlier today, and she made a note to stop by her and her sister's favorite bakery for some long overdue pastries. Melanie then smiled as she thought of also getting Silva something from there as well to make up for his extended stay on the porcelain throne.

But unbeknownst to Melanie, she did not yet understand the full extent of what she did to Silva. A shady individual with ill intent recognized her as Lil' Miss Malachite's daughter and spread the information quietly to her enemies.


I, Silva Branwen, felt refreshed and reborn after a long shower. As I dried myself off, I went to get myself some clean clothes and made a mental note to myself to burn the ones I just took off later. There is no getting the smell of sh*t and despair out of those clothes. As I dressed, Miltia came in and asked me.

" How are you feeling, Silva?"

" I'll live."

I venomously reply, much to Miltia's shock, as I felt my increasing anger rise. During my shower, I was clear-headed enough to finally realized how I got into my previous state. Melanie gave me something in that tea, and when I thought I was going to die on the toilet, I WaNtEd NoThInG mOrE tHaN tO pUt MeLaNiE's HeAd On A pIkE! I started seeing red as I thought about what Melanie put me through Miltia called out to me fearfully.

" S-silva, I-I-I know y-your angry, but y-you can't k-kill Melanie."

I looked at Miltia coldly and asked with my voice dripping with venom and hate.

" Why?!"

Miltia gulped at my question and answered.

" You won't be able to leave this city alive if you kill her."

I hate, hate, hated that she was right as I felt a cold bucket of water dampen my desire to murder Melanie. I grit my teeth as I ask—no demand from Miltia.


Miltia tried to placate me by offering a deal.

" No, you don't have to let this go because if she did to you to me, I would never forgive her. So my offer is this, so long as you don't kill her or inflict lasting harm, I can make her keep quiet about whatever you do to her so Mother won't seek retribution."

I glared at Miltia as she started to break out in a cold sweat. As my mind whirled with vengeful thoughts, I had to discard most of them as removing her limbs or making her go through what I did in the bathroom would not fly with Miltia, let alone Lil' Miss. I had to comprise, much to my anger.

" Fine, I won't kill her or dismember her body, but can you really make her keep quiet about my payback against her?"

" Yes, so long as you don't go too far."

I huffed in annoyance and dying anger, but I ultimately agreed. I then asked Miltia.

" So, where do I find your better-off dead sister?"

Miltia sighed in relief at my calming down and told me.

" She is probably at Sky and Sea still in the middle district of Mistral."

I grunted in reply and grabbed my glave, and went on the warpath to Melanie.


It did not take me long to find the store where Melanie was likely right now. It was a decent size store with an impressive entrance with a long line with no Melanie in sight, but as I was about to charge right into the store, a guy that looked like a security guard stopped me.

" This store does not serve faunus, so l-."

I did not let him finish his sentence as I grabbed his head and slammed it into the store wall. After letting him go, he slumped down, unconscious and bleeding from his head, and went into the store. I looked around and did not see Melanie anywhere, so I went to the cashiers to interrogate them. I pushed aside the current customer that one of the cashiers was dealing with, and, of course, she complained.

" Hey, you stinking animal, what do you think you are-."

I took out my glave and planted it in front of the customer, which shut them up and made the cashiers in front of me look scared and nervous. They did not dare move as I asked them with barely restrained rage.

" I am only going to ask once, have you seen this girl?"

I took a picture on my Scroll of Melanie, and the cashiers looked at it in fear and compliance. One of them then said with terror in their voice.

" I-I s-saw h-her not long ago s-she just left t-ten minutes back."

I looked at the cashier and demanded.

" Did you see where she went afterwards?!"

The cashier rabidly shook their head in denial. I clicked my tongue in annoyance and asked for confirmation.

" Are you sure?"

They nodded in fear, and I grabbed my glave in anger and walked out of the store. I called Miltia to see if she knew where else to look.

" Miltia, your sister has already left the store; any idea where I might find her?"

" Well, there is a bakery we are fond of not far from Sky and Sea that we like to stop at after shopping; you could try there."

I hung up after hearing the directions she gave me and went to the bakery next. I soon found it and entered. The first thing I heard was.

" We don't serve your kind here, so beat it!"

I went to the employee, and he frowned as he repeated himself.

" I said we don't serve animals here-."

My patience is already at an all-time low, and it's just getting lower with the racist idiocy I am hearing today. So I took out my glave again and made a small cut on the employee's face. His face turned pale in fright as I took out my Scroll with Melanie's picture on it and demanded.

" Have you seen her?"

" Youjustmissedher."

The employee replied quickly, and I growled in annoyance at just missing her again. I ran out of the bakery and roared at the top of my lungs with all my rage.


What I heard next surprised me, and I switched my anger to the smallest bit of concern I had left for the twin I would like to murder.


I went to the source of Melanie's voice and saw her back against the wall, surrounded in a back alley battered with a few corpses lying around along with some still breathing thugs. I smiled because I had now something to take my rage out on with little to no pity. I dived right at the grouped and thrust my glave at one of the thug's exposed backs. One of them saw me do it and called out to the others.

" An animal got, Lenny!"

Before they could react, I took out a few more thugs in murderous glee at some release for my pent-up wrath. None of them had Aura or at least could not use their Aura very well to protect themselves as I quickly dispatched them. Feeling slightly better, I soon realized what I had just done and felt concerned that I might be a psychopath. As my mind whirled at my possible psychological issues, Melanie called out to me.

" Silva! Am I glad to see you!"

I quickly put aside my current thoughts and planted my glave right by Melanie's head on the wall, and told her with every bit of rage and resentment I felt.


Melanie looked at me with a mix of confusion and fear. As I thoroughly described the hell I went through, Melanie turned pale at what I was telling her, which made me feel slightly better, but nowhere enough to make us even close to even. As I let out part of my anger in my explanation, I decided to continue this back at the safe house for now.


After dragging Melanie back to the safe house and ensuring we weren't followed, I forced Melanie into the living room. As I took a seat on a chair, Miltia silently went to the side and watched the proceedings. Melanie tried to apologize for what she did to me.

" Look, Silva, I didn't know that those laxatives would put you through-."

" I don't want to hear it!"

I flat out denied Melanie's excuses and apologies. She claimed up, and I then ordered her.

" Come here!"

She hesitated for a moment, and I glared at her with increasing fury. Melanie complied, and I grabbed her arm with my Aura enhanced strength and bent her over my knee. I told her with barely restrained rage what I was going to do to her and how she was going to act.

" I am going to tan your sorry hide, and you are not to use your Aura whatsoever. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear!"

I settled for spanking as it gives me a minimum amount of satisfaction, and it would make me less likely to inflict any permanent damage on Melanie in my fury. Melanie stiffened at what I told her but hung her in quiet acceptance at her punishment. I held both of her arms with one paw and lowered her panties with the other. Her butt clenched at removing her panties, and I felt her shake slightly in fear. I reminded Melanie what she was supposed to do.

" No. Aura!"

Melanie's shaking got worse as she apologized.

" Am sorry."

I silently raised my paw and struck her bare cheeks with a resounding smack. Melanie yelped in pain, and Miltia winced as she watched her sister's punishment. I hit her lower cheeks, again and again, ignoring the stinging pain in my paw, ignoring Melanie's repeated apologies and begging for mercy, ignoring Miltia's verbal attempts to stop me. As I saw my paw dyed red from my and Melanie's blood, I finally stopped spanking my least favorite twin. I breathed heavily to catch my breath as my adrenalin wore off.

After I relaxed for a moment, I heard Melanie's whimpering and felt the last bit of my rage disipate. I sighed as I felt the fatigue of today hit me; I just wanted to sleep now. I picked up Melanie and laid her on her bed on her stomach. As I walked out, Miltia stopped me and said.

" Thank you for not killing Melanie, Silva."

I grunted in reply and crashed on the couch, and slept away.