
Drunken Fate

I, Silva Branwen, am getting concerned about the developments of the Great Holy Grail War. It has been a few days since the three Masters of Red attacked my Faction, and yet I have not seen any sign of the remaining three nor the Ruler Class Servant for this war. During these few days, both Kairi and Waver have already left to go off and do their own thing. Lifting the necromancer's curse was easy between the three Casters and me, so he is off to find a suitable wife to continue his line. The older Mage went back to the Clock Tower to work on his current thesis on Modern Magecraft.

Mordred has actually adjusted pretty well to living here at my home in Fuyuki despite the tense relationship between her and Artoria. She joined the Anime Faction headed by Illyasviel as she did not have the patience for reading or stomach for drama shows. Interestingly enough, she formed a friendship with Frankenstein, and the two got along pretty well. The Knight of Treachery also took up sparring with Scáthach and Cú Chulainn in the dojo and was every bit the glutton the King of Knights is, which led to some bonding between them despite their differences.

Bazett is, well... Overwhelmed by Irisveil taking a liking to her for some odd reason and has decided to go ahead and make her Lancer her familiar after the Great Holy Grail War is over. The enforcer is staying where I can keep an eye on her till then, and so far, she seems to be fitting in pretty well with my extended family. Overall aside from the daily chaos of my home, things have been quiet, but I feel it's just the calm before the storm. As I relax for the day, Shuten comes up and asks.

" Master, mind joining us for a bit of fun?"

" What sort of fun do you have in mind, Shuten?"

I asked the Oni with an arched eyebrow, and she smiled as she told me.

" Oh, just a bit of drinking with the dog, his teacher, the confused brat, and our resident knight."

Drinking with Shuten, Cú Chulainn, Scáthach, Mordred, and Artoria? That's a disaster waiting to happen in epic portions, so I asked the little drunkard.

" How did this come about?"

" Oh, just chatting with the dog to pass the time, and the topic went to modern alcohol, and one thing led to another, which drew in his teacher, and we decided to compare livers. We went to the kitchen first and saw our resident gluttons overworking your toy chefs. Then the younger glutton chose to join in on the fun, and the other one got interested as well. I then thought, since you have a sizable reserve, it would be good to invite you as well."

This is probably a bad idea, but I have nothing better to do until nightfall since there is no fighting during the daytime. I got up and told Shuten.

" Come on and help me carry the drinks out from my reserve."

" Certainly, Master."


This was a mistake. Before me, my entire household was drunk or, at the very least, drunk off the atmosphere. It started friendly enough, starting out with some of the lighter stuff first, like hard cider, to ease things off slowly, but to my surprise, Mordred and Artoria were lightweights. Still, in the King of Kight's place, Avalon was put away before anything else so she could actually get drunk. After that, Irisveil joined in with the homunculi trio plus Illyasviel since she is technically 18.

After that, everyone else decided to join in on the drinking competition. Of course, I'm cheating by using Transmutation to break down the alcohol since someone needs to be sober to deal with the aftermath. Medea and Irisveil are molesting poor Artoria while Mordred watches with drunken horror between her fingers. Cú Chulainn was knocked out by Scáthach when he tried to get handsy with her, and Bazett is pouring her more whisky. Shuten is also still drinking and watching the chaos unfold with a mischievous smile.

Thankfully Frankenstein was a calm drunk as she drank chuhai with Illyasviel. Rin, Sakura, Ishtar, and Medusa drank wine as they were... Comparing breast sizes, Servant to Master? The homunculi trio were down and out as they were complete lightweights. I sighed as I sipped my whiskey on the rocks, and Skadi poured me another glass with Tamamo on my opposite.

" Thanks, honey."

" Of dear, but how did things devolve this quickly?"

" Never underestimate alcohol's ability to loosen inhibitions or flat-out remove them."

Sakura then came up to me while dragging Medusa and asked me while clearly drunk.

" Otou-sama, don't you think Medusa is pretty?!"

" Yes, she is beautiful."

" See, Medusa-chan, if Otou-sama thinks your pretty, then it is true."

To my surprise, the Servant was also drunk and acted bashfully.

" But I..."

Her Master grabbed her breasts and massaged them as Sakura told her with a stern tone.

" No buts, aside from the one you are attached to, Medusa, you need to learn that you are beautiful no matter who says otherwise! Otou-sama would show how beautiful you think our silly Medusa is?"

" Ask me again when the two of you are sober, as you will forget otherwise."

" Promise?"

My daughter held out her pinky finger as she asked me, and I gave her a pinky promise despite my lack of fingers. She then dragged her Servant back to Rin and Ishtar while Skadi not so gently elbowed me. I looked at my cute wife, pouting at me, and I wrapped my arm around her as I whispered into her ear.

" You are my beautiful wife, Skadi, no matter what."

She blushed as she fidgeted in my embrace, and I was surprised once more when I felt someone pulling my other arm around them. I turned to see Scáthach pulling my arm around her waist, and I looked at her in confusion as I was pretty sure she was not drunk yet. The Witch of Dún Scáith smiled at me and said.

" I find it interesting that an alternate version of myself could be so intimate, so I am curious to see what it would feel like to be in your embrace."

Before I could say anything in return, Shuten came up and said.

" Ohya? It looks like Master is prime real estate. I better make a claim before there's nothing left."

The oni sat down in my lap and leaned back into my chest as she drank more whisky and then switched to her gourd of sake. And, of course, Tamamo couldn't ignore me being swarmed.

" Now, hold on! Where am I supposed to latch on to my Master?!"

" His back is free."

Scáthach added casually, and the vixen wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her breast against my back, then asked me with a sultry whisper.

" Nay, Master, how much are you enjoying this situation?"

I sipped my whisky and wondered just how crazy things were going to get today.


Lorelei looked at her two subordinates Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri and Reines El-Melloi Archisorte, as she briefed them.

" Well, I can hardly say it's unexpected for Silva to deal with the other three Masters of our faction during our previous assault, but I digress. We now know for certain the Black Faction is united enough that there is no apparent infighting, unlike our own previously. Plus, we caught glimpses of the Servants of Black, but we are unable to get more information from Waver Velvet and Kairi Sisigou due to a Geas Contract they have with Silva. For now, we are waiting to finish constructing Assassin's Noble Phantasm before making another attack.

With that in mind, report Reines."

" It will still take a few more days to finish construction, but we are making good progress."

The Princess of El-Melloi started, and the Queen of the Clock Tower focused on the red-haired woman as she asked.

" Any issues with Berserker?"

" Not as many as you would have expected from his class. So long as you give him a TV with some form of fighting on it, whether boxing or mixed martial arts and some mead, he's happy and docile for the most part."

" Good, keep it up."

Lorelei said as she silently dismissed the two. The both of them are in debt to her for different reasons. Reines owes her for absorbing the El-Melloi financial debt and easing her off being wed and bred by any other Mage Family in unfavorable terms. Sola-Ui, being the former fiance of the now-dead Kayneth, had her own share of issues since her brother took over the family and had to accept asylum from the Barthomeloi family to avoid being sold off as used goods. Lorelei did not take them in out of the goodness of her heart since she was informed early on by Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg on the early starting of the Great Holy Grail War.

So she decided to gain some subordinates with the capacity of being Masters and outfit them with top-class Servants to achieve her goal of capturing Silva and bringing forth the next Head of the Barthomeloi family that could exceed even her. After all, her prerogative is to further her family's interests and abilities above all else, as is her duty and honor.