
Creeping Red

I, Silva Branwen, wake up to once again to find one of my arms numb from Vernal using it as a pillow. Despite the fact I have raging hormones, Vernal still treats me like a kid in some aspects, or maybe more accurately, like a little brother. I sighed as I switched my numb arm for a pillow under Vernal's head. After changing my arm with a pillow, I started to stretch to try and get some feeling back in my limb. As I stretched, I heard my Scroll go off with an alert, and I went to see what was up.

It was a text message from Miltia. Apparently, the Malachite twins asked their mother for my number to call and text me. It was just Miltia's usual morning greetings.

[ Good Morning, Silva.]

I yawned as I returned Miltia's greeting and sent one to Melanie as well because she would ask why I didn't send her one as well if I didn't, and it only happened once and once was enough. Almost immediately afterward, Miltia sent me another text message.

[ Big news! Roman left the gang after taking a part of Mother's money and leaving Mistral!]

Hearing this, I debated what to do internally. To tell Lil' Miss, he is likely heading to the city of Vale and might rob a bank; I remember this from the RWBY novel Roman Holiday, but I can't recall where he sets up shop at, regardless there are pros and cons to this. On the one hand, it might improve my chance of getting Neopolitan affection, and I get some sweet payback for the laxatives he gave Melanie. On the other hand, however, I don't know what would happen to Neopolitan, and I might prevent Ruby from attending Beacon without Roman doing his Dust robberies for Cinder.

Decisions, decisions, you know what I need to test something regardless, whether something like fate and plot will cause certain events despite the butterfly effects I am likely causing. I sent a text message to Miltia on an educated guess as to where Roman sneaked off to and see what happens.

[ If he has left Mistral altogether to avoid your mother's wrath, I am betting he went to the city of Vale. It has the lowest crime rates, so the police would be underprepared for whatever "grand" crime spree he cooks up. Plus, Mantle wouldn't work for him because it relies on stuff from Atlas for the criminal element to thrive, which would only happen through connections in the right places. Also, Vacuo is out because he would be miserable in a desert and would likely only earn the ire of everyone there, including the criminal underbelly there.]

After a few moments, Miltia then texts me.

[ Mother wants to talk to you...]

I soon received a call from a number I was not familiar with, and I answered.

" Hello?"

" What makes you so certain that Roman would go to Vale?"

I heard Lil' Miss on the other side of my Scroll and was surprised she took my word so seriously. I then told her in a serious tone.

" Aside from the reasons I stated in the text, there is an easy way to confirm that Roman is at Vale."

" Oh? How?"

I smiled as it is the best piece of evidence I have that I don't need to explain in detail without touching on the fact I have a past life.

" He is likely going to do something big to "debut" his criminal identity, like rob a bank in broad daylight and test the waters; he strikes me as a preening peacock more than anything else."

Lil' Miss chuckled at my description of Roman and replied in agreement.

" True, that is one way to describe Roman, and it wouldn't surprise me if he did that at all. Thank you for the tip, Silva. If it turns out to be true, I will provide you with payment for your information."

" No need for that; it's just an educated guess at best."

" Very well then."

She then hung up on me, and I shrugged uncaringly at how rude it was and went back to stretching to get some feeling in my arm again.


Raven arranged another sparring match for Vernal and me for training. I charged at Vernal and twirled my glave as I aimed to get as many hits as I could in to break Vernal's aura. Vernal fought defensively like usual, much to my annoyance and growing concern for her. I went at Vernal with increasing ferocity making use of both the blades on my glave to attack from multiple sides. As I have gotten more familiar with the weapon Raven, I got more comfortable with polearms in general but kept my ideal weapon in mind.

I really need to head to Atlas to expand my technical skills and ability to craft weapons. The Branwen tribe smithy is heavily underequipped for what I have in mind, but back to the sparring match. I swept my glave under Vernal's legs and tripped her, then struck her while she was down. Raven then called out as she watched with a frown on her face and narrowed eyes.

" Enough!"

I stopped attacking Vernal and looked at her, feeling worried about her future because if she keeps up her pacifistic attitude, she is going to get herself killed even with Maiden powers backing her up. All it would take was a trained Huntsman/Huntress or two determined to kill her to end her short life without Raven or me to keep an eye on her. Raven looked at Vernal and demanded with increasing exasperation and anger.

" Vernal! What was that?! You could have easily given Silva a greater challenge if you went on the offensive and even won without the use of magic!"

Raven pinched the bridge of her nose as Vernal looked at the ground downcast and muttered.

" What am I going to do with you, Vernal?"

Raven got up and asked Vernal in a harsh tone.

" Vernal, if you continue to act like this, then there is no place in this family for you."

" But-."

Raven stopped Vernal as she raised her and told her curtly.

" No excuses!"

Vernal looked hurt by Raven's words, but I am not going to defend her as with her being the Spring Maiden, she has a massive target on her back and a merciless enemy after her. She needs to understand this and change so that she can properly protect herself. Raven then delivered her ultimatum.

" You have one more chance, Vernal. The tribe will have a raid soon, and you will participate in taking down any Huntsmen/Huntresses defending the settlement, and if you can not kill even one, you will not come back to the tribe with the rest of us."

" I... understand..."

Raven nodded in acknowledgment at Vernal's meek acceptance and turned toward me, then silently gestured for me to take care of Vernal. I sighed and grabbed Vernal, then led her to my tent to try and make her feel better if I even could. Vernal would have never become a Huntress if she had been given a choice, but unfortunately, she wasn't, so she needs to adapt to live. After we entered my tent, I hugged Vernal. She hugged me back and asked me in a quiet voice.

" Why is Raven acting like this, Silva?"

I hugged her tighter and told her truthfully while feeling concerned for her wellbeing.

" In Raven's mind, you are wasting your potential and your gift. I know you never asked to be made the Spring Maiden, but you are, regardless of how you feel about it, and there are people who will stop at nothing to get you for their own purposes."

I let go of Vernal and asked her.

" You know I worry about you, right?"

" Yeah..."

I placed my paws on Vernal's cheeks and had her look me in the eye as I almost begged her.

" Vernal, I need you to become strong. Strong enough that regardless of what comes after you, you can handle it. Can you promise me to at least try and change for your sake, if nothing else?"

" I'll try..."

I pulled Vernal into another hug, and I hoped that something like fate or plot did not exist to lead her to being killed and Raven becoming the next Spring Maiden.