
Coincidental Black

My name is Silva Branwen, and a few weeks have already gone by since meeting the Arcs at Shion, and right now, the girls and I are at a fishing village along the southwest coast of Anima. The nice thing about this place is that it's mostly made up of faunus, with an odd few humans that are not racist. My alarm rang as I forced myself to get up earlier than usual to go to the fish market to see the day's catches. Neopolitan and Argint shared the inflatable mattress with me in the Drake since there is no inn here in this small village. Neither of them wanted to get up, so I let them sleep.

I stretched and got dressed before going to the fish market for a seafood-based breakfast. The sun was just starting to rise as I made my way to the fish market, and some of the fishing boats were getting back. Let's see what's on the menu. Squid sounds good, along with tuna and marlin. As I looked around, I saw an unexpected face, Lie Ren; he was helping offload some freshly caught fish. First Jaune, now him and Nora is undoubtedly not far since their practically attached to the hips.

Unlike the youngest Arc, I honestly liked the overly calm boy, so I am definitely going to make a connection with him. It looks like I need to save my current seafood for lunch and make some pancakes to attract a certain thunder girl because just calling out to the guy is a bit weird. I went back to the Drake to get started on making a lot of pancakes. I made a quick stop at Vale with a portal to grab everything I needed from the grocery store. Well, Neopolitan is going to be happy since the pancakes I am making have bits of strawberries, chocolate chips, and vanilla bean flavoring. Now let's see if I can draw in Nora.


At a camp not far from the fishing village, a short ginger-haired girl scored as she hugged a pillow and sleep-talked.

" Ren, is breakfast ready yet?"

As she tossed and turned in her sleep, her nose picked up her favorite smell, pancakes. The girl got up from her sleeping bag and started to follow the scent while half asleep. The ginger followed the smell of pancakes like a zombie and ran into the one cooking her favorite food. As she bumped into him and fell down, then finally woke up to her surroundings. She realized what she had done and immediately apologized.

" Sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going!"

" It's fine."

The cook replied and then offered.

" Would you like to join us for breakfast?"

The girl hesitated before saying.

" I need to head back to my camp in case my friend sees that I am not there and gets worried."

" The offer still stands, and you're free to bring your friend along if you want."

The ginger was surprised by the offer but agreed to be treated in order to give her friend a break from doing all the cooking.

" Sure, I will be right back, mister..."

" Silva, just call me Silva."

" I'm Nora and thanks!"

Nora Valkyrie turned to leave to get her friend Lie Ren, and Silva muttered out of her earshot.

" I can't believe that worked."


I was honestly surprised that it was that easy to meet Nora and get her to bring Ren along as well. Not that I am complaining, but I do plan on helping these two out if they accept my help, as both of them have gotten a pretty raw deal in life. I am just being biased here since I liked the two of them from the show, along with Pyrrha but not Jaune Arc. Now then, I better wake up my two sleeping beauties before Nora comes back and eats all the pancakes. Setting aside my skillet from the portable stovetop on the table I set up; I went into the Drake to wake the girls.

I shook both Neopolitan and Argint until they started to wake up from their slumber. The tri-color girl held up five fingers so as to silently ask for five more minutes, and the vampire bat faunus greeted me.

" Morning, Master Silva."

" Morning, Neo, Argint. You had better get up as I made three-flavor pancakes for breakfast."

That woke Neopolitan up as she jumped out of the inflatable mattress and got dressed, then slipped past me. That girl and her three favorite flavors together, I thought with wry amusement. Argint soon got up and followed me out of the Drake for breakfast. I went back to cooking as many pancakes as I could since I knew Nora had a second stomach for pancakes like Ruby with her cookies. Not long after, I heard the energetic ginger call out to me while dragging Ren.

" Hey!"

I waved at her, and she saw the small mountain of pancakes I had made and started to drool. I then told her and the quiet guy.

" Help yourselves. There's plenty."

" Thanks!"

Nora did not need to be told twice and started to dig in while Ren looked at me and expressed his gratitude.

" Sorry to impose on you, and thank you for breakfast. I will compensate you as soon as I can."

" If you want to pay me back, would you mind answering a few questions I have for you?"

" I will answer to the best of my ability, sir."

I told him politely.

" Please don't call me sir; I am only 13 and will be 14 when winter rolls around but have some breakfast first, then we can talk."

The quiet guy looked at me in mild shock and asked.

"You're the same age as Nora and me?"

I nodded in reply, and soon breakfast went by quickly after everyone ate their fill. The energic ginger belched with a satisfied look and rubbed her full stomach, and I focused on Ren with the questions I was planning on asking him.

" How about some introduction first? I am Silva, and these two are Neopolitan and Argint."

" My family name is Lie, and my given name is Ren."

" I'm Nora!"

I nodded at their introductions, then asked.

" I heard you two reside in a camp from Nora. Are you on vacation?'

Both of them looked awkward at my question, and I answered for them.

" I will take that as a no, then. My next question is this. Do either of you have anyone to look after you?"

I already knew the answer, but I rather not have to explain why I know what I know. Both of them looked down at the ground as I got the answer I expected, considering their solemn mood. I sighed and said.

" I see; now for my last question. What do two plan on doing with your lives?"

Nora answered meekly.

" We plan on heading to Vale and attending Beacon when we come of age."

" So your planning on becoming Huntsmen and Huntress, good. First, I apologize for making you unconformable with my questions."

" It's fine..."

Ren replied quietly, and I then told them.

" Well, I do have some good news for both of you. I can help you reach Vale with little to no trouble."

" How!?"

The energic ginger said boisterously. I gave them a quick demonstration of Door To Darkness and said.

" Distance means nothing to me."

" Ren, this means we don't have to save up anymore!"

Nora said excitedly as she shook the poor guy vigorously, and Ren stopped her to ask me.

" Why?"

" Why would I help you? Well, you don't have anywhere you could call home, do you? I was once the same and just want to extend a helping hand, or in my case paw."

This is true because the Branwen tribe was never my home, and neither was Raven in the beginning because I knew she originally saw me as a possible asset for the tribe, but things changed. Ren looked me in the eyes for a few moments, then said.

" Thank you."

" My pleasure."

They gathered their things from their camp, and I opened a portal to Vale. Nora charges into the black doorway with excitement and whooping. Before the quiet guy went through, I gave him my number plus the address to my condo and said.

" If you have any trouble, just come to my condo in Vale and say you know me, okay?"

Ren nodded and followed Nora through the portal. Nora and Ren would've made it to Vale without my help, but I just wanted to make things a bit easier for the two of them and set things up for further interactions with them once I am done with my trip to Menagerie. Still, though, I wonder what will happen next in my journey.