
Changing Vacation

Neopolitan found herself in a strange place as she ultimately decided to Ascend. It was like a vast, starry sky, and she soon heard the sound of metal being struck. She saw the one known as the Blacksmith, the avatar of the Mother Tree, working in her forge. Looking mechanical in nature with a heavy blacksmithing apron as she hammered out what seemed to be an estoc sword.

The Mechanical Woman then spoke out as she forged the weapon.

" It has been many years since a resident of Remnant has entered the Ever After, but it is a first to see one enter this realm on purpose."

The Tri-Colored Girl looked at the Blacksmith and was about to start a game of charades, but the Mechanical Woman stopped her with her following sentence.

" I understand your intent, and the only question now is who you wish to become."

Neopolitan found herself surrounded by glass cases filled with various weapons, and the Blacksmith asked.

" Who do you wish to become?"


" Inhale, then exhale, Cirilla. Focus on your breathing and expel all other distractions."

I instructed Cirilla in the art of mediation to set the foundations for actual mastery over her Elder Blood as we waited for Neopolitan to come back from the Mother Tree. The Witcheress then asked me impatiently.

" Why are we doing this again?"

I suppressed the urge to sigh at her impatience and explained again why we were starting with mediation.

" Because you need to develop a greater sensitivity toward your ability in order to truly gain a grasp on it. Does it flow? Where does it flow if it does? Where do you feel the greatest connection to your Elder Blood? What does it feel like? Does it resist your control, or does it run off your emotions and instincts? All these questions are important, and only you can find the answer to them."

Cirila frowned as she tried to mediate, but she was fidgeting still. But Rome was not built in a day and all that. Why Geralt never tried to teach mediation to his adoptive daughter is beyond me. Regardless, it's the best place to start in gaining mastery of her Elder Blood, as it's too wild and unreliable in its current state.

I watched over the Witcheress and glanced at Neopolitan's wooden form nearby while feeling worried as I could not help it. All I can do now is wait and train Cirilla as I do. I heard my latest protégé complain as she got up in exasperation.

" This is pointless. I can already use my Elder Blood!"

"No, you can not, at least not to its fullest extent. You only use a fraction of your full potential, and drawing it out takes time."

Cirilla shouted at me with frustration adorning her face.

" But I don't have time! Even now, the Wild Hunt is-!"

" A non-issue. Even if they appear, I can deal with them, but they won't because your Elder Blood has taken you outside of your universe rather than within it, so time flows differently for you right now as it does for them."

She looked at me in confusion as she asked me.

" What do you mean?"

I sighed as I started my explanation on the Multiverse; I really need to make pamphlets at this point with how many times I have had to explain it already. As I explained concepts foreign to the Witcheress, I heard a loud crack and turned to see Neopolitan's wooden form break with light coming out of the cracks. Looks like she is done.

Light enveloped Ciri and me as Neopolitan's wooden form shattered. As my sight returned, I saw the Tri-Colored Girl's blurry form and heard an unfamiliar voice.

" Hello, my darling fluffy kitty man."

I was then tackled with a tight hug by Neopolitan, and I saw her new look. I could not help but ask.

" Neo... Why do you have cat ears and tail?"

Her hair stayed the same as before but with the addition of two different colored cat ears, one pink with a white tuft and the other solid brown. Her tail was mostly pink with a brown stripe separating the white tip, and I heard the unfamiliar voice again and saw that the now Tri-Colored Catgirl was the source.

" Well, I thought, why not? I was always a cat person in the first place, so I became a cat, well, cat person since Faunus only have one animal trait."

Neopolitan answered me as her tail flicked back and forth and her arms were wrapped around my waist. I could not resist the temptation before as I grabbed her tail to see if it was the real thing or just another one of her illusions. It was definitely the real deal, and she even let out a loud yelp in surprise.

" Hey, it's sensitive!"

" Sorry, I just had to confirm. I never expected you to become a catgirl."

" Well, now I'm PURR-fect."

My eye twitched as I threatened her.

" Don't make me spank the Yang out of you."

" Oh? You already want to give the new me a spin? You are insatiable, as always."

I won't deny I would very much like to explore Neopolitan's new body thoroughly, but that can wait for a more private setting. Cirilla exclaimed as she examined the Tri-Colored Catgirl's new form.

" You have cat ears and a tail!?"

" Yep."

Neopolitan said while popping the P as she separated from me. The Tri-Colored Catgirl swatted away the Witcheress' hands as they tried to touch her cat ears and tail. Cirilla complained as she kept on trying.

" Come on, just let me touch them a little."

" Yeah, no."

" Wait, you can talk!? I thought you were mute!?"

The Witcheress exclaimed in shock, and Neopolitan just stuck her tongue out at her. I chuckled at the interaction, and then the Tri-Colored Catgirl said.

" Oh, right before I forget, the Blacksmith said she is unable to change your form, Ciri, because of your blood."

Cirilla sighed as she complained.

" Of course, she can't, and here I was hoping to have some wings to fly with, considering your additions."

Well, I was half expecting that, considering that the Elder Blood is regarded as the origin of all things sacred and holy in The Witcher verse. I guess since there is nothing else for me here in the Ever After I guess it's time to head to my next destination.