
Building Remnant

Ruby, Summer, and I are at a fast-food restaurant called Mac-Gundam, a Gundam-themed McDonald's basically. I ordered myself a cola and a burger while the mother-daughter duo got chicken sandwiches with cookie dough milkshakes and fries. Well, I ordered for them since they did not know Japanese, but that is beside the point. While the two eat, they still have questioning looks about wanting to know what the heck is going on.

After I finished my burger, I started my explanation.

" I know the two of you have a lot of questions-."

" Silva, do you know how crazy being in another world sounds!? I thought you were going to help me study!?"

The little cookie monster interrupted me, and the elder Rose added.

" I agree with Ruby, and I am curious as to why you brought us here."

I sighed and told them.

" Let me explain everything first, and then you ask any questions that pop up after, okay?"

The two Roses looked at each other and then at me as they waited for me to explain why I brought them here.

" For starters, let me explain the concept of what the multiverse is. To put it broadly, it is the nearly infinite possibilities of what sort of world could and would exist. For example, several different versions of Remnant, where Magic exists in every one or Grimm ruling the world, are the easiest to understand for you. However, that is just a small aspect of the multiverse. Currently, we reside in a completely different world unrelated to Remnant; I generally refer to this neck of the multiverse as the Build Gundam universe, as it serves as a nexus for all Gundam mecha-related worlds with a focus on fighting with plastic models.

That aside, for now, I brought you two here for a couple of reasons. First, while residing in another world, we can return to Remnant at the exact point of time we left, even if we spend years here, so it can give Ruby plenty of time to study for Midterms. Secondly, I thought the two of you might enjoy this peaceful world for a bit of bonding when we are not busy studying. Lastly, you don't have to worry about anything as I am established in this world to have a residence and money for everything we could need and want.

Now, any questions?"

I asked them as Ruby and Summer processed my explanation. The younger Rose then said to me with growing excitement.

" Basically... I have LITERALLY all the time in the world to catch up and study!"

" That's it in a nutshell, Ruby."

I told her with a smile, and the elder Rose then asked me.

" When you said this... Universe was focused on fighting with plastic models; what did you mean exactly?"

" It would be quicker to show you."

I answered as I got up to lead the two to a nearby Gunpla store, where there was always a battle going on. A short walk later, we made it just in time to see two fighters starting their match.

[ Please set your GP Base]

The GP Duel started, and both Roses watched the fight with wonderment and excitement.

" Woah."

Ruby said as she watched the fight with a slacked jaw. Summer then asked me.

" How is this possible?"

" Through a particle unique to this universe that interacts with the plastic of this world, at least for now. In some of the possible futures, I have seen this whole concept become a massive digital domain where people can interact on an international scale. Distance meaning nothing, and cultures linked through a common love for Gundam."

" That sound... Unreal and amazing."

The elder Rose said, and I agreed.

" True."

The match ended, and the younger Rose exploded with excitement.

" Silva, when can we start fighting with plastic models!?"

I almost felt bad for what I was about to say next.

" There is one thing you need to do first, Ruby."

" What is it!? I'll do anything!"

" Well... You need to pass your first test from me on the two years you skipped."

She looked devastated at what I told her and cried out, much to my amusement.


I couldn't help but chuckle, and even Summer giggled at her daughter's antics. I took out a book from my pocket dimension and mercilessly told the younger Rose with a sly smile.

" Let's get started, shall we?"

It was a textbook, and Ruby looked at it like it destroyed her hopes and dreams. She then pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

" Silva, can I please, please, please, fight with plastic models first?"

" Well, when you put it that way... No."

I replied with a grin as I was unfortunately too jaded to be affected by her big, beautiful silver eyes. The younger Rose looked at her mother and pleaded.

" Mmmmom."

" Your studies come first, little rosebud. Your two whole years behind."

Summer answered firmly, and I proceeded to drag Ruby to my residence in this world while she despaired.


" Now, Ruby, you take this part here and do this, then account for X and subtract Y."

Ruby grumbled under my tutelage but complied, and Summer was in the kitchen baking cookies, despite the fact I have chef bots here, but she wanted to do so, and I let her. I used Soul Archive to let her learn how to read and speak Japanese along with Ruby so she could make use of the ingredients I had without mixing anything up. The younger Rose immediately picked up that I could do the same with the two years she skipped for Midterms, but I told her.

" If you don't put in the effort to acquire knowledge through your own means, you can have difficulty applying it when you need it."

This was somewhat true as, in some cases, during my travels through the Multiverse, Soul Archive was not as effective in gaining new knowledge in some of the more complex worlds I have come across. Soul Archive can copy down logic and reason easily, but feelings and sensations are another matter. The elder Rose showed up with some chocolate chip cookies and milk.

" Here you go, Silva, Ruby."

" Thanks, Mom!"

Ruby immediately wolfed down her cookies, and I took a few before they were gone. Summer then started to help Ruby with her studies as well, and everything felt oddly cozy to me for some reason. Like when I spend time with Sakura in a more wholesome setting. Strange, but no big deal really.