
Awakened Fate

I, Silva Zelretch Branwen, found myself looking up at a familiar ceiling as I opened my eyes. I am in my room at my Fuyuki residence. I processed what exactly happened to me and self-diagnosed my physical, mental, and spiritual state. Physically I am fine, if not starving, but I now had the addition of mutated Magic Circuits that are very different from what I know of but similar enough that it would be fine for now to refer to them as such. I will need to run some tests later.

Mentally I have changed drastically compared to before I made my wish. For some reason, Soul Archive did not help in retaining the sense of self that was Silva Branwen. To use an analogy, Soul Archive helped in managing the core game that was Silva Branwen, and when used to add new knowledge and memories, it was like DLC that, while affecting the main game in varying degrees, the core was still the same. However, my current state could be compared to a modded game that provided benefits but still changed it in a way that made the main game different than before.

When I started to examine my soul next, a lot of things then made sense. I did not just absorb Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg's flesh and mind but also his soul, which sent Silva Branwen's unaltered soul into a state of shock at the forced merger, which essentially caused Soul Archive to go on the fritz. Hence, I had one less advantage in retaining my previous sense of self. But, likely due to having Aura and Divinity, which comes from my soul, adding depth to my existence, the changes are not as drastic but are still there.

I was focusing on using Soul Archive to manage the new memories that are directly a part of me rather than something put in the back storage of my Soul and Mind. As I worked, I had an idea to re-download the previous Silva Branwen but quickly discarded it as it would be a little different than suicide for my current self. Plus, thanks to Soul Archive, I can analyze and compare my current self to my previous state of being to understand better whether the changes I have experienced are positive or negative.

As I tried to get my head on straight as best as I could, the door to my room opened to reveal Skadi, as she muttered to herself before noticing me.

"You are so troublesome, my lord husband."

She finally saw that I was awake and looked at me with a stun expression. I told her gently.

" I'm home, dear."

Tears started to form in her eyes as she practically tackled me with a hug as she shouted.


I hugged her back as she sobbed, and I stroked her back silently. I then heard Sakura call out as she came to my room.

" Sensei, what's the matter? Why did you shout like that?"

My daughter then saw me hugging my wife, and she also started to get teary-eyed as she wrapped her arms around my neck and stated happily.

" You are finally awake, Otou-sama!"

Feeling guilty, I apologized to them both.

" Sorry for worrying you, Skadi, Sakura."

As they started to calm down, I then asked.

" How long have I been out of it?"

Skadi answered as she dried her eyes.

" A few weeks."

" Did anything happen aside from me being unconscious?"

Sakura let go of me and got up, then said.

" You must be hungry, Otou-sama; I will go make you some lunch."

My wife was the one to answer my question.

" Aside from one unusual situation and Ruler somehow managing to stick around despite the Grail going dormant. Nothing but the usual chaos of our household."

" Ruler is still here, huh? Is she still going on about how I am her destined one?"

" We've come to an... Agreement. Since she helped in looking after you. I also had to stop that drunken oni on more than one occasion from taking a bite out of you."

I sighed but was not surprised by Shuten trying to take a bite out of me, considering her nature. Before I could ask another question, Mordred showed up and commented.

" You finally awake, eh Master?"

" Don't worry; I will keep my promise to you."

" That aside, Master. You need to fix Father after what you did to him."

I looked at her in confusion as I asked.

" Fix, Artoria? What do you mean?"

Skadi sighed as she answered.

" It will be quicker to show you. Mordred, please fetch, Artoria for me."

As the Knight of Treachery complied silently as she went to bring the King of Knights to me, I asked my wife.

" What's going on exactly?"

Skadi just looked at me in exasperation but did not answer, and I heard a familiar voice call out to me coldly.

" You wished to see me, Silva Branwen?"

I was dumbfounded at what I was seeing; Artoria Alter in a black dress in all her dark glory. I looked at my wife for an explanation, and she sighed as she told me.

" After you two returned from deciding who gains the Grail, she locked herself within her room and emerged like this."

I then looked at Saber Alter and saw that Mordred was peeking from my doorway behind her father with an expectant expression. I recalled one gag about this sort of situation from Fate/ Hollow Ataraxia and thought that there was no way that could work... Right? Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I then told Artoria.

" Mind coming here for a moment, Artoria."

" Understood."

She sat beside me, and I reached for her ahoge and then pulled on it. My eye twitched at the brief light show in which Artoria returned to normal. She looked around in confusion and asked.

" What just happened?"

The funny thing is that Zelretch's memories had a self-made term for this sort of thing called Throne of Heroes BS. I agree with that, as this situation is BS.