
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · アニメ·コミックス
280 Chs

Answering Remnant

The morning had graced my home in Fuyuki as I got up and wandered around till breakfast. A few things have changed in the years I spent between traveling the multiverse and coming back to Type-Moon-verse to rest from my travels. The most obvious is how most of the Servants from the Great Holy Grail War had left to return to the Throne of Heroes. Himiko was the first to leave as she decided that I was ultimately not her destined one. Shuten Douji followed as she got bored with the day-to-day life of my residence. Both Mordred and Artoria left as they saw no point in sticking around.

Frankenstein wanted to return to the Throne of Heroes so her future selves would have the memories of being part of the family so they would know that they were not alone. Cú Chulainn stayed with Bazett as her familiar, and she continued her work as an Enforcer. Ishtar also left after a while. Tamamo also went for a similar reason to Frankenstein to pass on her memories to her original self in the Throne of Heroes, and I am waiting for her return if I don't run into her first.

Both Medea and Medusa stayed with everyone in Fuyuki. The Witch of Betrayal wanted to enjoy the life of being a housewife, while the Gorgon formed a close bond with Sakura. Overall, things have changed at my residence in Fuyuki, but I won't deny that I do miss some of them. As I wandered around, I saw both Miltia and Melanie surfing the thousands, if not tens of thousands, shows on my streaming service provided, and I called out to them.

" Enjoying yourselves?"

" Silva, is it possible to stream these shows back to Remnant?"

The more polite twin asked, and I replied.

" I'll add it to my to-do list. That aside, how did you enjoy your first night in another universe?"

" Silva, we love you, but this is a lot, and I do mean a LOT to swallow, but fine overall."

The brasher twin answered as clearly it was still surreal to them. Hardly surprising and understandable. They went back to surfing the various shows on the streaming channel my company provided for this world and went back to wandering around to kill time. I went to the library next and found Emerald with Medusa; I stood back and watched them interact.

" So you're saying that you aren't human but originally a goddess that became a monster."

" Correct."

Rider answered the mint-haired girl's question, and the former thief asked.

" Is that normal in this world?"

" Not quite; in the era known as the Age of Gods, various unbelievable things happened regularly that are incomparable to the modern era. Nowadays, the supernatural and Moonlit world is covered up and hidden from the mundane world."

Emerald sighed and started to rub her temples. I left them be, and I could smell breakfast on the way, so I went to the kitchen to see if Sakura and Medea needed any help. They had busted out the chef bots, and I went to the dining table to wait. My daughter greeted me.

" Morning, Otou-sama."

" Morning, Sakura."

The Witch of Betrayal left the kitchen to come up and give me a quick kiss on the cheek before greeting me.

" Welcome back, honey."

" Good to be back."

The homunculi trio, with Illyasviel and Irisveil, then showed up.

" Brother!"

The half-homunculus girl came up to hug me since it had been a while since we last saw each since she started attending the Clock Tower with Rin. Speaking of my favorite tsundere, she is apprenticed under Zelretch, not me but the one in this World Line, along with Luviagelita Edelfelt, and they are driving the old man up the wall with how... Ethical, they are compared to the usual Magus. I snickered at the thought of those two scolding him when he performs a particularly vicious but well-deserved prank on some a*shole Mage, and he can't argue against them.

Irisveil then came up to me with a letter in hand. I recognized the wax seal on it and sighed as she handed it to me with a troubled smile. I opened the letter, and it was yet another invitation to join the Clock Tower by the Democratic Faction; this time, I burned it with magic after seeing nothing worthy of note. I muttered to myself.

" They better hope I don't ever take their offers seriously, as I will just nuke everyone against me and unite the rest and be done with it."

" Do it, Brother!"

Illyasviel said with a hopeful look as she heard me and would rather not deal with that nest of vipers either. Still, unfortunately, it's in the Einzbern family's best interest to have some political pull in the Mage Association after centuries of isolation. Soon everyone came for breakfast, and afterward, I got ready to answer everyone's questions as best I could in the living room. Before I got bombarded again, I pulled out a gemstone and told everyone from the Remnant group.

" Before all of you start asking the hundreds of questions you have, let's keep this organized and simple. I will pass this stone to one of you, and you get to ask one question and then pass it to the next person once I answer."

I gave it to the person sitting on the far right, Winter, and she asked me.

" Why bring us here, to this universe?"

" To provide proof, as most of you would doubt me and ask for proof anyways. Next question."

The gemstone got passed around, and most questions were about this universe, my ability to transverse the multiverse, other universes, etc. Salem then got the jewel and asked me.

" What do you intend to do? Surely you have not brought us all here to come out of the closet with your secrets and inevitable changes from your escapades."

" I intend to do a lot of things, but primarily, it's to inform everyone of what has happened, as I felt everyone here deserved to know in varying degrees."

Salem passed along the gemstone, and this Q&A continued from the morning into the night. Everyone was mostly satisfied with their answers, and I brought them back to Remnant to show that time is a bit flexible when it comes to traveling between dimensions, as they were surprised to see that no time had passed or, rather, that we returned to the point we had left. I sent everyone back to where they should be from Forever Fall Manor except two, Raven and Salem.

" I was wondering when you were going to reveal your true intentions, Silva."

The former bandit chief said, and the witch looked at me with curiosity as I told them.

" Raven, Salem, the two of you are the most strong-willed people I know, and I need your help."

" Oh, and what is it that you need from the only two magic users in your group aside from yourself?"

Salem asked as her eyes narrowed, and I told them bluntly.

" I plan to kill the Brother Gods."

Both of them looked at me in complete shock at what I had just said, and they were speechless for several minutes until Raven asked.

" How? Why?"

" As for the how that's easy, I learned of various Power Systems in my travels that could easily bolster our strength to a necessary level to deal with them."

" I am sensing a but."

The witch quipped, and I continued.

" It's not possible to learn every Power System as one can cancel out another because of incompatibility. That's why I want you two to help me, as you can take on different Power Systems from me to gain the strength needed to deal with the Brothers."

They absorbed this information, and I then told them after a few moments.

" As for why, there are several, but the biggest two are the fact the Brothers are fickle beings that could just up and decide to label our world a failure for whatever reason outside of using the Relics to call them to Remnant. And as for the second reason, our world, Remnant, is dying slowly but surely, and the reliance on Dust has turned the world into a gilded cage with no escape outside of some methods I have devised. So I want to return Magic to the world and give humanity and the faunus the wings needed to soar beyond our world. Any other questions?"

They stood stock still and silent for several moments, so I said.

" Don't answer just yet; take your time to think about it first, and I will ask for your answer a month from now."

With this, I just have a month to enjoy my return to Remnant before diving into my god-slaying plan to nip the biggest problem in the bud.