
Anime mashup with omnipotent system

What if we reincarnate a anime weeb in a anime mashup world with a omnipotent system? It should be fine....I think? ------------------------ The story revolves around a normal human who reincarnated into a anime mashup world with an absolute omnipotent system. The system is absurdly overpowered. It's a story about how an absolutely strong being, growing much stronger, lives his life. The story will have world travel and MC can also buy many other systems. Story will have many things done without any reason. Like killing one of the important characters I added before but don't like him/her anymore. Mc's personality is based on mine so it would keep changing. In short, this story makes no sense. If you are searching for a serious story with a strong plot and relatable characters, it's not for you. But, if you want to pass time and have some fun moments in this boring life, you should read this story. Starting chapters are not much fun because I was new to writing at that time but newer chapters keep getting better than before.

Only_omnipotent · アニメ·コミックス
93 Chs

Un-chap. Announcement.

Hello guys!!

Today is my birthday!!

Today is the birthday of my this mortal incarnation.

Thanks again!!

Wish me a nice birthday, please...