
Anime mashup with omnipotent system

What if we reincarnate a anime weeb in a anime mashup world with a omnipotent system? It should be fine....I think? ------------------------ The story revolves around a normal human who reincarnated into a anime mashup world with an absolute omnipotent system. The system is absurdly overpowered. It's a story about how an absolutely strong being, growing much stronger, lives his life. The story will have world travel and MC can also buy many other systems. Story will have many things done without any reason. Like killing one of the important characters I added before but don't like him/her anymore. Mc's personality is based on mine so it would keep changing. In short, this story makes no sense. If you are searching for a serious story with a strong plot and relatable characters, it's not for you. But, if you want to pass time and have some fun moments in this boring life, you should read this story. Starting chapters are not much fun because I was new to writing at that time but newer chapters keep getting better than before.

Only_omnipotent · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Slums and mercenaries

"please spare a coin in the name of god."

"Please help me. My son is ill"

"Please give me something to eat. Please!!"

....were all I could hear as I walked in the slums.

The streets were dirty. Pale, ill people were laying on the streets.

Many were begging, others were crying and some were dead.

But the main thing is...

No one cares.

Everyone hearing these screams just walks away.

Nobody even thinks of taking a second glance at these people.

Everyone just thinks that they are just lost cause. What can you get by giving a almost dead person, a extra day in life? There is no profit for you.

The stench here is so bad that normal people would vomit. Most of this stench comes from the dead bodies rotting all over the streets.

I looked at all of them around me.

Like a great man once said, even the strongest of the kingdoms started from the slums.

As a urban man, how can I leave them like this? It will leave a knot in my heart knowing that i could have saved them.

I am not a hero. I am a urban man. A urban man who lived in democracy and equality.

Everyone has their day and today, it their day.


Many gazes turned towards me. Most of them ignored me but a few had the light of hope in their eyes.

The women, whose son was ill, came to me and bowed to my feets.

"I will do anything you want. Just save my son." She said weakly.

After she took the first initiative, many other came to my feets. Soon most of the slums were bowed in front of me.

"STAND UP YOU ALL!!!" I screamed again.

They immediately followed my words.

"IF YOU WANT TO LIVE, THEN LIVE WITH YOUR HEADS UP. NOT AT SOMEONE'S FEET." I spoke with enough voice to let everyone hear.

I raised my hand up towards the sky and chanted...

"Magic type : life magic : VITA ANIMA STAMEN!!!"

(Vita- life, anima- soul, Stamen - threads of destiny. All in Latin)

As i chanted, the sky changed to a light greenish colour.

Small drops of concentrated mana of green colour started to fell from the sky.

The rain of life.

As this small drops of mana fell on these near dead people, miracles started to appear.

They started to heal. There body became much healthier and strong. All the diseases were cured. The deads were revived. There soul were replenished. They were free from their original threads of destiny.

'hey system, provide them with basic skills, food supplies, and commen knowledge.' i called out in my mind.

[Processing order... extracting records from akashic records... creating necessary skills... Manifenting food in reality... process completed. Deducting 5 points for completion of the order.]

A bluish light fell on all of them as they started to loose their consciousness.

"You will know what to do when you wake up."

...was the last thing they heard before felling into deep sleep.

Now that my work here is completed, i should go look for other fun things. Maybe the tree of spirits? That sounds good.

I walked out of the slums and directly went for a mercenary group that would escort me into the forests.

There is no harm in having someone to talk with while traveling afterall.

I entered a small building named as -

The Rox mercenary group.

As i entered, a women at the counter greeted me.

"Good afternoon, i would like a party to escort me in the forest." I said to her.

"Yes, sir. It will be done in 10 mins." She replied and walked inside a room.

Through my omnipotent hearing, i was able to hear them talk.


"Hey we finally got a customer!!"

"Yes!!! Finally we can became a official mercenary group."

"Okay. You guys will go with him."


Soon the women came back with a group.

The group consisted of a huge armoured man, a young busty women, a sly thin man and a quiet, dwarf man.

If i have to say, their specialities must be - attacker, mage, thief and assassin respectively.

After paying the amount of 5 gold coins, i was ready to move.

I sat in the carriage and the thief started to move the carriage as only he knew how to handle horses.

The journey is going to be long and who knows...

Some people might be able to come back or not?



Hey, author here,

As expected writing is too difficult. My time management skills are not the best so being able to write a chapter in between my exams while sitting in my bathroom is impressive in itself.

Please comment your opinions. As a boy, even a single of your comments is very uplifting for me.

Also please drop some stones here.

I want to try making a infinity gauntlet.

With a infinity gauntlet, i will be able to stop time and upload more chaps.
