
Animal Lover Across the Multiverse

Mc is an animal lover. Mc dies saving a puppy from Truck-kun. Mc gets wishes from Truck-kun. Mc reincarnates and goes around the multiverse collecting and befriending numerous magic and mythical beasts. Simple, right? [If you wish to recommend worlds, please do so. Thank you.]

York_Armring · アニメ·コミックス
41 Chs

23: Halloween Party (1)

Today is Halloween! Azes was really excited because he with Albus' help decored the whole great hall, making it gorgeously beautiful enough for the children. He asked the Headmaster of Hogwarts if he could enchant some things to scare the kids, after some time convincing the Headmaster, he was given permission to scare the children. First, he enchanted the pumpkins around the entrance of the great hall, these pumpkins would jump up and scream if a kid approached it. Quite a jumpscare, right? Next Azes used some charms to create a fog on the great hall, this fog was thick for some seconds before getting thinner and thinner until it gets thick again and it repeats.

If you stay in the fog for more than 10 seconds, every time the fog gets thick, you will see a humanoid made out of fog approaching you, at first it will be far away, but it will be getting closer and closer every time the fog gets thicker. Until it disappears only to reappear behind the person! They would think that it is gone until they feel a touch on their shoulder and the urge to look behind and when they do, they will see a humanoid made out of the fog with red eyes and a smile, saying: "Boo." After saying it, the humanoid will open its mouth and swallow the victim and then disappear. This jumpscare is reserved for the troublemakers, Azes said it was a form of retribution. Who said teachers can't have their revenge? Azes is vengeful!

The next thing is Jack-o'-lantern skeletons walking around the hall with drinks and food, they will walk around with a sign on their body saying: "Trick or Treat?" and if a kid says it out loud, there's a 50/50 percent chance that the skeleton will give you a treat or prank/scare you. Let's speak about the treat first! If a kid receives a treat, the skeleton will open its pumpkin mouth and three random sweets will drop down onto the kid's hands! If the kid gets trick... There are two things that may happen, first is: The Skeleton will look at you and scream, blue flames in the pumpkin holes that were his eyes or the skeleton will smile at you and you will see several eyes in the fog around you also smiling at you with blue flames. It lasts for 10 minutes. Azes also told the house-elves to do some things, he gave them recipes for different sweets and meats, they deeply thanked him while bowing, he could only sigh and leave the kitchen.

Azes closed his eyes and sat down on his chair at the staff table, he could only sigh. It was finished! He smiled while drinking some pumpkin juice, the cup was also a small pumpkin! It's Halloween so they need to have the spirit of the thing! Albus thought that these things were enough to scare the children, he really thought that it may not be healthy but Azes said that he would heal any children that got hurt and would mentally help children that got too much scared. Azes also released some Boggarts. Let me tell you something about Boggarts! Azes was really curious about what his worst fear may be, but when he first saw a Boggart, it simply transformed between a lot of forms until it stopped and became a fluffy black ball with deep blue eyes looking at him like he bullied the small thing. This was a Boggart! A fluffy ball of cowardness that uses its ability of shapeshifting to defend itself transforming into its attacker's worst fear. Some Boggarts enjoy scaring people, others do it because they feed on fear and others do it simply to protect themselves.

It really depends on the Boggart. But they all are harmless! Boggart was considered a Dark Beast because no one saw its true form, Azes would consider a Boggart an XXXX magic beast. Azes even got a familiar Boggart! He named it Spooky, because it was so cute but also could change into someone's worst nightmare. Boggarts have the intelligence of a five years old child, so they are really pure and only know some basic things such as scare, food, and run. Food for them are small mammals like rats or rabbits or fear, yes they can eat fear. Azes released Spooky and the other two Boggarts on the great hall and told them to scare a child and then switch to another. All the professors were surprised to know that Azes could also speak with Boggarts and that he could face his fears like that! He even got a Boggart as his familiar, it never happened before!

Last but not least, bats and music (Batman!!! Tunununu) were also important, so Albus transfigured some bats out of pebbles and Azes prepared the music. He decided to enchant some pumpkins to sing "Come Little Children", " Mephisto Lullaby", and "he also enchanted a violin to play "Devil's Trill Sonata." The violin would be floating around the great hall and playing this song. Azes also released Abyss to be at the entrance of the great hall like a statue, not move! But if a kid gets too close, then she can scare the shit out of the kid. And to give the chef kiss, Azes released his Acromantula! He would be sitting on her head, her name is Avandra and she is a sweet girl... A little aggressive but Azes can easily hold her down. Actomantulas can speak so Azes would talk to her a lot! She also liked his company. Anyway, what Azes released Avandra to create a tent made out of silk where he would be, the tent was going to be some kind of item giving, one per person alone.

The prank item was a small pumpkin that would sing the song that Azes selected. You could give it to your parents or keep it to yourself! After a lot of work, the great hall was complete! Azes smiled at his and Albus' work, he was eager to see how the kids would react, would they scream? Would they cry? Wait, why does he sound like a Sadistic Pedo? FBI go away, come back another day.