
Animal Lover Across the Multiverse

Mc is an animal lover. Mc dies saving a puppy from Truck-kun. Mc gets wishes from Truck-kun. Mc reincarnates and goes around the multiverse collecting and befriending numerous magic and mythical beasts. Simple, right? [If you wish to recommend worlds, please do so. Thank you.]

York_Armring · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

22: Vigilance?

"A Zouwu is a feline creature with the size of an Elephant." Behind Azes, a big lion-like feline with two tusks emerging from the sides of its mouth, like a Tebo. "This is Bero. Bero is my Zouwu, I rescued him from a deep cave after he got locked inside it since then he fears the dark." Azes was looking at Zouwu, Bero. Bero was bigger than most Zouwus and his bushy tail was blue, his fur was also black like he was a black panther. "He is very lazy as a cat and likes warm places. They are just big cats! But be careful because if a tail of a Zouwu hits you..." Azes snapped his finger and Bero, who was lying on his feet moved his blue bushy tail, it hit one of the trees behind and the tree was completely destroyed. "You're dead." Azes smiled at his class that was looking at Bero nervously, Bero, however, was simply enjoying Azes' hands on his head behind the ears... He was purring.

Azes smiled sweetly at the big cat, he was the biggest feline in this world and he stills purr like a kitten is very cute. "Now, you are free to go now. And remember, respecting is the begging of learning." Azes smiled at his students, he was so handsome that everyone stopped for a second to look at his face before leaving and talking among themselves they discussed the lessons that Azes has been giving them. In just a month Azes taught them the basics when dealing with a Fire breathing creature, an Ice breathing creature, a Poison, Acid, and Disease breathing creatures such as a Nundu, Runespoor, Fire Salamander, and Frost Salamander. It was incredible how much he knew about every each creature of his and how much he cared about them. In one of the lectures, his Nifflers tried to steal from the students, Azes just coughed loudly and the Niffler returned what he had stolen from the students.

They also remember when one of the Slytherin students "disrespected" him, saying some nasty things and calling him a Mudblood. Azes just smiled at the student but when they said a bad thing about his Runespoor, he snapped. That student had a whole month of detention with Azes, he would clean Hyrio's scales every day and after he would clean him, Hyrio would roll on mud and get dirty again, making the student clean him again. Hyrio would also open his mouth to the student to clean his teeth, which was enormously scary. Azes was told later by Hyrio that the student at least shit himself several times, he had a good laugh after that. Newt Scamander and Leta Lestrange were the most participants in his classes, he already expected it, they would always ask questions and try to learn more and more.

They even tried to get into detention so they could touch his magic beasts! Oh, here they come. "Professor." Azes looked down at them, he was sitting on Hyrio's head, lying beside Hyrio was Henry his Basilisk that was also asleep. Lying on the other side was Brutus his Manticore, Abyss his Cerberus, and Nulu with his mate Nala and baby Nez. "Yes?" Azes said while jumping down from Hyrio's back, his coat that was a Lethifold named Kush, helped him to land down. It was like Doctor Strange's coat but black and purple and likes to eat meat... Mostly humans. "Can I help you?" Azes patted the coat, showing his gratitude, Newt and Lena could swear they heard a squeaking noise coming from his coat. "Y-yes professor." Newt and Lena said nervously, they were looking at their idol! They had read his books about all his magical creatures and their habitats but after the ministry put a limit On the books that could be bought by people, and Azes stopped writing books, they were sad.

But then, on the sorting ceremony when they saw the burst of flames and Azes there, sitting on the staff table, they had to use all their strengths to not squeak like a little fangirl and faint. It's really hard for a fan to meet with his/her idol and be calm! But now after a month learning from him personally, they finally had the courage to ask for extra lessons. "We... We wish to take extra lessons." Lena said while looking excited at Hyrio, she liked snakes! Newt nodded his head, a little shy. Azes pondered for a bit and smiled. "I'm sorry but I shall not have some kind of favoritism between my students... Only if, you know, a student pranked me I would put them to detention, take 10 points off their houses and make them do some things like... Clean Hyrio..." Lena visibly squeaked under her breath. "Or clean Abyss, Brutus, Nulu, Nala, Nez, and other of my magic beasts." This time Newt visibly squeaked.

Azes mischievously smiled and said: "Do your worst, kiddos." After saying that, he snapped his finger and his hat jumped up, both Newt and Lena were pushed back by an invisible force, Azes' hat became 100× bigger and swallowed Azes and his magic beasts. After landing on the ground and swallowing them, the hat burped and shrank until it disappeared. Newt and Lena looked at each other and smiled. From that day, Newt and Lena would try, try is the keyword, to prank him. Every time they tried to do something against him, Azes would dodge and shout: "Constant Vigilance!" Sometimes he would do a simple Tickling Jinx or a Wiggling Legs Jinx, but he also would simply defend himself with a barrier made out of pure magic energy, similar to the Shield Charm. Sometimes he would just look at them and smile, and suddenly they were hit by their own pranks or they have fallen into their own pit.

Like this, Azes became known as the Unprankable Teacher. Even the older students tried to prank him, but they would end up with nothing. Azes had fought against stronger, faster, and more intelligent beasts than these kids, so he can easily dodge and protect himself. His other nickname became "Vigilance" little did he knew that a young Moody would take him as he inspiration...