

In a world transformed by a mysterious red cataclysm, factions of humans and animals have merged, creating unique and powerful beings. Kai, a determined young man, enters a prestigious university established to foster unity among the diverse factions. will kai be able to uncover the history behind the cataclysm and will he gain any powers. all in the story ahead **kai does get awesome powers ahead so please wait till i release that chapter ;)

CrazyDiscoverer · ファンタジー
13 Chs


Kai's choice for the next round was Chess. The announcement caused the class's excitement to die down, but one kid munching on chips had eyes that sparkled with enthusiasm. Kai noticed and thought, "At least I have one supporter." Chess was Kai's strong suit, his only confidence beyond a game of luck against the Bestian woman. Choosing something that required wisdom was his saving grace.

Across the room, Queen seemed disturbed by the idea of playing chess. Noticing her reaction, Kai grew confident. As they both sat down, the game began. Kai observed Queen making quick and rash decisions, her attention wandering. In contrast, Kai was super focused. "I feel like I can see the entire board. Predicting Queen's next move won't be difficult," he mused. "I guess finding my keys this morning wasn't a coincidence." Within minutes, Kai secured his victory by taking down Queen XVII's queen and achieving checkmate.

"With this, the score is 1 for Queen and 1 for Kai!" Andrew announced. The class clapped enthusiastically, knowing it was their turn to choose the next game. Kai's nerves flared at the thought of his devilish classmates choosing another painful challenge, while Queen's smile suggested she had already won.

Andrew raised his hands to quiet the class and approached them for their decision. The kid who had been eating chips whispered in Andrew's ear, then winked and gave Kai a thumbs up, surprising him with the unexpected support.

Andrew returned to Queen and Kai, shouting into an imaginary mic, "It's time to play hand wrestling again, but with the left hand!"

Kai's heart sank. He ended up with two broken hands and a lost opportunity. However, his spirits lifted when Mr. Andrew announced they were to select the class REP and the deputy class REP for the first academic year of Avalon. Despite the sting of his loss, Kai's ultimate goal was to meet the principal, not just to be class rep. Yet, a small flame of determination ignited within him, vowing not to lose so humiliatingly again.

"I'm looking forward to working with you, subordinate," Queen said as they walked toward the principal's office. Called there along with other representatives, Kai was eager for the first council meeting but felt his mood plummet after hearing Queen. He replied sternly, "I am not your subordinate. It's just... never mind." He tried to end the conversation, his broken hands in makeshift supports made by Mr. Andrew, adding to his pitiful state against the tall Bestian.

Queen continued, "Yes, you are. It's basically how the tribe works. The weaker are subordinates of the strong." This struck Kai as odd, so he reluctantly said, "It's not for us humans. We treat each other as equals." Queen was shocked by his words. "You humans are weird," she replied as they continued walking.

Kai hadn't expected to learn about Bestian dynamics that day, but before he could ask more about Queen's background, he spotted Lyria and Talon along with other students standing in front of a majestic gate.

Overjoyed to see his friends also in the student council, Kai waved and stood behind Queen, ready to meet the principal. His friends looked deathly pale at his condition, but Kai just shrugged, determined to at least meet Principal Panema and make a favorable image .