

In a world transformed by a mysterious red cataclysm, factions of humans and animals have merged, creating unique and powerful beings. Kai, a determined young man, enters a prestigious university established to foster unity among the diverse factions. will kai be able to uncover the history behind the cataclysm and will he gain any powers. all in the story ahead **kai does get awesome powers ahead so please wait till i release that chapter ;)

CrazyDiscoverer · ファンタジー
13 Chs


Kai woke to the bright sunlight streaming through the window. He stretched and glanced around the room, immediately noticing Talon's bed was empty and neatly made. Talon must be an early bird, Kai thought. He must have already gone to the opening assembly.

Determined not to be late, Kai quickly got ready. He dressed in his neutral-toned uniform, grabbed his bag, and headed out. The corridors of the academy were a maze, but Talon's instructions from the night before were clear in his mind. Navigating through the labyrinthine hallways, Kai eventually found his way to the auditorium.

He arrived just in time, pausing for a moment to take in the scene. The auditorium was buzzing with activity, filled with students from all factions. His eyes scanned the room, seeking a familiar face amidst the sea of new ones.

There, near the front, he spotted Talon standing beside a tall woman with scaly skin and deep blue hair that flowed like sea waves. She must be an Aquan, Kai deduced, feeling a rush of excitement. Interacting with different species was one of the main reasons he had come to this academy.

Eager to make connections, Kai hurried towards Talon and the Aquan student. Before he reached them, Talon turned his head, as if sensing Kai's approach. This surprised Kai, and his expression must have shown it.

Talon grinned. "This is the least of what I can do."

Kai smiled back, acknowledging Talon's abilities. "Impressive."

Talon turned to the tall girl beside him. "Kai, this is Lyria, one of the Aquan students. She and I are in the same class."

Lyria's presence was captivating. Her iridescent skin and deep blue hair were mesmerizing, but it was her voice that truly caught Kai off guard. It was melodic and enchanting, like a siren's call. "Hello, Kai. It's a pleasure to meet you."

For a moment, Kai felt as if he were under a spell, but he quickly shook off the feeling and responded confidently. "Nice to meet you, Lyria. I've heard great things about the Aquan faction."

Before their conversation could continue, the speakers crackled to life, and the auditorium filled with the sound of the national anthem of the Pentagon Alliance. Students stood at attention, hands over their hearts, as the solemn music played. The anthem was a reminder of the unity and cooperation that the academy sought to foster among its diverse student body.

As the anthem concluded, Principal Panema stepped onto the stage. She was a commanding figure with bark-like skin, a deep, rich brown that contrasted beautifully with the vibrant greens of her leafy hair. The leaves and vines seemed to shimmer with life, creating a natural crown atop her head. Her eyes were a piercing green, like the heart of a forest, and they held a calm, steady authority. She wore a flowing robe adorned with intricate leaf and vine motifs, symbolizing her deep connection to nature.

"Good morning, students," Principal Panema began, her voice carrying easily through the auditorium. "Welcome to New Avalon Academy. This institution is more than just a place of learning; it is a beacon of unity and cooperation. Each of you brings unique strengths and perspectives, and it is our goal to harness these differences to build a stronger, more harmonious community."

Kai listened intently, feeling a swell of pride. This was why he had come to New Avalon Academy—to be part of something greater, to learn and grow alongside others from diverse backgrounds.

Principal Panema continued, "As you may have noticed, our numbers are small. Many were hesitant to join a school with such a diverse mix of species. However, those of you who are here have shown courage and a willingness to embrace change. This program is designed to support you and ensure that our academy remains a place of learning and respect for all."

The principal's gaze swept across the room, her eyes warm but piercing. "We have a zero-tolerance policy for bullying and discrimination. Any instances of such behavior will be dealt with swiftly and severely. We expect you to uphold the values of respect, empathy, and cooperation."

Kai felt a sense of responsibility as he listened to Principal Panema's words. He knew this was his chance to help shape a new era of understanding and unity.

After Principal Panema finished her address, she opened the floor for students to introduce themselves and share their aspirations. Lyria was one of the first to speak.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Lyria from the Aquan faction. My passion lies in marine biology, and I'm eager to learn about the different ecosystems represented here. I believe that understanding and preserving the natural world is crucial for our survival and harmony."

Her voice was calming and inspired a sense of awe in the room. Kai could see the students nodding in agreement, their interest piqued by her words.

Next, Talon spoke. "I'm Talon from the Arian faction. I'm fascinated by new technologies and scientific advancements. I think we have a unique opportunity here to combine our diverse skills and knowledge to create something truly innovative."

Kai's turn came, and he stood up, feeling the weight of many eyes on him. He announced as if declaring to the world "I'm Kai. And I am going to unravel the truth behind the Cataclysm."