

In a world transformed by a mysterious red cataclysm, factions of humans and animals have merged, creating unique and powerful beings. Kai, a determined young man, enters a prestigious university established to foster unity among the diverse factions. will kai be able to uncover the history behind the cataclysm and will he gain any powers. all in the story ahead **kai does get awesome powers ahead so please wait till i release that chapter ;)

CrazyDiscoverer · ファンタジー
13 Chs

Class Rep

The bright yellow sunrays woke Kai, who was still groggy after the long day of orientation. "I stayed awake way too long," he muttered, stretching deeply. His eyes wandered to the wall clock, which showed 8:45. "8:45? Alright... shoot, it's 15 minutes until classes begin!" Hurriedly, Kai grabbed his uniform and started running straight toward the door. Jumping on one leg, he tried to put his pants on while moving.

In his rush, Kai was surprised to find that he already knew where everything he needed for the day was placed. His gaze fell on the key to the door, which had fallen from the shelf. The slight shine from the key caught his attention. "I feel like my vision's improving. Must be the environment here," Kai shrugged as he ran toward the classroom.

Kai sprinted through the corridors as if he were going to miss his train. He didn't want to be late on his first day of class, especially after making a bold declaration in front of the entire year about his goals. "It seemed cool at the moment, but why do I feel so embarrassed about it now?" he wondered. If the confident and ambitious kid was late on his first day, no one would take him seriously. His plan to understand the true nature of the different factions would be for naught. It felt like his attendance in the classroom was pivotal to how his future would unfold.

The bell rang, signaling the start of class, and Kai skidded to a halt just outside his classroom, panting heavily but relieved. He had survived his first ordeal. He made it on time, even though sweat was trickling down his face and he was breathing heavily. He was safe.

As he walked into the room, Kai turned his neck to see his new classmates. A genuine smile spread across his face. Seeing all the different students with their unique mutations was exhilarating. A loud clap brought his distracted gaze back to the center of the classroom, where a tall man, at least 6'2", was now standing. The man had brown hair, olive skin, and piercing blue eyes, but it was the scar running through his nose that made him truly stand out.

Kai's smile faded into a serious expression as the man walked to the board and wrote in bold letters: 'Class Elections'.

Kai had already read the university guide and knew that becoming the class representative would grant him the opportunity to meet the principal regularly. Meeting Principal Panema was important because he was one of the oldest Dendrans alive, and Dendrans were known for their long lives. Meeting someone who might have been active during the Red Cataclysm could help him uncover some of the mysteries surrounding the event.

The man swept his gaze across the room and saw Kai's serious expression and determined gaze. He nodded his head as if affirming the young man's goals. Then, in his deep and strict voice, he introduced himself. "My name is Andrew, a war veteran who fought in the War between factions. I will be the homeroom teacher for this class for the following year. Today, as I've written on the board, we are going to conduct class elections. Some of you might be interested, while others think of this as a chore. But I'm pretty sure that this is much more enjoyable than grinding through books and doing math," he said with a subtle grin, eliciting a small reaction from the class.

"Interested students may come here, on stage," he continued. Listening to him, Kai got the impression of a fun and loving teacher despite his stern appearance. However, what was going on in the teacher's mind remained a mystery to him.

Kai stood from his seat and walked to the so-called 'stage,' confident that he wouldn't have any competition since no one else in his class seemed interested in the position. "I guess meeting the principal isn't everybody's fantasy," he thought as he finally reached the stage. But before he could declare himself the class representative, a tall figure jumped right in front of him.

The figure's voice, which sounded like a lion's roar, said, "You laughing at me or what? I smell you laughing, brat!"

Kai was taken aback. The person standing before him was a massive girl, easily over six feet tall, with a mane of hair and feline-like features. Her eyes were sharp, and his posture exuded a mix of confidence and aggression.

"No, I wasn't laughing at you," Kai replied calmly, meeting the girl's intense gaze. "I just thought I'd have no competition for class representative."

The girl's expression softened slightly, and she let out a low chuckle. "Name's Queen XVII," she said, extending a hand. "And I'm running for class president too. lets see who's the strongest"

"she said strongest didn't she, I guess I am fucked"