
Angels of Apocalypse

(Note: sometimes I go back and edit chapters to improve upon them) In the remnants of a shattered world, the New Earth rises, governed by Angels divided by destiny. Battle Angels wage war against darkness, while Healer Angels, the unsung, mend the aftermath. Among them is Judah, a Healer whose life is upended when betrothed to the Angel Prince—a union meant to uplift her kind. But Judah’s fate is entwined with ancient secrets. She is a pawn in a game that spans beyond earthly realms, where dark forces once vanquished stir in the shadows. As the hierarchy trembles, so does the barrier between light and darkness. This is a story of power, prejudice, and a fragile peace. It is the tale of a healer who stands at the crossroads of salvation and ruin. In New Earth, every shadow whispers a secret, and every light may cast a perilous path. Step into a world where the line between ally and enemy blurs, and where the truth is a rare commodity. For in New Earth, the most significant battles are fought within, and the greatest threat may come from the heart.

James_Kain · ファンタジー
7 Chs

The Prince of New Earth

Koronis was the Regis' diamond in his crown. The city, once a testament to despair, now gleamed under the celestial light—a jewel restored to its rightful luster. I remember the tales of the old world, a place of boundless innovation and towering achievements, now reduced to whispers in the wind. A city borne out of the unforgiving ruins of the Apocalypse known as the 'Falling of the Sky'. 

The calamity struck with a cruelty that humanity could never have anticipated. It began as a celestial spectacle, a meteor shower that painted the sky with streaks of light, it looked like the sky was falling, a deceptive beauty that heralded the end. This radiant cascade, however, was a harbinger of doom—an invisible shimmer that fractured into countless fragments, weaving a tapestry of destruction across the heavens.

As this otherworldly glow settled upon the Earth, it brought not life, but a corrosive blight that seeped into the very soil. The land, once teeming with vitality, was rendered barren, a desolate expanse where nothing could take root. The edifices of human achievement, those towering monuments to progress and hope, crumbled into dust, leaving behind only the skeletons of a civilization lost. 

Whatever was left of humanity went through an awakening and their progeny - our ancestors - were reborn as 'Angels'. For decades, Angels were unable to find purpose for their powers until they noticed that there was a face to the calamity that plagues the New Earth. The disease bringing evil beings - The Malevolents. Invisible and sinister beyond comprehension, these evil beings lurked the Earth, spreading decay and misery. No one has really seen them but it is said that one's presence can be felt through the mere chill it sends shivering down your bones, and the feeling of despair that hangs in the air. Although, they are estimated to possess massive powers that could eradicate Angel-kind, they have not yet. Their true intent is unknown till this day.

As common sense goes, any working society needs workers for common jobs and where would this workforce come from? It's citizens. 



With my dark curls tamed to just brush my shoulders, I catch a glimpse of myself in the reflection of the glass that encloses the royal tea-house. The golden amber of my eyes seems to capture the fading light, lending a soft glow to my otherwise plain features. I'm no beauty by the standards of the Angels, but the artistry of makeup and the elegance of my attire transform me, molding my appearance into something more befitting of the occasion. I like that about my face - it never gives up.

It has been about a week since the royals took me in to be their 'face of social change'. Since then, I have focused on recovering and learning more about how the Royals tick from my attendants - friends - Macy and Delia. Since we belong to the same class of Angels, the three of us get along rather well. I spent my days staying low. After that dramatic stunt I pulled off, news has spread around the territories. The Regis may not want an infamous daughter-in-law. And I would certainly not want to make a public show of what happened to me.

After I got the first taste of what Higher Angels were like, it was hard to forget those two peculiar Hell's Angels, especially that boy. I am unable to forget his smile.

Either way, what I was most looking forward to was the 'one-on-one'. 

The date for my first meeting with Prince Ektor arrived quickly. It was set up at the Royal Tea House, as per the Prince's attendant's letter.

The royal tea-house itself is a marvel of the New Earth, a testament to the regal splendor of the Angelic reign. Its walls are crafted from translucent crystal, allowing the last rays of the sun to paint the room in hues of gold and rose. The high domed ceiling is a lattice of intricate metalwork, from which hang chandeliers with candles that flicker like captive stars.

Terraces extend like the branches of a great tree, each one blooming with flowers that release their fragrance into the evening air. The tables are set with fine porcelain and silver, reflecting the sky's changing colors.

The dress I've chosen (Macy and Delia have chosen) for this pivotal meeting is a masterpiece of subtlety and sophistication. It's a gown that whispers of the night sky, crafted from a fabric that shimmers with a deep, celestial blue. The bodice is fitted, accentuating the gentle curves of my figure, while the skirt flares out, soft as a sigh, with layers that float around me as I move.

Delicate embroidery in silver thread adorns the neckline and sleeves, mimicking the intricate patterns of constellations. The sleeves themselves are sheer, billowing gently with each breath of wind that wanders through the open terrace, as if they were made from the very essence of the twilight air. It's a bit of a slap in the face to be honest - what with the 'falling of the sky' and all. But I can only hope the Prince appreciates humor. 

What I really care about is how we are to go about the planning of whatever it is the Regis wishes to accomplish with our union. If he needs my help, I will need the prince to listen  and comply. If he is adamant and petulant, like a royal breed, it will help no one. If he's anything like the King, he is sure to make this awkward, though. 

I wait with bated breath and crossed legs for Prince Ektor to show up and soon enough, as the 5 rounds of clanging bells of the tower signal 5 PM, the guards blow their horns to signal the arrival of the Prince. 

"All hear, His highness, Prince Ektor, is entering the premises!"

The moment the heralding horns cut through the morning air, my heart leaps into my throat. The time has come. Prince Ektor is here, and with his arrival, the course of my life could change forever. I rise, smoothing the fabric of my gown, and take a deep breath to steady my nerves. The terrace doors open with a grace that seems to slow time itself.

The man who walks out could have easily been Regis Reynard II, only years, decades younger. 

He walks apprehensively, like there's a hesitation in his gait even though his earnest and doe-like green eyes stare directly into mine. He has ashy blonde and lush hair with thick, furry brows that furrow with some internal sorrow. The man's facial frame is slight, adult enough but still growing out of teenage, his jaw betrays whatever emotion he's feeling based on how it tenses and relaxes. There is something very, very strikingly pleasant about this handsome creature that makes me feel right at home, unlike the king. Though, everything else about his body language seems that he does not feel welcome in this situation. I see a pop of feather right behind his shoulder - probably the wings that young Angels of Light are born with. Some people are so embarrassed by it, such as this guy, they keep them hidden under their clothes, away from fascinated eyes.

I give him my curtsy and smile at him, out of pity. He gives me a bow too and we take a seat. 

For a minute, there are no words exchanges, merely gazes. 

"Oh, I -" he begins the conversation with a cough. "I'm sorry. I'm the Crown Regiseus, Prince of New Earth. My name is Ektor."

"Your highness." I begin. "It is my delight to make your acquaintance. My name is Judah." 

"Yes, Judah. I appreciate your kind words." He now avoids my eyes. He's going to get to business, I fear. 

"So as you are aware. We are to be wed per the Regis' recommendation. He is going to be utilizing our union as a means to herald much-needed reform for the Healers. Our union will not only improve the plight of Healers around the world but also give other Angels an example to follow." 

Huh. That's a textbook explanation. I'm not convinced. 

"Pardon me if I'm interrupting you, your highness, but the plight of Healers is very much the issue of the Hierarchy of Angelic classes. Do you mean to say the Royal Command will amend the Order?"

Ektor's eyes meet mine with a steadiness that belies his earlier hesitation. "We aim to transform it. The Order must evolve, and our union will be the catalyst for this change."

I lean forward, intrigued despite myself. "Transform is a potent word, Prince. It suggests a metamorphosis. Are you prepared to lead such a metamorphosis?"

He nods, a lock of ashy blonde hair falling across his brow. I can't help but notice the firmness in how his eyes move.

"I am. And I believe that together, we can guide this transformation wisely. The Healers have been in the shadows for too long."

I can't suppress a smile at his earnestness. "And what of the Battle Angels? How will they take to this shift in the winds?"

Ektor's demeanor holds a certain solemnity as he contemplates my question. "To amend the Order… it's not about dismantling what we have, Judah. It's about reinforcing the structure so that it supports all, not just the few."

I sense the weight of his words, the burden of a prince caught between duty and the tide of change. "But change, even if for the better, can be painful," I remark softly.

He nods, a shadow crossing his features. "Painful, yes. Necessary, undoubtedly. We must fortify, not fracture. Our society is a delicate balance, one I am sworn to protect."

The conversation shifts, and I can't help but notice the way his gaze drifts away when the topic of our marriage surfaces. "Marriage is a sacred bond," he says, almost to himself. "One that should not be entered into lightly, nor without knowing the heart of your partner."

His words hang between us, a confession of his reluctance to wed a stranger. I don't blame him in the slightest. This is as uncomfortable for me as it is for him.

In another world, we would be allowed to look at each other longer, converse about our likes and dislikes longer. Right now, neither of us know anything about each other than the fact that we need to be the catalysts for the Regis' plan. 

After a pause and some pondering, I decide to ask what really matters.

"Tell me, your highness." I purse my lips. "Do you really want this?"

"I do." He says without hesitation. A trained response which makes me sigh.

"How old are you?" 


"How old? 26? 27?"

"I am 23..." 

"So practically, you are a kid, Ektor." I say, crossing my legs atop one another. I watch in wonder as the Prince's ears go read and his wings flutter behind him, trapped under his collar shirt.

"I- I am not a kid! I am a grown up!"


"I am worried that you are being forced into this you know." I say honestly. "You don't deserve someone you don't want to be with. And I certainly don't deserve someone who doesn't love me, whatever cause we are fighting for."

"It's too early to say there won't be any love though." He states and I raise my brow at him. This makes his whole face flush red and his lips quiver.

It might have pinkened up my own cheeks a bit.

"We shall see about that, Prince."

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

I wanted the prince to be someone with an accessible and vulnerable personality. he's going to make your heart ache in the future. lemme know your thoughts on the prince ^=^

James_Kaincreators' thoughts