
Angels of Apocalypse

(Note: sometimes I go back and edit chapters to improve upon them) In the remnants of a shattered world, the New Earth rises, governed by Angels divided by destiny. Battle Angels wage war against darkness, while Healer Angels, the unsung, mend the aftermath. Among them is Judah, a Healer whose life is upended when betrothed to the Angel Prince—a union meant to uplift her kind. But Judah’s fate is entwined with ancient secrets. She is a pawn in a game that spans beyond earthly realms, where dark forces once vanquished stir in the shadows. As the hierarchy trembles, so does the barrier between light and darkness. This is a story of power, prejudice, and a fragile peace. It is the tale of a healer who stands at the crossroads of salvation and ruin. In New Earth, every shadow whispers a secret, and every light may cast a perilous path. Step into a world where the line between ally and enemy blurs, and where the truth is a rare commodity. For in New Earth, the most significant battles are fought within, and the greatest threat may come from the heart.

James_Kain · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Clawborne and Vicaris

"You must be a part of this mission, without fail, Judah..."  the voices echoes throughout my brain, bouncing off the walls of my skull as I contemplate its context. 

"... This is for the better of the world."

I finally throw the pillow off my face and sit up straight in my bed. My dark curls bouncing around my face. It's a brilliant day today, with fresh sunlight seeping in through the large windows of my living quarters, getting split into slender, singular rays by a meshed curtain. The King was kind enough to give me this regal room to stay in till I was to marry the Prince, the very room I first woke up in.

Marriage, yes. The dreadful topic. 

It has been a week and I am recovering well. I am yet to hear from the Prince but still, I am curious about what kind of a person he is. Is he anything like the King, benevolent yet somehow tyrannic? Kind looking yet very sketchy?

Why hasn't he made the effort to reach out yet. He must walk the corridors of this very castle or perhaps he is away for work? Maybe he doesn't want to meet me and is being married off against his will? Maybe he has a mistress somewhere whose heart he has to break to be with me?

The possibilities are endless, and my thought train will go on forever. 

I stretch on the bed to get rid of the last bits of drowsiness until I hear a subtle rap on the door accompanied by twin voices. "Miss Judah, are you up yet?"

"Macy, Delia!" I chirp. "Come in, please." 

It's a blessing to see two faces fresh as dewdrops first thing in the morning. With Delia and Macy, always comes a hearty breakfast along with the daily newspaper. Today's spread includes rolls with coffee, a honey-like butter, an assortment of fruits covered in orange zest as well as eggs over easy. My mouth salivates at the sight as I rub my palms together, reaching out for the newspaper. Macy and Delia freely giggle at me.

Just a week ago, I never had time to have breakfast... or lunch... sometimes even dinner. I did always eat dinner I bought cheap from convenience stores because I had to eat in order to survive. And more importantly, I couldn't generate enough healing lifeforce if I didn't eat - so I made sure to drink milk-less, sugar-less coffee in the mornings and eating heavy right before sleep. 

That was all a week ago.

Now I dig into whatever is in front of me, by god's grace. I savor every bite and don't even leave a single morsel to waste on the plate. I already feel fuller in the cheeks and my skin is getting pinker and healthier than before. My hair is gaining some shine too. 

I have also been prescribed a dosage of pills daily by the Royal Healer. Looking at its constitution, texture and color - I can tell they are high grade anxiety medication. I have been downing them religiously and they have boosted my happy hormones pretty well so far. 

"So... um..." I try to talk with a mouth full of food. Bad manners but I'm eager to know. "Have they stopped talking about my jump off the Wilmus yet?" 

"Well, they have stopped talking about that specifically and instead turned their attention to how the royals took you in. The Regis must be loving the positive attention." Delia says, exchanging glances with Macy which takes it as a cue to continue. 

"That and, the newspaper folk have been putting out word that the royals might be planning some sort of reform... something big! Word on the street is getting crazier by the day!" Macy chuckles.

"They would never guess it's a wedding!" Delia smirks at Macy.

"Never!" Macy winks at me.

So they have stopped talking about me. Good. As long as that incident doesn't get investigated further, I am good to go.

I could some of my own digging in the meantime. Maybe I could even get my hands on some royal resources that could help me find the culprit who pushed me off.

"Oh! We have a message from his majesty for you, almost forgot!" Delia exclaims, suddenly remembering the key thing she has arrived to tell me. She drops a scroll onto my lap and urges me to read it.

"What's this?" I mutter, unrolling the scroll to find a neat table of information scribbled on to it. 

Monday - History, Arithmetic, Medicine, Polity

Tuesday - Arithmetic, Field Visit, History, Warfare

Wednesday - Polity, Warfare, Medicine, Ethics

Thursday - Arithmetic, Medicine, History, Polity

Friday - Field Visit, Warfare, Classics, One-on-One with Prince

It appears to be some sort of schedule outlined for me. "What is  this?" I ask, gawking at what would become my weekly routine as a royal-to-be.

"Well his majesty says that since you're feeling better, it would be good for you to slowly integrate into royal society and for that, you will have to start learning the royal way of life." Delia states.

"B-but... I haven't committed to the plan yet. I'm not sure if I'll marry the prince." I say truthfully. "And what about my education back in the city?" 

That thought had crossed my mind once or twice. I was learning Medicine part-time to gain official licensure as a Healer Angel after all. No matter how 'useless' we may be, our work is at the bleeding edge of current science and requires all sorts of qualifications. One wrong move and we could stop your heart.

"Well, that's what the three Medicine slots are for. You'll be continuing your Healer studies under the Royal Healer, of course."

"I-I see." I say, unsure of how this will play out. 

I stopped learning all those other subjects way back when I was 10. After my basic education was complete, all the instruction was related to Medicine. The other subjects were reserved for Higher Angels that went to specialized schools.

One thing catches my on Friday's schedule as it is Friday. I eye the 'one-on-one with Prince' skeptically. 

"What about that?" I ask pointing at the words. 

"Oh, that was the Prince's request." Macy lets me know.

"He thinks it would be good to finally meet you and keep meeting with you weekly to connect and see how things go. That's what his majesty mentioned to us." 

Unexpectedly, that makes my heart skip a beat.

"Oh, so I'll see him today then?" I ask like an idiot. Sure I will. Sure, it's happening. I'm meeting my husband to be.

"Aren't you excited? You will love the prince. He's a gem! All the maiden of the castle have a crush on him. He's kind and just and so, so sensitive. Plus, he's a looker. I've heard he'd even give the younger version of his majesty a run for his money." Delia's eyes go glassy as she recalls some ethereal vision of this Prince. 

"Delia!" Macy slaps her sister's head with the newspaper. "It's improper to have such thoughts!" 

These two. I adore them.

"Well, you got to get dressed up quick! We have to go for our first task of the day - the field visit!" Macy squeaks, stealing the breakfast tray away from me. 

"The first field visit will comprise meeting with a recent Battalion unit that has returned from a raid. We will accompany you of course."

So, this will be the first time I meet with Higher Angels as an equal.


The field visit starts with a tour of the sectioned off parts of the castle where the Higher Angels trained and met up with Royal Officials. The marbled pillars stand in grand rows, housing a big open-air hall for group sparring. I already see some sparring in action between what looks like a Striker and a Sky Angel. It is a marvelous sight as they use their powers to gain advantage over each other. If it looks this ethereal in the open air, without any threat in sight, I wonder what this would look in battle. The Order of Angels that bravely fend off the Malevolents. 

The Order of Angels was formed with a goal of congregating and fighting against those evil forces. The hierarchy was simple - 

The Angels of Light formed the top of the food chain - the royalty that ruled the land and brought together Angels of all classes. They possessed various 'lights' - to see the past, the truth, to predict the future and access to humanity/Angel-kind's history. Their job was to keep Angels in check and to work tirelessly to ensure that we don't deviate from our goals. 

The Battalion of Angels constituted of the Angels of Storm, Sky, Nature, Strikes. These were the front-line fighters of our species - the ones that faced the Malevolents head on in battle. There was another category of Angels called the Angels of Hell. Now them, no one understood. No one dared to understand. These were our light in the fog. These Angels possessed a special talent to see and communicate with the Malevolents. I've even heard of some of them being able to control those vile beings. Hell Angels are known to have manic tendencies and eerie dispositions. They tend to keep to themselves, and everyone avoids them outside business anyway. 

The last and lowest class of Angels are the Healers. Largest population among the Angels. As our name states - we heal, among other things like - beautify, vitalize and strengthen. 

As I move past the sparring grounds, my heart races with excitement and curiosity. The grandeur of the castle, the elegance of the angels' movements—it all feels like a dream. My footsteps echo softly against the marble floor as I make my way deeper into the castle grounds. Delia's voice fades into the background as my attention is drawn to a distant commotion.

The air grows tense, charged with a palpable energy. Turning a corner, I nearly collide with the returning convoy of angels. Their presence is overwhelming, and I stop dead in my tracks, eyes wide in awe and fear.

At the forefront is a Storm Angel, his long, dark and braided hair bunched up in a bun at the back of his head, several locks gracing his dark face. He has bright, golden eyes that don't sway from what's in front of him. Flanking him are two similar looking Angels - a man and a woman. They both have chalky complexions, violet bruises under their blood-red irises, heart shaped faces and jet-black, shiny hair. By the looks of it - Hell's Angels. They could pass off as mother and son - the mother with a stony, stern expression that wanted nothing to do with me and the guy with an unsettling smile. Behind them are three Strikers, with their burly appearance and their eyes alert and vigilant. I already feel the need to lower my head, but I stand my ground, recalling what I'm here for. 

The Storm Angel's gaze lands on me first, and his eyes widen in surprise. He halts, raising a hand to stop the convoy. The Hell's Angels and Strikers follow suit, their eyes now fixed on me as well. I feel like a deer caught in the headlights, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Who are you?" the Storm Angel demands, his voice a thunderous rumble that sends shivers down my spine.

"I-I'm Judah," I stammer, trying to find my voice. "I'm a Healer." I let on.

"A Healer?" One of the Strikers steps forward, his eyes narrowing. "What are you doing in the royal grounds? This area is forbidden to the lower classes."

"Come down, sire." Macy steps forward and links her hand with mine. "Do not forget, us healers work here too." 

"So, she's a new hire or something?" one of the other Strikers asks, looking at the Storm Angel.

"She's his majesty, the Regis' guest. Haven't you heard?" Delia strikes back. Macy and Delia probably don't like these people much.

"Hard to hear the latest gossip when you are out at Battle, am I right, sons?" the lady, with her thin lipped, ruby red smile asks her companions. Her dark, heavily embroidered dress reminds me of something an evil royal would wear.

"You all don't look... related. Wow, woman, you have many sons." Delia interjects. I aim to achieve her ballsiness some day. 

"Haha-" She laughs like a jingle. "Well, expect this brat here, none of these are my sons. Family, nevertheless." she points at that boy who looks like her. So, they are mother-son after all.

"I am Seneca Clawborne." she introduces herself. "I am the Hell's Angels' Governess."

"And this is my son - Azael Vicaris. Just turned 22. A Fresh Battler." 

Different last names, I see.

I nod at the boy out of courtesy and he doesn't want to break eye contact or stop smiling at me. He's beautiful sure, in a delicate yet dangerous way. Like a bloody, poisoned apple. His pale red lips give me a crooked smile.

"Sorry for my rudeness earlier. I am the Storm Angels' governor - Fay Marbell." the guy with the bun introduces himself too. This time, he seems more composed and eager to converse. 

"Welcome to the royal castle." 

"Well, it's my pleasure." I say, curtsying.

"Meet with us some time. You seem to have an interesting soul..." the woman, Seneca mumbles, proceeding to hold my face in her hands without warning and studying my features. Her blood red eyes are unnerving as they appear to search the depths of my soul. I don't know what she can find inside. 

"So very intriguing... but alas, we must take our leave now. The Regis must need his reports with due haste." she says, disappointed at the short duration of our meet. 

"Come visit us, sometime." she whispers into my ear as the convey all stand in attention, unified, ready to depart.

As they take their leave, my finger brushes against the Hell Angel boy's arm. I turn to look back at the same time he does, and I'm met with that stupidly handsome smile of his again. 

Clawborne and Vicaris huh.