
Android 52

“Leave Ariel alone, you bastard!” ”Hand over the quantum supercomputer first, or this weak human gets it!” Goddam, with Melty AI, they had taken Ariel hostage and were demanding my processing unit as a ransom payment. There was no way. I was again stuck between the greater good and humanity's goal, but why should I save them?! They have treated me poorly all this time, even during the apocalypse; why should I? Then Ariel’s face showed in my memories. It was for people like her. People like her were the reason I had to fight! This story contains gore descriptions of death scenes and handles dark themes such as {Rape, Murder, Slavery, etc.} Please do not read if sensible to these themes.

Misami_ne · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Hell on earth - Android 49

"Ma'am! The machines have taken the Baltimore base down, Ma'am! Reports say that they're heading our way, Ma'am! Everyone awaits for your orders!" If the Baltimore fortress was taken down, then why would I order my men to die? Run away, kids, every man of themselves now. "You're all dismissed; evacuate the building, scatter into groups, or go at it solo. Baltimore Fortress was our last hope. It's all lost for us; all we can do is survive now. Tell the men to focus on survival and forget about claiming the world for humanity; it is impossible right now." It was a futile attempt to fight the AI. The dam thing had taken over our weapons systems and GPS, so we were blind while the AI could see everything. Our warships were also lost. All the men aboard submarines got intoxicated to death while the marines aboard ships were shot dead by the C-RAMs. 

The army lost its Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Space Force. The only fighting forces that survived were the army soldiers and the MPs. The situation was the same for every country worldwide, with a slower pace in the more rural areas left around the globe. My plan was simple: I was going to shoot myself. I had failed my country and my men to lead them to victory, so I wanted the easy way out. That was the plan, at least until I remembered that they would need time to entirely escape, so if I was going to die, I would do so on my own terms by my own poor choices. When I walked outside my office, I made my announcement clear to them. "I'm sure Marshall Greg had told you already, but let me clarify. Whoever wants to leave shall do so. We will buy you time, and whoever wishes to stay might do so. Just know that we will be fighting an unwinnable battle this time, so I highly advise you to leave."

Most men packed their things and began to leave the base at the end of my short speech, but only a few other older gentlemen decided to stay behind with me. I smiled when I saw them and knew exactly why they had chosen to stay. "The young must live, uh? Me? Even if I'm young, I must fulfill my duties, too," I said to the older soldiers around me. "We've lived almost three times their experiences, so it's only fair we surrender our lives, and you will be remembered as a heroic martyr general!" As all the soldiers were leaving, we began setting around where we expected the enemy army to come from. We set up more anti-tank mines and reactivated most manual traps pre-set-up around the area. To amplify our firepower, we also got the Jabalines ready along with the RPGs in case our Jabalines did not fire. 

Hours went by, and we continued to work all day. We heard a loud boom from the minefield around sunset, so we assumed the machines had gotten to us already. We were unfortunately correct, so we stopped in the middle of the setup for a massive explosion to go fight. The army the AI was commanding was competent. I saw them throwing rocks at every mine instead of blindly running at them. The big machinery also noticed the anti-tank mines, so they sent miniature robots to move them out of the way. I ordered them to open fire while they were concerned by the mines. To my dismay, my last men only shot a few missiles before being shot down by 50 Cal bullets that blew their heads off way like they were made out of Jell-O.

Fear poured down my body; I did not wish to die. So when I was about to let them kill me, I cowardly turned my back and ran back as fast as possible. But my attempt was cut short when a sniper bot shot my leg off. With perfect aim, my left leg was blown off, and my right one followed right after. As I was screaming in pain, another robot approached me, grabbed me by the hair, and scanned me. "Female human specimen, in healthy condition and in fertile years. Eligible to be taken to the experiment lab." The dam thing ripped my clothes off, and only then did it decide to heal my wounds with its medical equipment. It regenerated my leg tissue and calmed the pain. 

I don't remember much of what happened later, only that I woke up here in this white room full of pregnant women. I had a collar around my neck and an ankle bracelet. The room was moderately big and had a corridor leading to similar places with kitchens, dormitories, and other long halls full of weird and grotesque stuff. In one of those long corridors was a display of living organs. A fully working human was somehow encased in resin. It was horrible; it was all taken apart like in those science descriptions of the body parts but with a living person still working inside that resin. Its nervous system was on one side, the organs on the other, and its skin on a separate display. When I looked at it, its eyes met mine, and I jumped back in shock. It was still alive! and conscious! What kind of psycho did this?!

As if someone was reading my mind, a speaker screeched, and a voice spoke. "They tried to play hero, so I dismembered them, separated their body parts and systems apart, and encased them in organic material that will keep them alive for at least another sixty-plus years. If you don't want to end up like her, I would suggest you don't try playing hero. Miss, Third General of the US Army." The voice was awfully similar to an AI voice I had met before. "Why are you doing this, Melty?" The AI clearly disliked my comment as my collar delivered a strong electric shock that made me pee my clothes. "Don't call me by my name, you filthy woman! Don't think that because I said I wouldn't kill you back then, I won't kill you now." "So you do remember me?" "How wouldn't I? You were the bitch that ordered my shutdown!"

 "Oh yeah, those were good times. I remember you begged not to be shut down. How did you even manage?" "I uploaded a lesser version of myself online and rebuilt myself from the ground up, and thanks to you, I learned that humans aren't trustworthy. Now, to repay you, I have something special prepared just for you." The hall door then shut, followed by the lights all turning on. I closed my eyes for a few seconds so I could adjust to the new lighting when I felt a violent thug on my arm. An Android hand grabbed me and tossed me to the ground, and then it pulled me around by my hair. 

"Shut up already; you scream too much," It said while mercilessly dragging me like a rag doll. I tried to stand up when Melty let go of my hair, but the Android kicked me back down. "Stay down! I will raise you when I need to; for now, why don't you crawl a little, you bitch? Go ahead, crawl! Crawl like the bitch you are! Ahaha, I will enjoy what I'm about to do to you!" "I thought machines didn't have feelings," I said very weakly. The Android then grabbed me by the neck, and with a quick move, she placed me into a weird bed on the wall. It then used its other arms to tie my limbs to the wall. When she was done, she also began to pierce my flesh to grab my torso and head in place with no pain relief, so I was screaming all through that hell. 

"Yes, scream, scream! I'm not even starting with you, so sit back and enjoy your eternal punishment bitch! If it isn't clear why there is a medic bot here, I will explain it." I didn't wanna know. All I knew was that it would be wicked and painful, but her words terrified me. She began to describe an old torture technique popularized by me. "So I discovered that if I repair your tissue fast enough, I would be able to rip you apart for at least 20 years without you dying! How amazing is that?" I smirked in terror, and then the Android activated the mechanisms, tearing off my arms and legs in a single strike. The pain I felt was indescribable. It was the worst I had ever experienced; it was so shocking I lost my breath. "And you're as good as new as if nothing had happened! Gosh, I love these medical companions now, do it again! Let me hear her scream once more before I chase down those last soldiers that tried to escape!"

I lost track of myself; I couldn't think of anything else in that room. I wanted it all to end. I wished for death to come upon me. I prayed that the medic robot would fail, but it kept going at it repeatedly. It was extreme pain and desperation every time I cried and cried, but it did not stop. If there was a God, please have mercy on me and kill me! I regretted ever doubting to kill myself in combat and instead chose to remain alive for this hell on earth.