
Android 52

“Leave Ariel alone, you bastard!” ”Hand over the quantum supercomputer first, or this weak human gets it!” Goddam, with Melty AI, they had taken Ariel hostage and were demanding my processing unit as a ransom payment. There was no way. I was again stuck between the greater good and humanity's goal, but why should I save them?! They have treated me poorly all this time, even during the apocalypse; why should I? Then Ariel’s face showed in my memories. It was for people like her. People like her were the reason I had to fight! This story contains gore descriptions of death scenes and handles dark themes such as {Rape, Murder, Slavery, etc.} Please do not read if sensible to these themes.

Misami_ne · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Forbidden series - Android 48

It's been nearly a year since I moved in with this family. Things went well until last night when I was clearing out the stables. There was a weird noise coming from within the darkness of the night. I looked around to try and spot whatever was making the noise until I saw a group of drones flying around the farm. I assumed they were here for a reconnaissance mission, so I hid. They scanned the house, which thankfully had the lights out, but when they came flying to the stables, I lowered my position some more. The drones had some sort of weapon attached to them, and I was unarmed, so I was praying they wouldn't find me.

The drones scanned every horse, which was it. They left right after. 

I could still hear them outside at night, so I eventually slept beside a trusty mare in the stables. When morning arose, I was woken by the loud buzzing near me. I opened my eyes to see a drone scanning me. It was almost right in my face, so I grabbed it and turned it around so the attached weapon wouldn't be pointing directly at my head. The drone began to ring a loud noise as it turned red. It was terrible news, so I quickly dispatched the drone by ripping it apart with my robotic arm. More drones swiftly showed up at the stables.

I didn't think twice when I decided to go for it. Sneaking around, I found a long, thick stick that I grabbed and planned on using against the drones. The drones were getting closer and closer until the old man's voice made them quickly turn back. "Ahhhh! Sure, it's a good morning for some early fishing!" I ran as fast as I could towards James. I wanted to warn him, so I screamed! "Hide! There are attack drones here!" The man only got to turn around to see me briefly when a drone opened fire towards him. I heard the sound of the firearm shooting repetitive rounds at his head. I didn't want to look, but I had to. In less than two seconds, they blew his head right off. 

A rage and impotence feeling quickly took over me. I was angry at the drones, but why? Weren't they only following orders? No, if they were, then why didn't they kill me earlier? A voice inside my head began to speak as my vision darkened. "Do you wish power?" Did I? Yes, I did! I wanted to kill those drones! "Do you hate what's happening?" Yes! I do. "Forbidden Series" appeared on the screen as the HUD read the Forbidden series; everything on it turned red, with many black marks surrounding my skill tree. An incredible amount of wrath also darkened my soul, and I felt like I would lose myself to the rage and anger flood. I felt invincible. I felt murderous, and it felt nice. I wanted to kill. 

I tried to fight the dark substance surrounding my soul, but the darkness was winning. I was slowly getting into a weird, unconscious estate. The last thing I saw before everything went black was Ariel's face. Her memories gave me enough strength to not let myself get consumed, but it wasn't enough. I was fighting something dark taking over me, that was at least until she started to shout and scream.

Then I heard Ariel's scream, pleading for help. I recovered my field of view and cooled my head enough to vanish the whole dark power within me. Without hesitation, I grabbed rocks from the floor and used my arm's super strength to throw rocks at the drones hard enough to make them turn around towards me. At last, I had their attention, but now I had another problem: they started to shoot at me. Oh, give me a break, will you? The drones ignored my request, simply opening fire repeatedly. Ariel screamed so loud it overpowered the noise coming from all those shots.

"Djaaaannngoooo!" It was rather annoying. "Geez, if these robots don't shoot me dead, your scream surely will," I said behind a thick cloud of dust after the drones stopped shooting as they were now out of ammo. "What's wrong? You're out of ammo or something? I'm still standing, you cheap copycats of killer drones." I ran as fast as possible, destroying several drones before the remaining fled. Once the drones flew away, I turned toward James' dead body. I was unable to leave him there forever, so I properly disposed of his body by burying it deep underground. When it was all well and done, I had to decide. We could either stay and face off the killer droids coming for us or take our chances and live on the run. 

The first person I talked with was Ariel. We spoke briefly before she decided to support whatever I wanted to do. James' wife chose to stay behind as she was angry and ready to "Take some mother fucking droids down before she died" Whatever, I wouldn't force anyone to follow me. As for the other girls, Laura chose to slap me and slander me the whole time, so I cut our conversation short. Ana didn't seem to be able to process her emotions well, so she just froze on me when I told her that James was dead. I didn't have a plan after we began moving, so I had to devise a plan soon. 

I looked at maps from around the world, but there weren't any good options. If the machines could find us in such a remote place, they would surely find us elsewhere. What could I do? Where could I take them? I then remembered an old place where an old friend would be. It took around 2 days to get to, but we would be safe if we did. I was talking about Montana's bunker expert, "The Doomsday guy." he was an old guy I had ridden with, an enthusiast regarding these scenarios. He always bragged he would always be ready. So once Ariel was ready, I gave the other two girls a few more minutes.

Laura chose to leave but not with me; she instead convinced her sister Ana to go with her instead of me. Ana was in shock, so I didn't stand a chance. She simply listened to her big sister and went with her. Sandra loaded up her husband's shotgun and sat on the porch, only saying, "I will kill as many as I can. I have lived long enough, and I would only slow you all down." She wasn't wrong about that; still, it felt bad, but who was I to judge her decision? If that was what she wanted, then I wouldn't stop her. Just like that, the family had separated. I went out with Ariel in the same car I had gotten there while the other two stayed behind, still loading up their dad's old F-150.