
Ancestors: Starting with Gwen Spider-Man . Volume :2

Webnovel_Addicted · アニメ·コミックス
123 Chs


# Chapter 174: Useless Symbiote

On the other side, after determining the target of this incident, Gwen returned home first. She had to change into a battle suit... She didn't mean to dislike Miss Phantom, but without the battle suit and the spider silk launcher, her abilities would be greatly reduced, and her performance would be too limited.

And when the vibranium suit that was hidden in the file box was taken out, Gwen had mixed feelings for a moment. After all, she couldn't really leave and let go of her identity as Spider-Man.

However, she is also a little confused now and even doubts herself. Is she really qualified to bear this title because she is cowardly and evasive? Is she really worthy of everyone's trust after she gave up her identity because of Peter? After putting on the vibranium suit for the first time in a long time, Gwen stood there for a long time without saying a word.

Until a voice broke the silence, "Hey, wait, what's going on with this suit!?" It was Phantom. She seemed a little panicked, "I feel like it's difficult for my body to wear this suit. The isolation... it's so good, I'm trapped inside."

Gwen also didn't expect that the vibranium suit would have such a negative optimization and asked with some worry, "Miss Phantom, are you okay?"

"It's okay, but then I won't be able to help you, Gwen." Phantom's voice sounded strained. Gwen didn't care much about this. The strength of the vibranium suit was still ahead of the previous version, "It doesn't matter, I will find a way."

"No, Gwen, you have also seen how powerful Carnage is. With the strength of one person, it is difficult for us to confront him head-on." Phantom insisted, "We must work together!"

In her understanding, although Gwen's physical fitness is outstanding, it is far from the level to fight against Carnage. It is too dangerous for her to face Carnage alone.

"Um..." Gwen didn't have an easy time explaining to Phantom. She climbed out of the window and started flying around the city, asking, "So Miss Phantom, what kind of abilities do you have?"

When she mentioned this, Phantom also became more energetic, "I am not a frontal combat symbiote. It's a bit special, I can make you invisible!" This ability is rare even among the various symbionts.

"Although I can't provide you with much strength bonus, I can make your sneaking into uninhabited territory, Gwen." She said very confidently.

Gwen blinked, stopped on a tall building, and said, "Is this it?" As she said that, her whole body began to become transparent and integrated with the surrounding environment. This is the optical invisibility ability that the vibranium suit has had from the beginning. It's embarrassing to say that after all this time, Gwen found that she hadn't used this ability much.


Phantom naturally discovered Gwen's anomaly. She was stunned and said in a daze, "You, you, you... what's going on, how can you be invisible?"

"It's not Miss Phantom. Please remind me. I even forgot that my suit has such an ability." Gwen said a little embarrassed.


Phantom stopped talking. She realized at this moment that she seemed to have no role; she was just a useless big sister...

She fell into silence, no matter how Gwen called, she did not respond. This made Gwen feel a little embarrassed. She just wanted to use practical actions to tell Phantom that she could handle it, but it seemed that she had gone too far and made Phantom become autistic.

However, soon she had no time to comfort the poor Phantom. The network in the vibranium suit was always connected to the internal channel of the city police station, and soon she received the message, "Requesting support! Requesting support! There was a riot in the fourth block of Eighth Avenue, and a green tentacle monster appeared!"

Without hesitation, Gwen immediately rushed to where the incident occurred.

"Green, tentacles, no doubt Green Whip." Phantom also knew the seriousness of the matter and was no longer autistic. "His main ability is to transform into braided tentacles to attack. He is one of the descendants of Venom and a neutral symbiote."

"I understand. In other words, he can still communicate, right?" What Gwen fears most is the kind of completely chaotic evil that she fears.

"Yes, the premise is that you have to defeat him first." Phantom replied.

As for the emergence of symbiotes so soon, this is not beyond the expectations of Gwen, Tony, and others. After all, with the unique personalities of the symbiotes, it would be strange if they didn't cause some trouble.

Soon, Gwen arrived on the scene. She could see from a distance that several police cars were surrounded on the street. The police officers were evacuating people while confronting the green symbiote in the middle of the field.

The green symbiote was not idle either. Long tentacles sprouted from all over its body, whipping around. Of course, the police officers could not sit still and wait for death. Suddenly, gunfire and fire broke out.

"We're on board, Miss Phantom!" Gwen said before jumping into the battlefield. The phantom trapped in the suit: ...how to get in! She can't get in!

And soon Gwen had jumped directly above the scene. At this moment, Green Whip had cut through the police's defense line, and the whip would hit the police officers in the next second. If this whip is used properly, even if the police officer does not die, he will be disabled for the rest of his life.

Of course, Gwen couldn't just sit back and watch this happen. She accurately attached the spider silk to the police officer with one hand in the air. At the same time, she also fired the spider silk with her other hand to grab the manhole cover on the ground. With both hands, she turned around 360 degrees in the air and twisted the police officer away from her. While escaping the disaster, the manhole cover also flew up and hit Green Whip heavily.

Green Whip's reflexes were not as good as Gwen's. He ate something unexpectedly and cried out in pain, "Damn it! Who is it?!"

Gwen pressed her leg to the side and held it up with five fingers. Azure blue ballet shoes fell lightly to the ground, and the voice of Miss Phantom's admiration sounded in her mind: "You did a great job, Gwen."

Gwen first said to Green Whip, "We should talk, sir." At the same time, she did not forget to whisper modestly to Phantom in her mind: "No, no, it's just very ordinary."

However, what Gwen didn't expect was that the police behind her were actually detonated faster than Green Whip, "It's Spider-Woman!"

"Spider-Woman is back!"

"Oh my God! Spider-Woman, are you okay? We haven't seen you for half a year, and we are all worried!"

People's enthusiastic cheers far exceeded her expectations. She originally thought that everyone would be disappointed with her after she didn't show up for so long. Phantom also said in her mind: "It seems that people like you very much."

This caught Gwen off guard and made her nose sore. "I thought..." Before she could finish her words, a thick whip came out. The sound of breaking through the air came. Under the spider sense, Gwen easily dodged.

"Thank you."

She responded briefly, then took a deep breath and looked at Green Whip. The first priority now is to deal with the symbiote. Of course, she can no longer live up to people's expectations.
