
Ancestors: Starting with Gwen Spider-Man . Volume :2

Webnovel_Addicted · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 175: Comeback Chapter

The police officers cheered that Spider-Woman, who had not been seen for a long time, finally reappeared in front of the public.

Because of George's relationship, the police officers of the city police department always had the highest sense of identification with Spider-Woman.

People didn't know what had happened to Spider-Woman to cause her disappearance for so long. After the initial nervousness, nostalgia, doubts, and other emotions of most ordinary people, the popularity gradually dropped.

This group of police officers fighting on the front line were extremely aware of how much their work pressure had increased without Spider-Woman.

This was not the old days of picking up thieves and patrolling the neighborhood for gangsters!

The alien invasion half a year ago, even though the government had been recycling and disposing of the alien remains and equipment after the war, many threats still slipped through the net.

Many people affected by the war had their families destroyed, and the government was unable to provide assistance. These individuals became violent and had sharp conflicts.

Although New York was not without other superheroes, others were either half-assed like Catwoman or working for various agencies.

They were concerned about terrorists, political spies, and similar threats in various regions of the world.

Many focused on protecting mankind and the Earth, but few truly cared about the lives and safety of ordinary people.

Only Spider-Woman was serious about protecting the citizens of New York.


On the other side, Green Whip's mood was not as beautiful.

In another world, Carnage almost crushed the heroes of the Earth, hunting down these symbiotes until they had no way to escape.

By chance, he came to a new world. With no massacre or pursuit, he smelled the breath of freedom and could do whatever he wanted. He immediately found someone to bond with on the street.

Unfortunately, no matter the world, there are always those annoying heroes.

Although he didn't know Gwen, he was very familiar with Gwen's fighting style. The Venom family tree was engraved in his genes, and Spider-Man's figure was now activated in his eyes.

Without hesitation, he extended several whips from his body and swung them at "Spider-Man."

These whips were vicious, poisonous, and extremely fast. Ordinary people would suffer serious consequences if they touched them. The phantom devil quickly reminded in Gwen's mind:

"Be careful!"

Gwen moved her body flexibly and dodged one by one, but the whips followed closely behind, forcing her to keep pulling and moving.

Although the spider sense helped her avoid getting hit, the intensive attack frequency made it difficult for Gwen to get close to the opponent.

"Although the green whip's ability is only the most basic form change, the ability enhancement in this area is not weak," Huan Mo explained.

Gwen quickly found a solution.

She deliberately showed a flaw and let the whip hit her.

"Gwen!" Phantom shouted nervously.

"Don't worry, Miss Phantom, I'm fine," Gwen comforted her calmly.

"Uh... what's going on?"

Phantom was about to find out. Gwen was intact. After being stunned for a moment, she thought:

"Is this the suit you are wearing!?"

The vibranium suit withstood the green whip's attack. The green whip alone was unable to penetrate the defense of the vibranium suit.

Based on this alone, it would be difficult for Gwen to find an enemy on Earth who could crush her at once.

However, due to habit, her usual style of play still focused on agile dodge, pull, and containment.

It was not without reason that Kraven was so angry because of the suit.

Gwen was not idle either. Taking advantage of the opportunity for the whip to swing back after hitting her, she shot out spider silk from her hand and accurately entangled the two whips together.

This caused trouble for Green Whip. The most important thing was that he didn't expect the other party to force him to take a whipping blow.

This caused his reaction to be a little slower, and he was caught off guard, allowing Gwen to rush forward quickly.

Then, the third, fourth...

The tentacle whips extending from his body were quickly wrapped with spider silk, pulled together.

Spider silk was flying all over the sky, and the scene was dazzling. At this moment, Gwen was like a spider silk artist, tying the tentacle whip into a tight knot in just a few seconds.

The police officers maintaining order on the side couldn't help but marvel.

Although Spider-Woman hadn't been seen for half a year, her craftsmanship had not fallen behind at all.

Green Whip subconsciously wanted to withdraw the tentacle whip, but under the pull of the spider silk, he became even more trapped and entangled in the spider silk.

"Spider! Let's face it..." He yelled angrily at Gwen, but halfway through, his voice got stuck.

He seemed to have seen something unbelievable and said in a daze:

"What the hell...?"

Gwen didn't know when, but she had also wrapped a spider silk whip out of spider silk and whipped it towards him.


Green Whip never thought that one day he would be slapped in the face by his best whip, which made him doubt his life.

Snapped! Snapped!

Gwen whipped the spider silk whip twice more, and when she saw that the green whip had completely calmed down, she finally stopped, and a marked spider landed on a street lamp nearby.

As for the style of this spider silk whip, it was added to the spider silk library when Peter adjusted his suit.

Gwen didn't have any strange habits, and there hadn't been any special need for it in the past long time, so it hadn't come in handy.

Until today, Gwen suddenly remembered to treat others the same way they treated her.

Snap, snap, snap, snap, snap!

The OB police officers on the sidelines also applauded without hesitation and praised:

"Spider-Woman, you did a great job!"

Those who didn't know thought it was some kind of fan meeting.

Gwen had been out of action for more than half a year and had just come back. Facing this battle, she felt some inexplicable social fear.

However, the one with the most complicated emotions at this moment was the phantom in Gwen's body.

"Gwen, where did your suit come from?" She couldn't help but want to complain.

At this point, she finally discovered why she had been reduced from an excellent symbiote sister to a comedic complainer.

In the final analysis, the positioning of Gwen's suit coincided with hers inexplicably, and it even surpassed her in every aspect.

The artificial intelligence system that comes with the suit is enough to help Gwen process and analyze a lot of combat and non-combat information.

Functions such as invisibility and electric shock are perfect replacements for her.

What puzzled Phantom the most was why the suit had such powerful defense!

There were also some fancy spider silk launchers...

Although Gwen's physical fitness and various attributes were excellent, they were still within a normal range. Peter Parker, the Spider-Man in another world, had many years of experience and training and was not much inferior.

It was just that this battle suit was too advanced.

She couldn't figure out who was so willing to pile up materials and make out this battle suit regardless of the cost.

Gwen recalled and said, "Peter...Mr. Stark helped make it."

This suit was given to Gwen by Peter with Tony's help.

The next second, Phantom categorically rejected, "Impossible! I understand Tony Stark's technology, and this is not entirely his handiwork."

"Peter also helped adjust my suit."


Phantom opened her mouth and wanted to say the problem was with the suit's material and that Stark could not solve it.

However, before she could say anything, something unexpected happened.

A red figure suddenly fell from the sky and hit Green Whip squarely.

The Phantom was horrified, "It's carnage!"

carnage at this moment had completely changed.

His entire abdominal cavity was hollow, with only one spine left to support him. He was said to be humanoid, but in fact, he looked more like a monster.

But now it seemed he had returned to a battle suit, and the whole person had a complete, even, and strong figure.

This change naturally attracted phantoms's attention immediately, but she soon had no intention of paying attention to it.

Carnage fell from the sky, trampling Green Whip into the mud with one kick, disintegrating the spider silk.

Then, he plunged his right hand directly into the mud and pulled out a fainted office worker, throwing him aside.

Without its host, Green Whip instantly seemed to have lost its backbone and could not get back up.

The whole process was so smooth that it only took a split second.

When Green Whip came to his senses, he was only filled with horror.

Why did he forget about "Spider-Man"? Why did he even follow Carnage?

Superheroes were just annoying, but carnage was deadly!


He screamed like a pig, and the fluid in his body condensed into tentacle whips, which he whipped towards the massacre. At the same time, his body squirmed like crazy, trying to escape.

But it was of no use. Carnage stepped on him tightly and locked him in place. The whip had no effect at all and could not shake the opponent.

Seeing that the other party was about to attack him, Green Whip had no choice but to quickly ask for help from Gwen:

"Help me!"

Green Whip didn't need to say more. Gwen had already taken the lead and shot out the spider silk to stop the massacre.

Peter looked at the spider silk wrapped around his hand, pondered for a moment, then pulled hard, dragging Gwen over.

Gwen did not panic but reacted instantly in the air, turning over and launching a roundhouse kick to