
Ancestors: Starting with Gwen Spider-Man . Volume :2

Webnovel_Addicted · アニメ·コミックス
123 Chs


Chapter 137: After escorting Peter and Diana to the conference building, the duties of the young secretary were fulfilled. Steve No. 2 had been patiently awaiting their arrival.

"Diana, Black Superman!" He greeted Diana with enthusiasm, but in Peter's presence, his demeanor shifted to one of respect and apprehension.

It's worth noting that upon seeing Diana, Steve No. 2 froze in place, his eyes widening.

"What's the matter?" Diana asked, puzzled.

"Oh, it's nothing..." Steve No. 2 quickly averted his gaze, seemingly overwhelmed by Diana's beauty.

He knew Diana was attractive, but previously, in her Amazon warrior attire, the effect hadn't been so pronounced.

Now, dressed in more ordinary clothes, her feminine allure had increased exponentially.

For some reason, he glanced at Peter with a tinge of jealousy, feeling as though he had lost something precious.

Of course, he dismissed this thought as silly; there were more pressing matters at hand.

The young secretary chimed in with a hint of dissatisfaction, "Hey, Steve, what about me?"

Steve No. 2 snapped back to reality. "Oh, my apologies..."

He acknowledged the young secretary and ushered him away. Left with just the three of them, he took a deep breath and addressed them, "Next... we will proceed with an interview. Of course, it's merely to deepen our understanding, nothing more..."

He spoke with extreme tact and caution.

This shift in treatment made Diana uneasy. She sensed a palpable change in how they were perceived after the events of the previous night.

Never mind the others; even Steve seemed different.

Diana fell silent and followed Steve No. 2 into a conference room.

There's little to recount about the process. Having experienced the Earth-Shattering Star, everyone felt Peter's benevolence deeply. The atmosphere was unexpectedly warm and welcoming. Generals, knights, ministers—all displayed surprising consideration.

However, the focus remained on a few key issues—namely, the identities of Peter and Diana, at least from their perspective.

Diana had little to disclose. Her identity as the Amazon Princess had been revealed early on. As for Peter...

"I'm just a traveler passing through."

This answer elicited a subdued response. It was clear they were somewhat perplexed by his reply, but diplomatic courtesy forbade further probing. The massive bat statue looming outside the window shifted their focus to the next question.

"What is your objective?"

"Defeating Ares, ending the war, and saving those affected by it," Diana asserted without hesitation.

"Indeed, Ares was defeated by us yesterday; you've put an end to the war," one among them remarked.

This statement naturally caused a stir.

Though mentally prepared, seeing it firsthand lent a surreal quality to the situation.

Yet, everything from yesterday lingered, a constant reminder of this bizarre reality that they could only accept.

However, Diana's words instilled confidence in many present.

"Apologies, but we can't simply halt the war," several responded.

Diana was taken aback. Her unease grew palpable. "Why? Ares has clearly been defeated."

According to Amazonian records, past war gods had incited human conflicts for selfish reasons. Yet, each time Ares was vanquished, wars ceased abruptly.

There were scant logical explanations or internal records to corroborate this.

She believed her mission had been accomplished, but today's events suggested otherwise.

The senators present were largely unfamiliar with Diana and Peter, making them uneasy with her naïve assertions.

Steve No. 2 sighed, knowing it was his turn.

Generally a minor figure, he felt out of place among these dignitaries.

"Diana," he began, "despite Ares' demise, the war he instigated has persisted. We still need to defeat our adversaries and bring closure to what lies before us."

He chose his words carefully, hoping to assuage Diana.

Little did they know, higher authorities had been embroiled in this conflict for nearly four years, preparing for peace talks even if such negotiations promised only a fleeting respite.

Yet the appearance of Peter and Diana kindled ambition among some, a potential advantage to exploit...

Especially Morgan, once Ares' pawn, now a pivotal figure in the peace faction. His demise had cast a shadow over impending negotiations.

Unaware of these intricacies, Diana was stunned by what she witnessed.

While not oblivious, she quickly discerned the implications swirling among the assembled dignitaries, furrowing her brow.

"You want me to aid in your war effort?"


Diana spent the entire day embroiled in debates with various politicians.

Truth be told, she harbored no desire to entangle herself in human wars... Battling Ares was one thing, but meddling in human conflicts was quite another.

Yet if she refrained, the war would persist endlessly, claiming innocent lives every moment.

It left her conflicted.

By day's end, she felt more drained than after a day of battle, temples throbbing, head pounding.

What aggravated her further was...

Seizing an opportunity to slip away from the throng, she approached Peter leaning against a pillar.

"How could you do that!"

That blasted Black Superman had deflected every query her way during the proceedings, deflecting them back onto her.

Any inquiries directed at him were promptly rebuffed with the assurance that she would handle them.

At least dealing with those mortal men inside due to the war was easier than being out alone with Black Superman.

Peter glanced at her, his lips curling upward. "Because it's futile."

"How can it be futile?" Diana, still somewhat inexperienced, remained resolute. "We're saving millions of lives."

"Engaging them will only sap your strength, physically and mentally, Diana," Peter reasoned.

Her response was silence.

"Excuse me, you two."

A voice interrupted, drawing Diana's attention to a rather handsome man.

"My master wishes to meet with you both later," the man announced.

Seemingly a broker or aide.

"Who is your master?" Diana inquired, brow furrowed.

The aide smiled enigmatically, evading Diana's question. "You both possess extraordinary abilities. My master believes he can offer further assistance."

Diana sighed deeply, weariness evident in her eyes. "I understand."

She found herself disheartened by humanity for the first time, despite her intentions to end the war.

After the man departed, Diana turned to Peter. "What should I do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Should I... join the front lines?"

Had the enemy been Ares, Diana wouldn't have hesitated. But facing ordinary humans...

Peter didn't reply directly. Instead, he suggested, "Come for a walk with me."

Diana blinked, hesitating briefly before nodding. "Alright."

They strolled towards the outskirts of London, the setting sun casting a golden glow through the slightly humid air. Amid bustling crowds and exotic architecture, there was no trace of war.

It was all new to Diana, despite her earlier exploration.

She followed Peter, uncertain of their destination and its relevance to her dilemma.

Yet she found that as they walked, her perspective broadened, the air grew less stifling, her spirits lifted.

Well, escaping that vexing place was the right decision. Those people would only drain your energy, Diana.

She thought to herself, noting the increasing presence of people as they neared a dock. Her curiosity piqued.

Soon, she spotted an unusual stall by the roadside, its proprietor catching her eye.

"Would you care for some ice cream, madam?"

"Ice cream? What's ice cream?" Diana glanced at Peter.

Peter inwardly sighed at Diana's enduring fascination with ice cream. "Try some."

"Alright, sir, that will be 8 pence."

She rummaged through her belongings. "No need, I've got it."

Curiously examining the ice cream in her hand, she tentatively licked it.

The cool sweetness exploded on her tongue.

Diana's eyes widened, pupils dilating. Taking another bite, she closed her eyes, a contented smile spreading across her face.

"This... it's delicious."

Glancing at Peter, she wondered aloud, "Why is something so delicious..."

Her irritation from earlier evaporated instantly, replaced by sunshine and clear skies.

Perhaps humans were worth saving after all! Diana mused to herself.

Taking a few more licks, she relished in the delight.

Sensing Peter's gaze, she felt a pang of self-consciousness. After a moment's hesitation, she offered him the ice cream with a puzzled frown.

"..." Peter shook his head and continued walking.

Relieved, Diana finished the ice cream happily, already planning when she could return for more.

As she approached Peter, who had stopped ahead, she nearly collided with him, prompting her to ask, "What's wrong?"

"We've arrived."


Perplexed, Diana turned to see a colossal ship ahead, much larger than the warship that once pursued Steve. People were disembarking.

Initially uncertain of Peter's intentions, Diana soon realized these were soldiers returning from the front lines.

Injured, disabled, and weary, they shuffled off the ship like spectral figures.

She stood rooted to the spot, watching them pass by.

The stark reality of war unfolded before her eyes.

Trained since childhood as a warrior, Diana understood the brutal toll of war—its inevitable casualties.

Upon hearing that Ares' machinations had ensnared millions in conflict, she had acted without hesitation.

Yet witnessing these soldiers' plight firsthand, she grasped the true horror of war.

And these were just the fortunate ones.

Across the road, new recruits marched toward the ship, a grim reminder of what lay ahead.

Diana trembled, the joy from her ice cream faded into a distant memory.

"No, this war must end."


Leaving the hotel with a heavy heart, Diana arrived back at the hotel with an even heavier heart.

However, compared to her previous hesitation, her heart was now filled with determination once again.

Among the equipment brought from Paradise Island, there wasn't much left—the breastplate, belt, and mantra lasso remained, but the shield and God-killing Sword were destroyed in the battle with Ares.

Putting on her battle clothes, Diana wiped down the half-broken God-Killing Sword, having already resolved to rush to the battlefield.

She knew she must end the war as soon as possible; otherwise, thousands would continue to perish every moment.

But before that, she had one last thing to do.

Diana walked to Black Superman's room next door, knocked, and entered after receiving permission.

Black Superman seemed to have anticipated her return and had been waiting for her.

Looking at the man before her, she realized that despite their short acquaintance, they had shared much. She felt a pang in her heart.

"Thank you for your assistance these past two days, Black Superman," Diana thanked him formally.

"It's nothing. I promised your mother I'd take care of it."

Diana frowned slightly, momentarily seeing Black Superman as an elder figure. She took a deep breath and said, "I've decided—I'm heading to the front lines to end this war as soon as possible."

"And then?" Peter looked at her and asked.

Diana pursed her lips. "Though we may part ways soon, I'll never forget you. If you ever need me, you can always find me. I'll always be your friend."

With the decision made, it marked the onset of their separation.

She hadn't forgotten that Black Superman's goal was to return home to his universe.

With Ares defeated, Diana felt she shouldn't burden him any longer. She couldn't expect him to care for her indefinitely in this human world. There was a twinge of reluctance in her heart; after all, he was the only person she knew and trusted in this unfamiliar world.

"Forget it," she thought with a forced smile.

"Maybe after this battle, I can come help you," she suggested tentatively.

"That won't be necessary," Peter replied, leaving Diana stunned and intensifying the strain in her smile.

"Alright... So, shall we say goodbye then?" she asked, turning away with disappointment and preparing to leave the room.

Diana couldn't help but feel a touch of pretense.

As she reached the doorway, a voice called out from behind her.

"Who said I was leaving?"

Startled, she turned back, trying to comprehend.

"But... don't you want to return home? Find a way back to your universe?" she asked.

Peter nodded. "I'll come with you. This is my way home too."

If there's a way to accumulate points quickly in this world, it's undoubtedly by resolving battlefield conflicts.

His perception raced ahead, filled with yellow exclamation marks.

Finally mustering the patience to accompany Diana for the past two days, Peter wasn't about to abandon that opportunity now.

Are you kidding me? Cutting off financial opportunities is like killing the parents

Assuming all goes well, he'd soon accumulate the million Marvel Anchor Points required, with plenty left over.

Of course, some might argue that initiating a few more wars would make accumulating points easier.

In theory, that might be true. But by then, his anti-hero status would surely shift to full-blown villainy, only adding to the chaos.

Having said that, Diana's eyes briefly lit up.

"So, does this mean we'll still be together in the future?"