
Ancestors: Starting with Gwen Spider-Man . Volume :2

Webnovel_Addicted · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs


Chapter 135: Diana's Switch

Diana stared at the enormous bat symbol, her confusion evident. She turned to Peter, the initiator, and asked directly, "Why?"

"Isn't it intriguing?" Peter replied, his gaze fixed on the bat statue in the distance. "First, we register the trademark. In about 180 years, Batman will have the rights to interpret it. Moreover, once things settle here, we can head to Gotham and find Bruce's father or grandfather."

Batman's legacy had clearly influenced Peter's actions since his early days in New York. Now that he was here, it was inevitable for Peter to take a moment to check in.

Diana, unaware of these details, couldn't grasp the significance that Black Superman found in it. After a brief hesitation, she posed another question, her tone serious. "If Steve hadn't surrendered last night, would the meteorite truly have struck?"

Although the outcome had appeared favorable with Steve's surrender, providing temporary relief for both sides, Diana contemplated the potential outcome had he not yielded. The past day and night had been filled with shared experiences. Diana had initially believed she had a solid grasp of Black Superman's character, yet she suddenly realized how little she truly understood about the enigmatic man before her.

"I believe so, Diana," Peter affirmed.

While Diana was willing to follow him into precarious situations as a champion of justice, matters involving the lives of countless individuals demanded her utmost discernment. Peter's candid response resonated with her; he wouldn't deceive her merely to appease.

Diana felt momentarily at a loss. Although she had anticipated such a response, Peter's straightforward manner left her unsure how to proceed.

What could she say? They remained companions, and Black Superman had consistently aided her. With a brief hesitation, she pursed her lips and declared, "Then... I will definitely stop you if that happens."

Her statement carried weight, yet lacked absolute conviction.

Peter chuckled softly. "I hope your actions won't be just words, like last night."

His mind inadvertently drifted to Gwen, existing in another universe at that moment. The stubborn resolve displayed by both women appeared uncannily similar.

Diana felt a pang of vulnerability. Her words were sincere, yet she felt a twinge of unease. She resolved to act decisively next time, though she hoped such a scenario wouldn't repeat itself.

Moreover, she had discovered firsthand the formidable power of Black Superman during last night's crisis. Initially unperturbed when carried away from Paradise Island, the colossal meteorite had taught her a sobering lesson.

"My brother is Ares!" Diana muttered aloud, sensing a familiar divine presence.

Her confusion deepened. Could Black Superman also be a deity? If so, from which pantheon did he originate? Why had she never encountered any mention of him before?

Lost in thought, Diana suddenly noticed a wistful expression cross Black Superman's face, further piquing her curiosity.

Just then, the plump secretary's voice interrupted their contemplation.

"We have arrived."

Diana turned her attention forward, acknowledging the secretary's announcement. "This is London's premier fashion emporium."

Given her recent immersion into human society, Diana recognized the necessity of blending in, necessitating attire that aligned with contemporary trends.

Peter readily agreed to invest time in this endeavor. The trio entered the mall, where Diana, inherently drawn to novelty, scrutinized the array of garments with the wide-eyed wonder of a country girl thrust into the urban milieu.

"Are these the armors of your people?" she inquired, eyeing a piece of form-fitting attire.

"Armor? We call this fashion. It shapes the waist," the plump secretary explained, noting Diana's scrutiny.

"Why would one need to shape their waist?" Diana queried.

The secretary hesitated, momentarily taken aback by Diana's lean physique. She tactfully replied, "Only those without a belly would ask that question."

Thus began Diana's maiden voyage into the realm of fittings. She served as a canvas for various ensembles, ranging from flowing skirts to tailored suits, from conservative to daring designs, each accentuating Diana's Amazonian grace.

However, complications arose.

Years of Amazonian tradition had molded Diana into a formidable warrior, prompting her to question the practicality of these garments.

"I feel constricted in the chest," Diana remarked with a frown.

The secretary was momentarily at a loss for words, having firsthand experience with the challenges of accommodating a less ample physique. Silently selecting a larger size of undergarment for Diana, she turned to Peter and remarked, "Sir, you are quite blessed in looks."

Peter acknowledged the secretary's compliment, recognizing her misconception. Meanwhile, Diana, unsatisfied with her current attire, sought Peter's evaluation.

In the world of Wonder Woman, Diana's appearance was universally acclaimed. Regardless of the outfit, her Amazonian spirit lent an air of distinction.

Yet, Diana often found herself dissatisfied, exchanging one outfit for another with a furrowed brow.

Her embarrassment mounted. Casting a furtive glance at Peter, she sighed in relief upon discerning his patience.

Ordinarily, Diana adhered to simplicity when selecting attire in Amazonia. However, the unfamiliar styles abroad compelled her to broaden her perspective.

Peter's superlative intellect was already multitasking, partly focused on the commandeered military conference facility.

Within the office, accolades awaited Steve for his decisive judgment the previous night.

"Steve, in light of your timely and accurate decision-making, we have elected to promote you to the rank of major."

The boss beamed warmly, addressing Steve with newfound respect. "From now on, you shall be known as Major Trevor."

Steve No. 2, unfamiliar with such kindness, felt a sense of unease. Nonetheless, the unexpected appearance of a massive meteorite over London the previous night had inadvertently turned the tide in his favor.

While somewhat unsettling, Steve perceived this turn of events as a blessing in disguise.

Unbeknownst to him, Black Superman's influence had secured this unexpected turn in his fortunes, as evidenced by his boss's unusually genial demeanor.

Post-congratulations, the boss's countenance darkened with concern. "The situation has grown increasingly complex. Last night's events cannot be concealed."

He laced his fingers on the desk, fixing Steve No. 2 with an inquisitive gaze. "Major Trevor, your friends... are they here to assist us?"

His once haughty demeanor supplanted by deference tinged with a hint of avarice.

Recalling the meteorite's devastating impact on enemy forces, the boss's apprehension intensified. The mere thought of employing such a formidable weapon sent tremors through his core.

However, as a military man, he remained oblivious to Black Superman's broader implications and harbored no desire for such knowledge.

His sole objective: victory. With the world at his fingertips, global conquest loomed as a distinct possibility.

Steve No. 2, sensing trepidation, hesitated. Despite initially contemplating enlisting Black Superman's aid, recent events had instilled a newfound apprehension.

The boss's fervent gaze brimmed with zeal, casting a shadow of doubt over Steve No. 2's resolve.

"Um... I'll do my best," Steve No. 2 finally conceded.

Satisfied, the boss redirected his focus, nodding in approval. "Time is of the essence. I cannot stave off inquiries indefinitely."

Withdrawn from their discussion, Peter scrutinized Diana's successive changes in attire.

"Well?" Diana inquired.

"It's fine," Peter replied casually.

"Really? It seems you say that about everything," Diana remarked, her current ensemble sporting a military-esque windbreaker, paired with fitted trousers and a shirt, complemented by a ubiquitous British hat.

"After trying on 226 outfits, you're bound to look good in anything," the secretary interjected with earnest admiration.

Diana found this ensemble satisfactory. Crucially, it allowed freedom of movement, ideal for combat scenarios.

A peerless warrior of Amazonia, Diana devoted her time either to battle or preparation.

Gratified by Peter's sincere appraisal, she inquired further, extending her arms. "What do you think?"

"It's decent," Peter replied evenly, prompting a flicker of disappointment in Diana, who perceived his response as perfunctory.

"Fine, I'll take this one," she acquiesced, eliciting a quick response from the secretary. "I'll have the attendant prepare it..."

"And also the 13th, 56th, 101st, and 153rd sets," Peter interjected suddenly.

Caught off guard, the secretary froze, while Diana eyed him in surprise.

"I think these also look good," Peter explained casually, relying on his eidetic memory to recall each ensemble.

However, Diana harbored doubts. Blinking in realization, she reassessed Black Superman's conduct, recognizing his meticulous effort in assisting her throughout the selection process.

Embarrassment tinged with gratitude washed over her, overshadowing Peter's brief assessment. She attributed his brevity to her own aloof demeanor.

Indeed, that's it!

His mannerisms betrayed this trait.

This newfound trust elevated Peter's standing in Diana's eyes. Without further deliberation, she nodded in agreement. "Very well, I'll trust your judgment."

Flustered, the secretary struggled to recall the specified sets. Peter expedited the selection process before procuring an outfit for himself and disappearing into the fitting room.

Entrusting Peter's discernment, Diana remained indifferent to the garments, fixated instead on the fitting room he occupied.

She mused over her earlier observation: amidst numerous attire changes, she had yet to witness Black Superman undertake the same.

Within minutes, Peter emerged from the fitting room.

Contrary to the suit he'd worn with Gwen, his current attire exuded an air of English refinement, complete with a gentleman's hat.

In under two minutes, Peter emerged. His current attire, unlike the suit he had worn with Gwen, exuded an English gentleman's flair, complete with a distinguished British hat perched atop his head.

The secretary collected Diana's garments for packing, yet only Diana's eyes sparkled with interest. With a keen female aesthetic, she couldn't help but appreciate Peter's charm in that moment. While not typically so perceptive, having tried on numerous outfits heightened her excitement. Eager to reciprocate Peter's earlier attention, she swiftly selected two outfits she deemed appealing and offered them to Peter.


Peter glanced at her with mild perplexity as Diana suggested, "You could try these two as well!"

Her adaptability was evident; spurred on by Peter's influence, she experienced a sudden change... in fashion sense.

However, faced with Diana's attentiveness, Peter calmly declined, "No, let's move on."

It felt like a splash of cold water for Diana, leaving her feeling somewhat deflated.

Her hands hovered awkwardly as she asked, "Why not?"

Peter regarded her with a puzzled expression. "This is sufficient."

Diana withdrew her hand shyly. "Okay..."

Shortly after, the secretary returned, eyes lighting up at Peter's attire. "Sir, you both look incredibly stylish and dashing!"

Despite her effusive praise, it seemed to fall flat, with Peter unperturbed while Diana appeared taken aback, the atmosphere briefly awkward.

"Um..." The secretary hesitated, unsure how to proceed, puzzled by the discord between the two.

"Shall we go? I believe your commander is eagerly awaiting us," Peter interjected, breaking the tension.

The secretary nodded quickly. "Of course, let's head there immediately!"