
Ancestor System : Creating a Family From Scratch

[100%] .... .... .... [Congratulations, Host. You successfully completed hidden requirements] .... .... [System bound successfully] .... [Ancestor System Started] .... ... .. . So, I had a system all this time, huh? This is my first novel, or first try writing a novel I should say. I'm not native in English so there'll be mistakes.

NightTheFox · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Sound of Pleasure


Hearing her call me husband boiled my blood, I didn't even answer her and dragged her to my room.

The monster inside me got unleashed. I threw her on the bed and pounced on her. I started kissing her madly, my hands were all around her body, caressing every part of her. She was gasping and moaning under me, calling my name from time to time. After playing with her for more than 3 hours, you could see a her legs trembled and looked shiny, from liquids she produced. I stopped after seeing her like this, I wanted to engrave this picture inside my head.

She looked at me in the eyes, her eyes were begging me for more, wanting me to take the last step and make her mine. Who could say no to that, I started kissing her once again, positioned her under me, and got inside her slowly. It most likely hurt a little, but it appeared to be insignificant for her.

I started going back and forth inside her slowly, she started feeling good from the looks of it. She couldn't even open her eyes and was moaning loudly under me.

"Ohhh heavens!!! F-fFaster! I want you!!"

Her sexy moaning turned me on even more, and she could feel it too since her moans were more intense compared to before. I started pounding her faster and faster, she was scratching my back to hold onto something unconsciously. I was having so much fun tonight that I decided to enjoy it fully today.

"H-Hsuband s-ahn-somethings happening!! Ahnnn!NN!!N" She came while she was talking to me, I'm guessing it was a first for her, and she kept shaking for a couple of minutes after. She settled down a little and looked me in the eyes.

"Husband, that was awesome I never knew it was so magical. I'm exhausted from pleasure, though."

I just smiled at her. "Baby, I still didn't cum you know? I'm going to start working really hard now. You'll really feel the bliss from now on." I kissed her lips.

She looked shocked, and I think she was a bit afraid. But I noticed she was unconsciously tightening her hips. Once again, I got inside her. I was controlling my pace to her moans, trying to feel her to the best and managed to find what made her feel the most during the process. I was in control now, and I was pretty sure she felt much better than before.

After she came 3 more times, I finally managed to relieve myself too. She really looked exhausted now, unlike Chen Jia, she didn't have a high stamina. Hours have passed, so it is normal for her to be exhausted.

*2 Months Later*

"Husband, I'm pregnant! I'm so happy!!!" Xiao Xiao hugged me and told me the good news. During these months, Jia told me that she wanted to take a break from having kids, so I didn't come inside her while having sex. Xiao Xiao's stamina increased over time, most of the time, I could cum inside her twice before she is exhausted.

During these months, we opened our own medicine store to sell the pills we made. We had to earn money, our family was getting bigger. Everyone in town has heard our name by now. I and Jia didn't promote ourselves using our status and cultivation before, but after I married Xiao Xiao, her relatives boasted using our names, so now, everyone knows us.

I decided to check my stats, I haven't checked it for a while now.

"System, please show me my stats."


[Name: Yin Meng]

[Spirit Roots: 8th Tier Spirit Roots]

[Cultivation: 4th Stage Qi Condensation]

[EXP: 20/1000]

[Occupation: Spirit Farmer, Alchemist –9th Grade]

[Physique: None]

[ Cultivation Method : Drunken Breathing Method (Lv. 2) ]

[ Skills : Mediation (Lv. 3), Farming (Lv. 8), Spirit Farming (Lv. 5), Iron Boar Fist Arts (Lv. 4), Drunk Immortal Arts (Lv. 1) – Drunken Steps (Lv. 2) , Intoxicating Breath (Lv. 0), Charming Halo (EX), Divine Eyes (Lv. 1)]

[ Ancestor Points : 8235 ]

Charming Halo and Divine Eyes were now under the skills tab. I managed to earn a little bit of Ancestor Points during these couple of years, system gifted me some for missions, and every time I had sex, it'd give me ancestor points for me to buy Yin and Yang pills. I decided to check the store too, since I only told system to buy pills and had never checked other items in the store for some time.

"System, open the store for me."

[ Store Lv. 1]

[ Rejuvenating Potion: 100 AP ]

[ Body Tempering Pill: 100 AP ]

[ Soul Forging Pill : 100 AP

[ Low Grade Yang Pill: 50 AP ]

[Low Grade Ying Pill: 50 AP ]

[ Yin-Yang God Art : 200.000 AP] [ Dual Cultivation Art created by Yin-Yang Immortals. They created this Dual Cultivation Art and used it to reach godhood. It requires a special physique to learn, but after learning, a minor version of this art could be taught to cultivation partners.]

[Goddesses' Tears: 50.000 AP] [Heals injuries inflicted on spirit roots, it could be used by anyone below the Golden Core Realm. ]

[Moonlight Essence: 400.000 AP] [Moonlight Essence is a naturally formed substance, it isn't useful to most people, but crippled cultivators are able to use this essence to gain back their cultivation once again, not wasting their years cultivating from scratch.]

[Art of Pleasure: 5.000 AP] [Created by one of the Seven Sins, Lust. It studies the best methods to give your partner the highest pleasure they could ever feel. It has positive effects on their cultivation and increases the chance of pregnancy if used on women.]

[Lesser Life Control: 1.000 AP] [This is created for the host by the system. It gives extremely minimal control of life laws to the host, at this stage, its only purpose is to prevent the host's sperm from being active. Host can choose not to impregnate his partners using this power.]

[Innate Spiritual Fire: 1.000.000 AP] [It is one of the rarest species that the universe has given birth to. This species requires millions of years to form under special conditions. After forming, they need at least 2 million years to gain sentience. Spiritual Fire is one of the subspecies of Spirit Race, but unlike the Spirit Race, they have to create parasitic bonds to improve themselves. Even gods and immortals would wage war against each other to bond with this fire. It's extremely beneficial to the body, and it's the best fire you could use for alchemy.]

[Store will update itself according to the host's needs.]

"System, I'll buy 'Art of Pleasure' and 'Lesser Life Control'. Please show me Family tab after buying these two."

After buying these two items from the shop, Art of Pleasure's information appeared in my mind, it was extremely lewd and it made my blood boil. I wanted to find someone and try it on them. As for Lesser Life Control, it felt like my body and soul were washed by an extremely gentle force that engraved something deep inside me during the process. I could clearly feel life energy inside myself, and I could extract energy from my sperms to kill them after I came inside someone.

Sorry for the absence of chapters. I had several interviews so I couldn't concentrate on anything else. I think I failed them so I'm a little moody right now

NightTheFoxcreators' thoughts