
Ancestor System : Creating a Family From Scratch

[100%] .... .... .... [Congratulations, Host. You successfully completed hidden requirements] .... .... [System bound successfully] .... [Ancestor System Started] .... ... .. . So, I had a system all this time, huh? This is my first novel, or first try writing a novel I should say. I'm not native in English so there'll be mistakes.

NightTheFox · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Hitting Rock Bottom

After breaking my mental limits, I could feel that my lust was becoming stronger day by day. Lately, master was busy taking care of sect works and preparing to start her closed door cultivation, so she couldn't guide us as frequently as before. This, and the fact that there were two Alchemists in the family, meant that I had a lot of free time. My lust and free time meant that my wives suffered a lot at my hands, even servants noticed their exhaustion, and some of them even ordered herbs for them to recuperate.

"AHHHN!! Meng!! Slow down, slow down!!" Chen Jia was screaming loudly. If someone barged into the room, they could see two women on my bed, one of them moaning, the other exhausted with unknown fluids dripping down between her legs. They were happy to receive my love, but they were getting tired of the constant numbness between their legs. The Art of Pleasure didn't help them, as it meant they'd orgasm at least twice as often.

They could take me on for only a month before they refused me for the first time.

"Husband, stop." Chen Jia looked at me.

"Husband, we know you love us and your lust overflows lately, but you'll break us if we continue at this pace. Sister Jia and I talked about this, and we think you should start focusing on your cultivation more. You're still at Qi Condensation, and sister Jia doesn't want to be a single mother to her kids any time soon." Xiao Xiao looked at me, smiling bitterly.

I'm not going to lie, I felt betrayed. Chen Jia was the one who told me to get Xiao Xiao so they could contain my lust longer. Xiao Xiao loved me dearly and wanted nothing more than to be together with me, but now they were pushing me away.

"You two, are pushing me away?" My face gave my thoughts away. I just turned around and left.

They yelled at me to come back, but I couldn't listen to them anymore at the moment. They saw the fury on my face and didn't follow me.

I started strolling around the town, checking out shops and restaurants, and drinking wine here and there. It was late in the night when I returned home, they were waiting for me in the hall of the mansion, I glanced at them briefly and went back to my room. Wine helped me as I drifted into dreams.

I woke up early in the morning, thinking about what happened yesterday, and I felt nauseous. I just went out without having breakfast or seeing the girls. Before I was reborn, I came across many rejections, but after I married Chen Jia and Xiao Xiao my self esteem came back stronger than ever. Being rejected by them made me doubt myself once again.

[System calculates extreme anger and sadness for the last 24 hours and, taking the reasons into account, system has given a quest. Host, please check your quest as soon as possible.]

"A quest, huh?" I wasn't excited, I was feeling numb.

"Show me the quest."

[Emergency Quest]

[Description: After a mental breakdown, the host started losing trust in his wives. System concluded that reason of it is hosts lust. The system proposes two options for the host to choose from; otherwise, the system will shut down and the host will become comatose.]

[Path 1 – Path of The Master]

[Description: Leave behind all your emotions, gain immeasurable power, and enslave your wives. This path gives you the ability "Love Crest Soul Art". Using this ability on a woman allows you to control their emotions, thoughts, and even their souls, they'll willingly die for you if you wish for them to do so. You'll lose your own emotions if you choose this method, there are treasures that bring your emotions back, but hosts chances of finding them are extremely low.]

[Path 2 – Path of The Emperor]

[Description: Enlarge your harem without limits, like the Emperor of Lust you are, and unleash the beast inside you. This path requires you to take in multiple beautiful women into your harem, let them become your concubines. System will reward you generously for every woman you take in as a concubine. For your wives, the system has decided that you have to be in love with them, but concubines don't have this requirement.]

Both of them are good paths. They both require me to get a bunch of women to serve me since my lust got unleashed. "Love Crest" is such a good ability that I could enslave enemies in the future, and they'd worship me even if they didn't want to.

Without knowing how, I was outside of the sect. Outer disciples saw me and asked me what I was doing here. It's been a couple of years, these kids were new here, so they didn't know me.

"I'm here to see my master, please relay the message for me."

They nodded, one of them went inside and came back after a couple of minutes.

I lazily went up to the master's residence. When I approached the door, it opened by itself.

I went in and kneeled down in front of master.

"What are you doing?"

I looked up, and when she saw me, her lips trembled a little. I don't really know if she could see sadness or anger in my eyes.

"Master, I don't know what to do." In her presence, I broke down. Fuck, I couldn't believe myself, I was crying after many years, and it was in front of my master. She'd see me in a different light now. Maybe I should just go back—yeah, that's what I should do.

I got up and headed towards the door. "Sorry master, I'll come back later."

Before I managed to reach the door, she hugged me from behind. Her whole body was shaking.

"What happened to you! Did someone hurt you, your kids, or your wives?!" She was roaring now, entire peak trembled under her killing intent.

"I'll kill them all! Just tell me!!!" She turned me around and was now looking at me.

"No, nothing happened to them, it's just… I don't know... Master, I don't know what to do." I started explaining everything to her, she knew my past, what I've been through since childhood, and my low self esteem, she was the only one who saw my improvement after I went down the mountain.

"Kid, don't go back today, I'll accompany you to sleep, we used to do that back in the day, remember?" She was blushing a little, but she managed to hide it well.

"Master, how could I do that. I was just a child then." Haha, only I know I wasn't a child then, but really, she helped me sleep many times, after losing my parents, home, and everything, I couldn't sleep well. She helped me overcome everything during that time.

"Just come, it's not a problem for me, why are you shying away." She brought me with her. We talked for a while, then we went to her bed, I had spare clothes in my storage pouch, so clothing wasn't a problem. We changed and laid down on the bed. She brought me closer to her chest and started caressing my head, I don't know why, but I could feel calm when I was with her. Maybe it was love, maybe it was just affection, anyway, I didn't have the guts to tell her anything now.

"Everything will be fine, Meng'er. Even if the heavens fall down, you have my backing, even if you fall down, I'll pick you up and push you further. If you feel like this ever again, just come to me, I'll hug you to sleep even if we're thousands of years old." She hugged me tightly, whispered into my ears, I could feel my consciousness fading little by little.

"Master.. Thank… You….. I.. I… Love." I couldn't say everything before falling asleep; I don't know if she heard it or not. It was the best sleep I've ever had, I dreamt of a bunch of things, most of which included her. When I woke up, I was still in her arms, she was sleeping as well, her hand was on top of my head, her eyes were a little moist. She was looking like a goddess. I watched her for more than an hour, she slowly opened her eyes, a little confused, then saw me. She smiled beautifully.

"Good morning, Meng'er. You look better today."

"Thank you, master, if it wasn't for you…." I looked down.

"Okay, okay, get up. I'll order someone to bring us breakfast." She messaged a disciple, and a couple of minutes later, our food came on a flying artifact. We started eating, and I was still thinking about the mission and what I should do about it. How to choose.

"Master, would you take loyal pets or trusted subordinates, accompanied by a bunch of regular soldiers, but if you choose one you won't have the other." I couldn't ask her whether I should enslave everyone or just take in concubines.

"Why do you ask? Although pets sound good, they're still pets after all. Having someone you trust beside you is much better. You don't know how important they are yet." She mumbled her last words.

"Thank you, master! I know what to do now!" I got up, hugged her, and pecked her on the cheek. Without waiting for her response, I ran away.

"YIN MENG!!!!" Her scream could be heard from the gates of the sect.

I'm pretty sure you can tell how depressed I am right now haha. I decided to vent my feelings into this novel, I may share rest of the chapters as I write them. Enjoy our depressed mc and miserable Jia and Xiao.

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