

What if iruka and the sandaime weren’t the only ones to witness Naruto defeat mizuki. What if someone wanted Naruto even more than kakashi. What happens when a butterfly flaps it’s wings and introduces Naruto to the darkness of the world instead of the light.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · アニメ·コミックス
41 Chs


(AN: first taste of real combat soon how will Naruto fair.)


"Owl, lion." Kakahi spoke out loud getting the two bickering anbu's attention.

"Yes catain?" They asked in unison

"We have a problem two root will be coming." Kakashi stated

"What's the plan?" Owl asked

"Fox will deal with them. Owl you'll stay hidden when they come close we'll act as if your with fox out on recon. Lion you'll be with me just in case they attack. Once we know if their target fox will set the trap." Kakashi responded

"Shouldn't we help him?" Lion asked

"No, this is personal for him. I'll watch from afar but won't interfere with hole you two guard the genin." Kakashi started then asked "when will fox be here and when will they be here?"

As he finished another fox clone slipped down the tree. "Boss will be here in a few minutes. He's setting up plans and getting seals ready. The two root will be here by morning. Also I suggest using clones as bait instead of the genin."

"Yea but Danzo only sent two root against three elite jonin, a jinchuuriki, two jonin level nin, a chunin level nin, and a genin. So they must be real good, Danzo may be arrogant but he is not stupid." Kakashi responded.

"Your right but I have my ways you'd be surprised with some of the seals my clan made." The clone spoke with amusement and pride while chuckling.

"Somehow that only makes me feel worse." Owl stated as lion nodded in agreement.

Snorting fox replied "don't worry captain they won't even know what's happening till I let them."

"Till you let them?" Kakashi questioned

"Yes I need real life combat experience. Even sparing with dragon-sama I know in the back of my head that they won't kill me. The only way I will improve right now is with real fights where I can let loose, and use my full capabilities." The clone argued

"What do you mean full capabilities, you mean you don't go all out when fighting the whole team?" Lion asked

"Of course not plus the original hasn't taken off the gravity, weight, and restriction seals in weeks." The clone responded before slapping a hand over his mask where his mouth would be.

"Wait you mean when I told you to take off your weights when fighting…" lion trailed off as he came to a realization "but you aren't used to the speed."

"That's what the original is doing. He's using his other eye to gauge his speed and techniques." The clone responded sheepishly.

"Oooooo I'm telling dragon." Owl commented

"Don't you dare or I'll tell rumi you said she was old." The clone replied frantically

Widening his eyes behind the mask owl replied fearfully "you wouldn't." But seeing the smugness within foxes one visible eye he swallowed and nodded.

"He won't have to tell dragon because I will." Lion stated harshly

"But.." the clone tried

"No ands, ifs, or buts, fox if you told us we could of helped with your training more and got your reflexes more precise than the halfassed practice your original is doing now." Lion spoke while cutting him off.

Wincing behind the mask the clone nodded "yes captain I'll be better in the future." He spoke lowly

Putting his hand on the clones shoulder lion spoke. "We worry about you fox, your part of our team…our family. We want you to be as strong and safe as possible."

As he finished fox looked up at lion and nodded squeezing lion hand fox replied "thanks."

"Your welcome but that isn't getting you outa the shit storm dragon will be sending you through." Lion replied with a tinge of amusement

"Shit." The clone cursed before popping itself as another fox masked anbu appeared.

"Alright I'm here an….." the original fox started than receiving the clone's memories continued "shit"

Chuckling Kakashi just ordered "use clones to get your traps and other stuff ready. I'll do a quick spare with you to help gauge your new speed."

"Yes captain." Fox replied as he and kakashi took off in a different direction while a new batch of clones got to work. In one of the clones hands was a large pot filled with ink.

Watching as the clones looked around with eyes full of happiness, and hearing the one clone holding the ink pot give a low menacing chuckle owl commented "I'm scared for the root agents."

Seeing and hearing the same things lion added "yup, good thing captain saved me from Danzo before or I might be on the receiving end of this." As he finished he waved his hand motioning to the clones who were drawing seals almost everywhere and chuckling in a mad joy. "Now I'm glad he hasn't gone all out during training…" lion started while hesitating "because this is just absurd."

Looking around with his byakugan owl asked "if this is the power of just one uzumaki who isn't even a seals masters, than how the hell did uzushiogakure fall?"

"I don't know they may of been betrayed or something but even then…" lion added

"I've read the reports the uzumaki who fell or were somehow captured set off explosive seals to prevent the horrors that awaited them or to destroy their bodies to prevent anyone doing research on them. All the rescue team found were tens of thousands of dead enemy nin and the ashes of uzumaki's. But there were large gashes in the ground and craters as if meteorites hit the island." Owl replied

"Ya also the amount of chakra absorbing metal." Lion replied

"I wonder if fox can find out anything if he goes." Owl thought out loud

"Hmm maybe run it by the third when we get back." Lion suggested

"Yeah." Owl responded as they watched the clones do their work

*the next day*

"Wake up." Kakashi ordered out loud. Getting groans from his students. After a few minutes and handing out rations he continued. "We're heading out now. Fox your good to continue with preparations."

As he finished the group of genins heard "yes captain." From above. Looking up they saw fox summon enough clones to replace them all as they all henged into doppelgängers.

"Kakashi-sensei what's happening?" Asked Sakura

"We're being followed so fox is going to deal with the enemy." Kakashi replied

"But why can't we fight we're strong." Sasuke asked

Looking up kakashi saw fox shrug. "Because this is personal for fox."

"But you told us a shinobi shouldn't let emotions interfere." Sasuke rebuffed stubbornly.

Sighing and throwing his hands up as if giving up kakashi looked at fox and spoke "ah see I guess it's my plan we're going with, we both know how they get when their stubborn." As he spoke you could see amusement and smugness in kakashi's eye.

Gaining an eye twitch fox rubbed his head in annoyance. Letting out a long sigh fox spoke "fine we'll use them as bait but it's still my fight."

"Deal, this will be good you can show my team that even though their strong they arn't the strongest in their age group." Kakashi responded

"Ya, ya." Fox responded as he disappeared in a burst of speed.

"Sensei what did he mean when saying use us as bait." Haku asked with a way to happy smile

Snorting ow commented "walked right into that one." Before disappearing as well.

"It's your team." Lion added as he walked away to the other side of the camp.

Standing in front of the scary woman and angry team seven kakashi chuckled nervously as he spoke "ah…well…you see the people after us are after one of you." He spoke while pointing at haku and sasuke.

"Why, are they kiri nin?" Asked haku

"Or from my brother?" Asked sasuke as he stood closer to haku.

"Oh no neither, they're from a different origin. Something neither of you are permitted to know about." Kakashi stated

"But they're coming for us we have a right to know who is." Sasuke growled out while standing protectively next to haku. Making her blush a little.

"Umm well….lion help." Kakashi replied

Groaning lion spoke from the other side of the camp. "They're from a rouge element from within the village called root."

"A rouge element?" Questioned sasuke

"Like the rebels in kiri?" Haku asked

"Yes and no, they are like the rebels but bad they kill, kidnap, and brainwash who ever their leader wants and are nothing more than emotionless weapons. Well at least the broken ones are their are some members that broke their programming." As lion finished he shared eye contact with sai making him flinch and gain a complicated look in his eye.

"I see." Sasuke replied as he looked down in thought. "Was fox one of these root agents that broke from their programming?" He asked

"No boss wasn't a root but root was responsible for taking away his precious people." A clone responded as it transformed into a rock while other clones turned into bushed, rocks, branches, and small animals.

"Took away his precious people." Sai mumbled to himself remembering how Danzo forced him to kill his brother.

Haku looked at the rock that was a clone with a sad look in her eyes remembering when her father figure zabuza died.

"I'm sorry for asking." Sasuke apologized not getting a response.

'Sasuke apologizing…wow I guess even the teme can change.' Fox thought as he overheard the conversations from within the trees.

"The uchiha sure has changed huh." Owl commented

"Ya but so have I." Fox responded while tapping his mask.

Snorting owl joked "ya no shit never would of thought I'd see you as the quiet one."

"Shut it asshole." Fox grumbled as owl chuckled. Than getting serious fox perked up. "Ten minutes till they get here." As everyone heard him they quieted down and kakashi explained everyone's roles.